
Form Names

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Almost every Screen Page within the Micro Key Millennium Series (MKMS) - whether used for data entry, look-up, or printing a report - also has an associated Form Name.

The associated Form Name may, or may not, be displayed as the Form's Title, when the Form is viewed within the MKMS program.

Why is this important?  

Form Names are used to assign Security & Access Management Rights to Employees by using the Employee Groups and/or the User Access Rights Forms,



User Access Rights Form with Available Forms, Assigned Forms, and Field List sections



Employee Groups Form with the Form Selection tab containing the Available Forms & Assigned Forms sections, and the Field Access tabs


Form Names, along with the permitted Forms Based Access Rights, are used to identify the specific assignment of Access Rights (Create, Read, Update, Delete, and/or Audit) to Screen Pages.

Based on selected Form Names and the permitted Forms Based Access Rights, the Employee Groups Form allows you to define specialized sets of Form Names and associated Access Rights which may then be assigned to specific Employees (by assigning the Employee to the appropriate Employee Group on the Security tab of the Employees Form).

So, knowing the actual Form Name, and for what, and where the associated Form is used, allows the System Administrator to accurately permit or deny specific types of Forms Based Access Rights to each of these Forms.

Important Note:  Several of the Form Names listed below have "No longer used" in the Reference Link, Purpose and/or Function column.

oIn many cases you will not have these Form Names listed in either the User Access Rights or Employee Groups Maintenance Forms.  

oHowever, in other cases you may find that one or more of these "No longer used" Form Names are included in those Forms.  

oIt does no harm to provide, or exclude, Access Rights to these Form Names if any are included in your installation.



Employee Groups Form - Available Forms sections


All of the Form Names the system's Context ID #, the Module(s) in which they are found, and a Reference Link plus their Purposes or Function are identified in this chart.

These Form Names are also listed in the User Access Rights and Employee Groups Forms.


Form Name

Context ID #


Reference Link, Purpose and/or Function



Micro Key Millennium Series applications and utility programs

The About box is accessed from the Main Menu of all applications by Choosing Help and then Selecting About and provides Version Numbers and other application related information (see Introduction for a sample).

Account Approval Types


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System


This is the Account Approval Types Maintenance Form used to define those Action Steps that will/may be required when a Proposal is reviewed in the New Account Approval Form.

Account Register


General Ledger System

This is the Account Register dialog which allows a User to filter and select a range of General Ledger System Financial Transactions posted to one specified General Ledger Account Number, and - based on a specified Date Range, various User definable Filters, and/or Search By criteria - look up the original document (e.g., Invoice, Receipt, Bill, Payment, Refund) that created the Transaction and then print (or export) a report of those specifically selected General Ledger AccountTransactions.

Account Register By Division


General Ledger System

This is the Account Register By Division Form also provides a selectable List of every Debit and Credit Financial Transaction that was posted to one User Specified General Ledger Account Number - based on a selected Date Range, various User definable Filters for Source , Document Type, Department and/or Division criteria and is also accessible through the Trial Balance Report by Clicking on a specific General Ledger Account Number.

Account Templates


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Account Templates Form used in the Mass Account Creation process.

Account Testing


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Account Testing Form used to define a Subscriber's Recurring System Test Signals requirement.

Account Testing Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Account Testing Lookup dialog accessed from the Panel Connections Menu on the Sub Info (F2) Form in MKMSCS

Account Type


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Account Type (maintenance) Form used to classify the Types of Subscriber Accounts each premises represents (e.g., Commercial, Residential, Industrial) and is primarily used by Operators within the Central Station Monitoring module.

Accounting Audit Report


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Accounting Audit Report dialog which provides a selectable list of any (or All) changes made to Sales Invoices, Receipt Allocations, Vendor Bills and Payment Allocations, after the initial posting process was completed.

Accounting Information


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Accounting Receivable Info Section on the Subscribers Form which may be opened as an unattached, separate Form, if needed.  This is useful when the User needs to simultaneously view more than one of the tabs on the Subscribers Form.

Accounts Payable Summary


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Accounts Payable Summary Report


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Accounts Receivable Funding


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Accounts Receivable Report Summary Dialog


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Accounts Still Opened or Closed


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Accounts Still Opened or Closed report dialog that lists those Accounts that are still opened, or still closed, beyond their predefined supervised Events time "window"?

Acquisition Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Acquisitions Form which is an optional feature provided for those companies that want to record detailed information relating to Accounts that were acquired through a buy-out or direct purchase agreement.

Action Plans


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Action Plans Maintenance Form which is used to define custom - step-by-step - Alarm Processing procedures replacing the standard Operator Guided Responses.

Active Alarm Groups Widget


Micro Key Millennium Series

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Active Alarm Groups Widget Form which provides a list of each Alarm Processing Group (Alarm Group) and the number (Count) of Operators (Users) currently available to process Alarm Signals for each of those Groups.

Active Operator Skills Widget


Micro Key Millennium Series

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Active Operator by Skills Group Widget Form which displays a list of all of the Operator Skills sets which have been previously defined (see Operator Skills in the Central Station Monitoring section), and shows the Number (Count) and Names (Users) of Operator(s) who are currently Processing Alarm Signals and who have been assigned to those Operator Skills sets within the Operator Skills tab of the Employee Form.

Active/Passive Accounts


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Active Accounts report dialog (the report is required from those companies that are providing UL® Grade Monitoring Services) which lists the Total of all Active Account, and/or the detailed listing of those Accounts.

Add Document


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the actual Add Documents dialog opened from within the Documents Form which allows certain types of electronic documents (and or the location of those documents) to be selected and linked to a Subscriber, Prospect, Job Costing and/or Vendor record.

Add Employee Rates


Service Tracking System

Job Costing System

No longer used.

Add Installed Equipment


Accounts Receivable System

Converting a Proposal

Installed Equipment

This is the special Installed Equipment dialog that will be displayed. when Converting a Proposal to an Invoice and the Add Inventory To Installed Equipment? box is Checked,

Add New Account


Central Station Monitoring

This the Add New Account dialog accessed from within the Panel Tests dialog used to place an Account on Test.

Add/Delete Users


Security & Access Management

This is the Add/Delete Users Form which is used to identify which Form Names each User may access and the Access Rights they will have when they do. This Add/Delete Users Form may only be accessed by the User known as Admin.

Add/Edit Dealer Recurring


Central Station Monitoring

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Add/Edit Recurring dialog accessible from the Accounts-RMR tab on the Dealers Form where individual CSID Account's for that Dealer may have their Recurring Revenue rules defined

Additional Restoral Information


Central Station Monitoring

Any number of Additional CSID Restoral Zone Information records may defined in the Restoral Information section of both the CSID Zones and the CSID Zone Overrides Forms.

ADI Parts Import


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the ADI Parts List Import Form which allows those companies, using ADEMCO® as a major Parts and Inventory supplier, to selectively import that Inventory List directly into their Sale-Purchase Items Form.

Alarm Activity


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Activity Report dialog which provides many options to selectively Choose the Alarm Signal Activity that will be listed.

Alarm Conditions Codes

Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Conditions Codes Form that is used to define the reasons or purposes for which Alarm Signals are transmitted from a Subscribers Control Panel to the Central Station's Receiver(s).

Alarm Group Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Group Maintenance Form that is used to transfer selected monitored Subscribers from, and/or to, one of the Alarm Processing Groups.

Alarm Groups


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Processing Groups Form which is used to define each of those that are assigned within the Alarm Group Maintenance Form.

Alarm History


Central Station Monitoring

User Access Rights to this Alarm History Form Name is required to view the results of an Alarm History Summary report (see below).

These User Access Rights may be made available in the User Access Rights Form, or may be inherited by being a member of an Employee Group that has the rights to this Form - that Employee Group assignment having been made within the Security tab of the Employees Form.

Alarm History Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm History Lookup dialog which allows a User to locate (based on several search method options), view, and Manually Add Detail to the Alarm History Detail, as required.

Alarm History Summary


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm History Summary report menu option which provides access to the many options to selectively choose the Alarm Activity data that will be listed.  The User must also have User Access Rights to the Alarm History Form to view the results of an Alarm History Summary report.

Alarm History Summary by Dealer


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm History Summary by Dealer report dialog which is intended for those companies that provide Central Station Monitoring Services for other Alarm Dealers.

Alarm Signal Detail


Central Station Monitoring

For users of the special MKMSCS application that simply provides reports of Alarm Activity without providing the means to respond to Active Signals, this is the Alarm Signal Detail Form that provides a similar functionality to that of the Alarm History Lookup dialog.

Alarm Stack List Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Skills Form that allows you to define the various types of Operator Skills which can then be assigned to Employees, who are Operators, on the Operator Skills List tab.

Alarm Stack List Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Skills List Report dialog that provides a list of  each of the monitoring related Operator Skills which have been recorded in the Employee Form's Operator Skills List tab for all of the Company's Operators.

Alarm Tickets


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Ticket report dialog which is used to produce a detailed report of exactly what was done while an Operator processed an Alarm Signal.

Alarm Validation Score


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Alarm Validation Score Form where the predefined Alarm Signal and Event Scores for the Threat Level and associated Priority Level of the types of video incidents which may be received at the Video Server

All Events


Central Station Monitoring

This is the All Events Report dialog which can list every Alarm Signal received by the Central Station - within the specified Date Range - and with the special Formatting options you may select.

AP Credits Issued Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credits Issued report used within the Accounts Payable System to see what Credits were Applied to which Bills within the Date Range you've specified.

Appointment Editor


Service Tracking System

This is the Appointment Editor Form accessed from within the Technician Scheduling Form.

Appointment Status


Service Tracking System

This is the Appointment Status Form (accessed from the Service Options tab on the Users Options Form) used to define various Status Categories for Service Appointments and to Color Code the description of each Appointment Status.

AR Widget


Accounts Receivable System

This is the AR Chart Widget Form which displays a Summary of the Monies - the Accounts Receivable - that Subscribers Owe to your Company.

Area Codes Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

No Longer in Use.



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Areas Form (found in the Monitoring Tab as an Areas tab in the Subscriber Panels section) which is used to define an Area or Partition within a Subscriber's Alarm System.

As Of Accounts Payable


Accounts Payable System

No Longer in Use

As Of Accounts Receivable


Accounts Receivable System

No Longer in Use

As Of Accounts Receivable By Division


Accounts Receivable System

No Longer in Use.

Asset Breakdown Widget


General Ledger System

This is the Asset Breakdown Widget Form which provides a Bar Chart that displays the 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Asset value - based on the Department(s) selected in its Configuration Option Form.

Assign Contracts


Contract Tracking System

This is the Assign Contract Form which will be displayed - (if the Contract Tracking System has been activated (the AssignInvoiceToContract option is set to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form) - when Converting a Proposal to an Invoice and/or are Generating an Invoice for a Service Request (Work Order).

Assign SaleItem Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sale Item Group Assignment Form which is used to facilitate the assignment of Sale Item Groups to Sale-Purchase Items.

Attrition Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Attrition Report dialog which will provide clear, valuable and up to the minute information about your Recurring Revenue and account base stability.

Attrition Types


Accounts Receivable System

This Attrition Types Form is used to codify the type of reasons why Recurring Revenues are acquired and/or lost.

Audit Report


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Audit Report which allows you to specify the Date Range to be reported, the data entries, processes, and changes that occurred (e.g., Forms, Employees, Accounts), and the Type of the Data Related Events that are to be included in the report

Auto Billing Setup


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Automatic Billings Setup Wizard which allows an authorized User to establish the rules which are to be implemented when using the totally automated billing process.

Auto Draft


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Auto Draft Setup Form that is used to define how a Subscriber's Recurring Revenue Invoices may be paid automatically using a Credit Card, or Bank Electronic Funds Transfer (see EFT and see Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments).

Auto Draft Accounts (New)


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Auto Draft Accounts Report New


Accounts Receivable System

The Auto Draft Accounts Report (New) dialog provides a fully functioning Grid listing all previously defined Payment Methods, or alternately listing only the Credit Card, or only the Bank Account Payment Methods.

Auto Draft Preprocessing


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Auto Draft Pre Processing Form that provides the means to validate, and if necessary Correct, then Update the predefined Auto Draft information before executing the Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments process.

Auto Draft Preview


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Auto Draft Preview Form which is used to inspect the predefined Auto Draft information associated with Recurring Revenue Invoices before actually executing the Auto Drafting of Pre-Approved Payments procedure.

Auto Service


Service Tracking System

This is the Auto Service dialog which is used to automatically create the Service Request Work Orders for the Subscribers who have a Recurring Service Requirement defined.

Average Recurring Revenue


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Average Recurring Revenue Report dialog which is designed to help track your Recurring Revenues by amount and category.

Balance Sheet Report Dialog


General Ledger System

This is the Balance Sheet report dialog provides a Balance Sheet (i.e., a report listing the Assets, Liabilities and the resulting net Equity for a specified As Of Date, Month and/or Year for any Financial Transactions that were posted after the Set-Up Wizard for the General Ledger System was successfully executed.

Balance Sheet Comparison


General Ledger System

This is the Balance Sheet Comparison report provides a Balance Sheet (i.e., a report listing the Assets, Liabilities and the resulting net Equity for a User specified Month and/or Year for any Financial Transactions that were posted after the Set-Up Wizard for the General Ledger System was successfully executed.

Bank Account Balance Widget


Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Bank Balance Widget Form which displays a Grid showing the Current Balance as listed in of the Bank's Transaction Register Form (Balance may also be found in each Bank Account record defined in the Bank Maintenance Form).

Bank Deposits


Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Bank Deposits From which is used to identify which Receipt(s) have been/will be deposited into which Bank(s).

Refer to the Bank Deposits - Depositing Receipts in the Bank and the Receipts chapters for those recommended procedures.

Bank Maintenance Form


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Bank Form where you identify the Bank Accounts into which your Receipts will be deposited, from which Payments will be made, and where you define the Electronic Funds Transfer information for any Banks where these types of transactions are used.

Bank Transaction Form


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Bank Transaction Form which allows for entries that do not normally have a Sales Invoice or Bill for documentation.  Although General Ledger users can enter these transactions via General Journal Entries, this Bank Transaction Form makes it easier and faster to accomplish - while still creating the appropriate General Journal Entries automatically.  

Bill Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Bill Form through which the Invoices are recorded for the Purchases, that were made from your Vendors.  Unless you also have User Access Rights to the Vendors Form, you will only be able to View and Search for a specific Invoice, but not add, modify or delete any  of them.

Bill Payer Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Bill Payer Form which allows you to view all Service Locations for the Bill Payer displayed in the Billing Address Form

Billing Address Change Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the discontinued Bill Payer Form which was used to identify the appropriate Billing Address of the currently selected Subscriber's Service location.

Billing Cycles Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Billing Cycles Report dialog which will list those Subscribers that are billed within each of the Recurring Revenue Billing Cycles and for what they are being billed. To be able to access this report, you must have access to at least one other Accounts Receivable System report.

BillPayer Listing


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Bill Payer Listing report dialog which provides many options to  specify which Subscribers may be included in the list of Bill Payers.

Bills Due Widget


Accounts Payable System

This is the Bills Due Widget Form which lists those Invoices for Purchases from Vendors which are currently Unpaid and that have a Due Date within  a selected Date Range.

Bills on Payment Hold


Accounts Payable System

This is the Bills on Payment Hold report dialog which provides a list of the Vendors and the Invoices that have been placed on Payment Hold.

Bills -vs- Payments Widget


Accounts Payable System

This is the Bills -vs- Payments Widget Form which provides a Pie Chart view  that compares the Dollar Value of the Bills (Invoices from Vendors) that were received and recorded, versus the Dollar Value of Payments (Paid to Vendors) that were made and recorded - in the Current Calendar Month.

Blocked Phones/Emails


Central Station Monitoring

Accounts Receivable System


This is the Blocked Phones/Emails Grid accessible from the Maintenance Menu's Communication sub-menu which has two tabs that contain those (1) Blocked Phones and (2) Blocked Emails identified by a User as ones that should be blocked by the system.

Budget Adjustment


General Ledger System

This is the discontinued Budget Adjustment Form which is used to modify Budget Line Item(s), as needed, to refine the Budget Calculations that were created using the Budget Declaration Form.

Budget Declaration


General Ledger System

This is the discontinued Budget Declaration Form which is used to initialize, and subsequently produce the Budget Calculations required to create the Budget Declaration.

Budget Report


General Ledger System

This is the discontinued Budget Report which provides a summarized Budget versus Actual listing of Sales and Expenses related General Ledger Transactions for the Current, the Quarter To Date and Year To Date Periods, based on the Options that are selected.

Calculate Inventory Item Cost


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Calculate Inventory Item Average Cost procedure which is used with the Average Cost of Inventory option is implemented (see the Inventory Valuation Methods chapter for detailed information), for all items identified as an Inventory Item, when the Price In (Average Cost) and (total in stock) Value displayed on the Sale-Purchase Item Form - must be (re-)calculated.

Call Info Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

No longer used.

Call List Conditions


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Conditions Call tab available on the Subscriber Panel(s) area of the Central Station Data section of the Monitoring tab in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form.

It allows a User to identify an Alarm Condition Code which - when sent by the Selected Subscriber Panel(s) CSID - will utilize a customized People To Call List previously defined as such in the CSID Zone record that has the special combination of Signal ID and Panel Zone defined here.

Contact List Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Contact List tab (and its associated sub-tabs) in the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring tab within the Edit View of the Subscribers Form

Also see Contact Schedules below

Call List by Municipality


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Call List by Town Code report which shows all the various  Municipalities that are providing Emergency Responses to Alarm Signals.

Call List Verification Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Call List Verification Report used to notify Subscribers of the information currently on file at you Company's Central Station and request from those Subscribers any additions, updates and/or changes as may be appropriate.

Call Listing Report


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Calls Report dialog which allows you to view the time, date, comments and results of Account related Calls to Subscribers, Calls to Vendors, as well as Calls to Prospects - reporting both Incoming and Outgoing contacts.

Call Order Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Call Order tab in the Subscriber Panels section and is used to revise the sequence in which the People To Call should be contacted during the Notification process.

Call Types


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Call Sources Form that is used to define the various kinds of Telephone Contacts you want to track when documenting Calls to Subscribers, Calls to Vendors, and Calls to Prospects.

Calls Form


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Calls Form used to create, update and complete the Telephone Calls made to, or by, Subscribers, Prospects and/or Vendors, and to view the history of those Calls.

Cash Flow Report


General Ledger System

There is the Cash Flow Report which provides a Statement of Cash Flow which reports the Description and Amounts of what increased/decreased the Value of your Company's Cash Assets.

To implement this Cash Flow Statement, certain General Ledger Accounts may be assigned to a Cash Flow Group (i.e., Financial, Investing, Operating)

Thereafter, the Cash Flow Report may be created for a designated Period (i.e., most recent Month, Quarter, Year); for the entire Company, or for a specified Division or Division Group.

Cash Receipts Allocation By Division


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Cash Receipts By Employee


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts by Employee Report which provides the detail as to the Type of each Receipt (e.g., Check, Credit Card), the Date and Batch number used when those Receipts were posted, the actual Day they were Posted (if the Receipts entry were back or forward dated), from whom those Receipts came, and the Employee who Posted the Receipt.

Cash Receipts by Sales Category


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts by Sales Category report dialog which lists the  paid and allocated dollar volume, and unit volume, of each Sales Category.

Cash Receipts by Salesman


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts by Salesman report that is produced based on a selected Date Range, Bank (into which the Receipts were deposited), and/or Division; and lists those Paid Sales by (selected or all) Salesperson(s), by Sales Category and provides other Sales Invoice, Receipt and Allocation information, as well.

Cash Receipts Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts Report Preview tab which lists when and where your Receipts come from.

Cash Receipts Report Dialog


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts Report options tab which allows you to specify exactly which Receipt(s) will be included in the detailed listing of when and where those Receipts were posted.

Cash Receipts Summary By Month


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts Summary by Month report which lists each (or a specified) Batch Number and Amount, and the Total Amount received for the specified Month and Year

Cash Receipt Search


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Receipt Search Form that provides the ability to look up a Receipt based on the Amount posted, Date posted, or the Check Number recorded.

Cash Receipts Totals


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts Totals report which creates a spreadsheet like list of (up to) the past five full years plus the current year for the value of the Receipts that were posted for each Month/Year.

Cash Requirements Report Dialog


Accounts Payable System

This is the Cash Requirements Report dialog which lists each of the outstanding Vendor Bills that must be Paid before a specified Date.

Cash Requirements Widget


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Cash Required Widget which displays the Bills Due, Receipts, and Required Amount (Bills - Receipts = Cash Required) for Today (the default date), the current Week and the current Month.

Central Station Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Central Station Data section on the Monitoring tab within the Edit View of the Subscribers Form where a monitored Account is initialized - below which the CSIDs and related information for this Subscriber may be entered in the Subscriber Panels section..

Central Station Off-Line Date


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Off Line Date field which, if the User has Access Rights, allows them to take an Account Off-Line, or to return an Account to an On-Line status.

Change Expiring Password


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Change Expiring Password dialog which is presented if thePasswords Expire? box is Checked in the Company Options tab on the User Options Form, and the allowable number of days to use the current Password has expired.

Change User Password


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Change Passwords Form in which a User may change their Password.

Chart of Accounts


General Ledger System

No longer used.

Chart of Accounts History


General Ledger System

No longer used.

Chart of Accounts History Graph


General Ledger System

No longer used.

Chart of Accounts Report Dialog


General Ledger System

No longer used.

Check Register


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Check Register Report Dialog


Accounts Payable System

This is the replacement Check Register report dialog which lists all Check Numbers that have been used within a designated Date Range, including Bank Transactions, Hand Written Checks, and those that were Voided - for a selected Bank or for all of the Bank Accounts that you maintain.

Clone Accounts



Close GL Period Form


General Ledger System

This is the Closing an Accounting Period (Period Close) dialog used for (re-)setting the Closing Stage (i.e., Open, Partially Closed, or GJ Only) of an Accounting Period, as needed.

Commission Adjustment Types


Commission Tracking System

This is the Adjustment Types Form that is used to define the Types of Commission Adjustments that will be permitted within the Commissions Tracking System.

Commissions Approval (Invoice)


Commission Tracking System

This is the Approve Commissions dialog accessed by Clicking the Approve Commission Icon located on the Ribbon Menu of the Sales Form.

Commissions Adjustments


Commission Tracking System

This is the Commissions Adjustment Form which provides several functions related to the Commission Calculation process including the ability to Look Up previously entered Commission Adjustments, to Add a Commission Adjustment, and to Delete a previously entered Commission Adjustment.

Commissions Approval


Commission Tracking System

This is the Commissions Approvals Form which is used to do just that - Approve the Commissions, Bonuses and the net "Dollar" Value of the Banked Commission Points that determines the Commission Payment that is owed to the appropriate Salespersons and Technicians.

Communicator Format Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Communicator Format Form used to define each of the Communicator Formats being sent by your Subscriber's Alarm Systems.  It also provides the only access point to the Panel Zones Form - to access which, the User must have access provided, also.

Communicator Formats Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Communicator Formats report dialog and provides a list of all of the Communicator Formats that have been defined with options to include, the Panel Zones for each, the Subscriber's CSIDs that are using each format, and any comments entered for each format.

Company Settings


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Company Settings dialog accessed through the Company tab on the User Options Form where you may turn certain program features on and off.

Complete Signal


Central Station Monitoring

No Longer Used.

Condition Code History


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Condition Code History report which lists the number of Signals by Condition Code in descending order by volume, and offers a Summary or Detail version (which may be sorted by Control Panel Type or CSID), for All, or a Specified set of (one or more) User Selected Condition Codes.

Condition Code Resolutions


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Condition Code Resolutions Form found in the Monitoring section of the General Maintenance Menu

Conditions Codes Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Condition Codes List report dialog which includes all of the Conditions Codes that have been defined including their Reporting rules.

Contact Schedules


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Contact - Schedules For dialog accessible within the Contact List tab in the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring tab in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form



Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Contacts Form which accesses the master Address Book for MKMS.

Contract Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Contracts Form appearing as an option on the Subscriber's Subscriber Options Menu which allows the user to identify all of the Central Station Monitoring related Contract Types to which the Account has subscribed.

Contract Type Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Contract Type Form which is used to define the types of contracts (for various Central Station Monitoring related services) which Subscribers are eligible to purchase.

Converted Proposals Report


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Converted Proposals Report Grid which provides a Grid (list) of those Proposals which were converted - within a specified Date Range - to an Invoice, Job, and/or Work Order.

Converted Prospects Report


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Converted Prospects Report provides a Grid (list) of those Prospects which have been converted - within a specified Date Range - to a Subscriber.

Converted/Unconverted/Expired Proposal Items


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Converted/Unconverted/Expired Proposal Items Grid

Convert Prospect


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Conversion Form (see this Convert Prospect dialog discussion) that is used to identify certain required Dates, Codes and Settings which are not entered on the Prospect Information Form but are required for a Subscriber record.

Create Report


Reports Module

Create Report

This is the Create Report dialog accessed from the Reports Module Form and is where the structure of a Custom Report can be designed and tested.

Credit Card Payment

22601 (Anchor)

Accounts Payable System

This is the Pay Bill Credit Card dialog accessible from the Bills Form Actions Menu (see the "Credit Card Pay" section in the Bills - Understanding the Bills Form chapter for more information).

Credit Card Balance Widget


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Card Balance Widget which provides a summary list in the form of a Grid with all of the identified Credit Cards in use (and their associated Balances)

Credit Card Reconciliation


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Card Reconciliation which provides a comprehensive Credit Card Reconciliation dialog with:

i.Two sections at the top: 1) Statement Date and Amount plus Last Reconciled Balance, and 2) Totals for selected Charges and Payments and a Reconcile Now button; and

ii.Two Transaction Lists: 1) the all open Charges for Bills and 2) the Payments made to the Credit Card Company (populated based on the specified Statement Date).

Credit Card Register


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Card Register dialog accessible from the Register option on the Vendor Options Menu of the Vendors Form that contains a Grid with a list of all the previously posted Payments made on Bills using to the currently selected Credit Card (or Credit Card Company); and any Statements (entered as Bills to the Vendor) from the currently selected Credit Card Company.

Credit Card Register Bills



Accounts Payable System

This is the Create Bill option on the Credit Card Register dialog that is used to pay all or a portion of the Credit Card's Balance Due.

Credit Cards


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Cards Form accessible on the Payables section of the General Maintenance Menu which is used to identify those Credit Cards that will be used to make Payments for Bills,

Credits Issued Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Credits Issued Report dialog which is used to report Credits that have been issued within the Accounts Payable System.

Credits Issued Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Credits Issued Report report of the Accounts Receivable System that lists what Credit Notes (aka Credit Memos) which have been Applied - within a specified Date Range - to Invoices

CSID Generator


Central Station Monitoring

This is the CSID Generator Form accessed from the Create Mass Accounts Form which is used to create the starting point for a numerical series of new CSIDs.

CSID Zone Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

No Longer Used.

CSID Zones


Central Station Monitoring

This is the CSID Zone (and CSID Zone Override) Data Entry Form found on the Subscriber's Central Station Data Form's menu.  It is used to define specific details for handling Signals differently than what is defined in Panel Zones when a Communicator Format is assigned, or to define  the Physical Zones pertaining to this Subscriber.

CSID Zones Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

No Longer Used.

Custom Fields


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Custom Tabs & Fields dialog which allows a User to add an additional tab  with new fields to the Subscriber and/or Prospects Forms.

Custom Pay Increase


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Custom Pay Increase Form which allows you to modify the Pay Rate entered as a Custom Pay Amount on the Recurring Revenue Form used to define the Recurring Revenue fees for each Subscriber.

Custom Reports


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Custom Reports creation option.

With access to this Form assigned, the User is able to create new Custom Reports when printing Proposals, Statements, Invoices, and Service Requests.  

Without access to this Form assigned, the User is only able to print the Custom Reports that have already been defined.

Customer Connect Ignore Emails


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Customer Connect Ignore Emails Form - a General Maintenance Form.

Customer Connect Schedules


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Customer Connect Schedules Form - a General Maintenance Form.

Customer Connect History


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Customer Connect History Grid

Customer Deposit Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Customer Deposit Report dialog displays a Grid with all of the designated Receipts listed (based on the Option selected) which may be Printed and/or Exported, as needed.

Customer Ranking Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Customer Ranking Report which provides a Bar Chart and Legend identifying the Top 5 (10, or 20) Customers based on one of three User selected criteria (Recurring Revenue, Invoices, or Receipts) within a User designated Date Range.

Database Backup


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Backup Database Form within MKMS which facilitates the copying of the database and log files used by this application to a separate location on your network.

Database Validation


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Validate Database Form that is used to check that your database has no errors.



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dealer Form which is used to identify each Alarm Dealer for whom you are providing Contract Monitoring Services.

Dealer Billing Review


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dealer Billing Review report which provides a detailed listing of each Invoice created for Contract Monitoring Services using the Dealer Billing feature.

Dealer Breakdown Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dealer Breakdown Report dialog:

Summary format lists the number of Accounts that are on-line for each Dealer, and how many that are new, were canceled, reported, and did not report, within a specified Date Range.

Detail format includes the CSID, Subscriber, Report Frequency, Town Code, Date On Line and Last Signal Received information, also.

Dealer Code Listing


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dealer Code Listing report dialog which is a simple report that itemizes each Dealer entered in the system.

Dealer Technicians


Central Station Monitoring


This is the Dealer Technicians Form (which offers the same functionality as the Tech Details button on the Security tab of the Employees Form and on the Dealers Form) where the Names and related Password and Contact information of the Dealer Technicians who are employed by an Alarm Dealer, and are therefore allowed to perform service work on that Dealer's Accounts.

Dealer Users


Central Station Monitoring

Dealer Module

This is the Dealer User Maintenance Form where the Dealer's Authorized Persons, who are to be permitted access to the Dealer Access Connection, must be identified.

Deferred Revenue

NLU (667)

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Deferred Revenue (Daily View) which provides a listing in a Grid format of the pending Deferred Revenue records including the associated General Ledger information (those Recurring Revenue Sales Invoices that have yet to be recorded as fully Earned) which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to a Spreadsheet file.

Deferred Revenue Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Deferred Revenue Report dialog that provides a list of the pending Deferred Revenue records which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Deferred Revenue Start Up


Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Deferred Revenue Start Up dialog is used to properly initialize the Deferred Recurring Revenue feature within MKMS Accounts Receivable module and - if the General Ledger module is Registered - in the General Ledger System.

This option that only appears if the DeferRecurringRevenue option is set to False ("F") in Company Settings dialog which is accessible from the Company tab of the User Options Form.

Deleted Entities


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Review Deleted Entities Form (Only available to the System Administrator i.e., ADMIN) which offers a dialog that allows for the selection by Date Range - based on either the Deletion Date or the Document's Creation Date - of a List of those Entities (e.g., Invoices, Receipts) which have been manually deleted by an authorized User from within MKMS.



General Ledger System

This is the Departments Form - It is the Departments Maintenance Form used to create new Departments utilized by the General Ledger System where each Department's Names and their Department Numbers are defined.

Detailed Recurring Revenue Schedule


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Detailed Recurring Revenue Schedule Grid

Determine Excessive Services


Service Tracking System

This is the Determine Excessive Services report dialog that, based on the parameters you enter, lists those Subscribers who have had an excessive number of Service Requests within a specified time period and includes each Subscriber, the Work Orders, the Technicians who performed the services, the Charges (or Costs) of providing that service and, optionally, the description of the Services Performed.

Disbursements Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Disbursements Form which is used to globally review all outstanding Invoices and then Check off those to be paid thereby completing both the Payments and the Allocation process in one step.

Dispatched Alarms Widget


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dispatched Alarms Widget which provides a list of the most recently Dispatched Alarms from your Central Station based on the selected Configuration Options for Dispatch Type and Date Range.

Division Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Division Groups dialog which allows you to identify those Divisions that belong to each of these Division Groups.

Each Division may belong to one or more Division Groups

Each Division Group may have any number of Divisions as members within that Group.

Certain Accounts Receivable System Reports allow for filtering, or for  record selections, based on what Division Code is assigned to the Subscriber and the Division Group to which that Division Code belongs.  These reports are:

oAccounts Receivable (As Of) Report

oAttrition Report

oAverage Recurring Revenue Report

oAccounts Receivable Funding Report (discontinued)



Accounts Receivable System

This is the Divisions Form which is used to create new Divisions, and optionally, Custom Invoice Headers for each of those Divisions which may  then be used within Accounts Receivable System to allow for the identification of Multiple Offices within the same Company, and/or for implementing Dealer Billing.



Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Documents Form which allows certain types of electronic documents (and or  the location of those documents) to be linked to, or attached to, a Subscriber, Prospect, Job Costing and/or Vendor record.

Additionally, there are several other places the Documents Form is available such as the Installed Equipment, Employees and Sale-Purchase Items Forms.

E-mail Invoices


Accounts Receivable System

This is the E-mail Invoices dialog which is presented when E-mail is selected as a Print Option on an Invoice Form, or from within the Print Invoices report dialog.

Additional information pending.

Earned Commissions


Commissions Tracking System

This is the Earned Commissions Report which provides a list of the Sales Commissions, Bonuses, the Value of the Commission Points that have been Earned during a specified Date Range for All or a specified set of (one or more) Salespersons or Technicians.

Earned/Deferred Revenue


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Deferred Revenue report dialog which lists the Earned and Deferred Revenues that are automatically calculated as part of the Recurring Revenue Billing procedure.

Edit Pending/On Hand Values

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Inventory Tracking/Job Costing System

This is the Edit Warehouse Inventory Values Form allows you to (Re-)Set the rules for Re-ordering Inventory Items, and allows you to Adjust one or more of the Inventory Count(s) displayed in the Warehouse Inventory Form for an Inventory Item based on the results from taking a physical Inventory count.

Electronic Contracts


Micro Key Millennium Series

The is the Electronic Contracts maintenance Form which is used to define various Types of Electronic Documents (e.g., W-9 Form, Employee Alarm Installer License Application, Income Tax Organizer)  that will be stored as a PDF file and be available, as needed, for providing  information to Prospects, Subscribers, Vendors, Governments, etc.

Electronic Payments


Accounts Receivable System

The is the E-Payments Form with which the User may Validate and/or Authorize an E Check and/or Credit Card Payment for the currently selected Subscriber, Sales Invoice, and/or Service Request.

Electronic Signature


Security & Access Management

This is the E-Signature field and associated dialog located on the Personal tab of the Employee Form.

Eligible for Service Contract


Service Tracking System

This is the Eligible for Service Contract report which has not pre-dialog (except a simple Y/N question) and then displays the report on-screen of all those Subscribers that may be sold a Service Contract.

Email Accounts Maintenance



Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Email Accounts maintenance form with the fields representing the data required by most Email protocols that may be implemented.

This information must then be assigned to each Employee who will be sending/receiving Reports, Invoices , Proposals, Work Orders, Statements, etc., via Email using a Mail Server other than Microsoft® Outlook®.

Email Modified Subscribers Now



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Email Modified Subscriber Now report grid which is a UL required function that was designed and documented to comply with Section 12.7 of the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard:

Employee Appointment Editor


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the New Appointment editor Form that is used to schedule an appointment which is to be included in the Employee Calendar.

Employee Appointment Widget


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the My Appointments Widget which lists - based on the selected Configuration Option - the Appointments for Today or the current Work Week (Mon - Fri) that have been previously entered for the current User.

Employee Codes


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Employee Codes List dialog which provides a list of all of your Employees and includes their Employee Type, Telephone Number and optionally, their Social Security Number.

Employee Group Report


Security & Access Management

This is the Employee Group Report which provides a list of all Employee Groups and optionally, the Form Names to which each are assigned access, the Access Rights for each Form and the Employee Members of each group.

Employee Groups


Security & Access Management

This is the Employee Groups Form which is used to define the Security and Access Rights for groups of Employees based on areas of responsibility and/or their specific job.  

Once the Employee Groups are defined, assigning that Employee Group to the appropriate Employee record (within the Employee Form's Security tab) will allow that Employee to inherit all of the Security  and Access Rights assigned to that Employee Group.

Note: This task can only be performed by the ADMIN User.

Employee Hired/Terminated


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Employee Trace dialog which is a fully functioning Grid dialog - accessed using the Employee Hired/Terminated option on the Reports Menu - provides a list of the Employees based on their Hire, Termination, or original Entry Date, and may then be viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported.

Employee Maintenance Form


Security & Access Management

Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Central Station Monitoring

Prospect Tracking System

Service Tracking System

This is the Employee Form, including all of its tabs, used to define your Company's Employees, assign certain Security settings, and enter data relating to each Employee's acquired Skills, their Hourly Pay Rates, work Schedule, etc.  

Each module has its own unique data entry tab(s) that are filled in as part of the start-up procedures for that module.

Employee Schedules


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Employee Calendar Form which provides an easy to use interface that shows Employee Appointments and Tasks in the familiar Daily, Multi-Day or Monthly appointment calendar format, with Recurring Appointments and automatic Appointment Reminder functions included.

Employee Teams


Accounts Receivable System

Commission Tracking System

This is the Sales Teams Form which is used to identify the "Sales Teams" that may exist within your Company.

If this Team concept is used within your Company, each Commission Eligible Salesperson or Technician must be assigned to a Sales Team (Employee Team) using the Drop-Down Selection List provided on the Security tab of the Employee Form.

EMail/SMS Parsing


Central Station Monitoring

This is the EMail/SMS to Alarm Maintenance Menu option which opens the EMail/SMS Parsing dialog.used to define an interface for converting alarm events sent via Email or SMS messaging into an Alarm Signal that can be processed by MKMSCS.

Encrypted Data Edit/Entry


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

Security & Access Management

These are the Encrypted Data Edit/Entry sub-forms that are used in the Personal tab of the Employee Form, the Medical Information Form, the Auto Draft Setup form, the Acquisitions Form and the Bank Maintenance Form, etc., throughout MKMS to enter specific types of data in Secure Fields.

Enter/Edit Bank


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Enter/Edit Bank dialog which is used to identify the Bank form which an Bank Draft Payment made be withdrawn.

Enter/Edit Credit Card


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Enter/Edit Credit Card dialog which is used to identify the Credit Card to which an Auto Draft payment may be charged

ePay Generate File


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Payment Batch- File Generation dialog - accessed by selecting the Show Batch List option on the Auto Draft Form

It is used to view all the Payment Batch Files previously generated for a selected Date Range,

ePay Pending Transactions


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Pay Batch Pending Transactions dialog which is used for Editing the Pending Payment Transactions created when the InnoEPay system is your Company's Payment Gateway when (if) a User modifies existing Auto Draft Setup information and one or more Pending Payment Transactions exist.

ePay Review


Accounts Receivable System

This is the ePay Review dialog's data grid provides a listing with All of the Data available for the InnoEPay Payment Gateway records.

These include Credit Card and Check Payments (Receipts), Payment Status and related information, any of which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported (or Emailed) as an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Equipment Form


Service Tracking System

This is the Installed Equipment Form which is used to identify all of the major components of a Subscriber's Alarm System (and other special features that are installed) including serial numbers, warranty expiration, description, location and the system type of each component.

Equity Breakdown Widget


General Ledger System

This is the Equity Breakdown Widget which provides a Bar Chart that displays up to a maximum of 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Equity value - based on the selected Configuration Option.

Event Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

The is the Events Lookup dialog accessed from the Panel Information Menu on the Sub Info (F2) Form and is used by Operators who need to view the History of Events plus the supervisory information previously defined for the currently selected Subscriber in the Events Form (see below)

Events Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Events sub-tab in the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring tab on the Subscriber Form's Edit View which is used to enter supervisory information for each Subscriber whose CSID is an Active (Supervised or not) Account.

Excessive False Alarms


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Excessive False Alarms report dialog which provides a detailed analysis of who, what, and when these False Alarms occurred.

Excessive Signal


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Excessive Signal data grid which is used to:

1.Filter by Date/Time Range with certain Exclusions, and set parameters for Locally Monitored (In-House) Accounts to identify which Accounts which will be subject to Invoicing based on the pre-established allowed Maximums.

2.Create Invoices for those Dealers (or those Dealer's individual Subscribers) who have exceeded their allotment for the allowable number of Signals (i.e., Active, Passive and/or Total) transmitted to your Company's Central Station within a designated Date/Time Range.

3.Optionally, Export the Excessive Signals data to a Spreadsheet.

Excessive Signals


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Excessive Signals report dialog which will create the report based only on those Alarm Signals received within the Date Range specified, and either all Accounts that are not being monitored for an Alarm Dealer (or are being monitored for an Alarm Dealer but do not have signal count limitations set in their Dealer Form) and have exceeded the signal count limitations established in the Excessive Signals Report dialog for Active and Passive Accounts; or only those Accounts being monitored for a specific Dealer, based on the signal limitations that have been established on its Dealer Form.

Expenses Breakdown Widget


Accounts Payable System

General Ledger System

This is the Expense Breakdown Widget which provides a Pie Chart and Legend that displays up to the 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Expense value - based on the Department(s) selected in Configuration Option.

Expiring Contracts


Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Expiring Contracts report dialog which lists all of the Subscribers whose monitoring related Contracts are about to, or have already, expired based on the Date Range specified.

External Services


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the External Service Form which allows a User to identify a Web Site address they want to be directly accessible from within the Subscribers and/or Prospects Form.

Failed To Test Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Failed to Test Report which lists the Accounts which have their automatic system test requirement currently in a Failed State.

False Alarm Tracking

Account Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

This is the False Alarm Tracking Account Maintenance Form that allows you to designate which Subscribers are to be specifically tracked for the number of False Alarm Signals they may transmit before being subject to a Fine or No Alarm Response.

False Alarm Dispatch Tracking


Central Station Monitoring

This is the False Alarm Dispatch Tracking Form which provides an easy to use interface to retrieve, review and properly identify - as to whether or not an Alarm Signal was False - all of the Alarm Signals for which an Operator has initiated an actual Dispatch.

Financial Summary Report


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This was the Financial Summary report which graphs the Year-End General Ledger Account Balance for one selected General Ledger Group for a specified Year, or for up to a specified Date within the Current Year.

Fix Term Recurring Revenue


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Fix Term Recurring Revenue Report which lists those Subscribers who have Fix Term Recurring Revenue record(s) defined that are still Active (or all Fix Term Recurring Revenue records, including those that are now Inactive) and shows the details of those Fix Term Recurring Revenue records - including any outstanding Balance - with this data presented as a Grid

Floor Plans


Central Station Monitoring

Located within the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring Tab this is the Floor Plan tab where User may attach a Floor Plan image file to the Selected Subscriber Panel CSID.



Accounts Receivable System

This is the Labels printing dialog, the basic purpose of which is to create mailing Labels for (selected) Subscribers.  In its more advance format, it provides several tools to help you create customized label sets based on your own specifications.



Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Form 1099 Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Form 1099 Report dialog which provides a list of the Vendors whose Payments dollar volume threshold was exceeded within a specified Date Range.

General Journal Form


General Ledger System

This is the General Journal Entries Form where individual Transactions may be entered manually, when required.

General Journal Report Dialog


General Ledger System

This is the General Journal Listing report dialog which provides - on a month by month basis, a report of all transactions that were manually entered using the General Journal Form.

General Journal Templates


General Ledger System

This is the General Journal Templates Form provided to expedite your repetitive General Journal adjustment entries, and thereby ensures they are posted in the same manner each time.

General Ledger Detail Report


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This was the General Ledger Detail report dialog which provides a detailed listing of the transactions that were automatically created by the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules as well as entries made through the General Journal.

General Ledger Report Dialog


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This was the General Ledger report dialog which offers no options.  It is what it is - your Company's General Ledger.

Generate Passcodes


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Generate Passcodes Form which allows an authorized User to overwrite existing, or create new, Passcodes for a selected Subscriber's People To Call, or the People To Call for all Subscribers assigned to a specific Dealer.

GL Account Maintenance Form


General Ledger System

This is the General Ledger Accounts Form in which your Company's Chart of Accounts are defined.

GL Default Setup (deprecated)


General Ledger System

This is the General Ledger Setup Wizard opening dialog that will prompt the Accounting Administrator to Click the Next button.

GL Setup Wizard (deprecated)


General Ledger System

This is the continuation of the General Ledger Setup Wizard.

GL Group Maintenance From


General Ledger System

This is the General Ledger Groups Form used to define Group Names which allow you to sub-divide the five basic Account Types for financial transactions into sub-groups.  These General Ledger Group names will appear as sub-headers - shown with their own individual sub-totals - when any of your financial statements are printed.

GL Checkpoints


General Ledger System

This is the General Ledger Checkpoints dialog that is used to create and track manually and system created Checkpoints data, as needed or when a Month or Year is Closed.

Global Phone Replacement Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Global Phone Replacement Form that allows the User to change a Telephone Number anywhere it is entered either in the People To Call and/or Town Codes Form.

Global Search


Micro Key Millennium Series

Accessed by Pressing Ctrl+F2, this is the Global Search dialog within which an authorized User may view the contents of any Table within the MKMSDefault.db database file.

Group Access Rights


Security & Access Management

No longer used.

History By Resolution


Central Station Monitoring

This is the History By Resolution report dialog which provides a list of any Signal Activity based on a selected Resolution Code.

Holiday Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Holidays report dialog which provides a listing of all the user defined Holidays that have been entered.



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Holidays Form in which you define all of the Holidays that your Company's Subscribers celebrate - and therefore may require a change in their normally scheduled supervised Events.

Import Credit Card



Accounts Payable System

This is the Import Credit Card Transactions dialog accessed using the Import option on the the General Maintenance>Payables>Credit Cards Form

Identity Theft/Extended Services


Central Station Monitoring

No longer used.

This set of Extended Service features were being developed for specific Companies and will generally be unavailable until they become "generic" enough to be made available to all MKMS users.

Income and Expense Report


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This is the Income -vs- Expense report that graphs the Income and Expense totals by comparing the results of selected Years, or comparing a range of Months spanning one or more selected Years.

Income -vs- Expense Widget


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

General Ledger System

This is the Income -vs- Expenses Widget which provides a Bar Chart that compares Income (Sales Invoices to Subscribers) to Expenses (Bills for Purchases from Vendors) entered within the most recent three months, based on the Department(s) selected in Configuration Option.

Initialize GL Balance

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General Ledger System

This is the Initialize GL Balances dialog within the General Ledger Setup Wizard.

Initialize GL Setup


General Ledger System

This is the Initialize Setup dialog within the General Ledger Setup Wizard.

Installed Equipment


Service Tracking System

This is the Installed Equipment dialog which is a fully functioning Grid dialog that provides a list of the Installed Equipment previously identified for each Subscriber which may then be viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported.

Installed Equipment Codes


Central Station Monitoring

Service Tracking System

This is the Installed Equipment Codes Form which is used to define each major component that could be used during the installation of a Subscriber's Alarm System. The following may be added, when appropriate:

The instructions for HOW TO DISARM A SYSTEM

The instructions for HOW TO BYPASS A ZONE


Once these Installed Equipment items are defined, you will be able to:

Select these items for each Subscriber while using the Installed Equipment Form to enter what was actually installed in their system.

Choose to list the Installed Equipment in each Subscriber’s Alarm System as an option on the Subscriber Information Forms report.

Automatically enter the Installed Equipment Code into a Subscriber's Installed Equipment Form when an Inventory Item is Installed for that Subscriber and recorded in the Job Costing System.

Insurance Form


Accounts Receivable System

Service Tracking System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Insurance information Form that is used to identify the Insurance Company(s) used by the Subscriber for property and casualty protection coverage, and to print Alarm Certificates.

Invalid Phone Numbers


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Invalid Phone Numbers report dialog which provides a list of each Telephone Number that was identified as an Invalid Phone Number by an Operator as they were Verifying an Alarm Signal during Signal Processing through the assignment of a Verification Response code which, when defined in the Verification Response Form, had the Response Type of Invalid Phone # Checked.

Inventory Adjustments Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Adjustments Report dialog which provides a printed record of changes made in the Edit Warehouse Inventory Values Form which allows you to adjust one or more of the Inventory Count(s) displayed in the Warehouse Inventory Form for an Inventory Item.

Inventory Delivery Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Delivery report which provides a list of Inventory Items that are expected to be received within a specified Date Range, and may be limited to a specific Part and/or a specific Warehouse.

Inventory Kits Reorder Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Reorder - Kits report (the report dialog's title is Kits Reorder Report) found on the Inventory Tracking Reports menu which provides a list of each User Defined Kit, its component parts, and - based on the available number of components required for each Kit - the actual Quantity On Hand of each Kit.

Inventory Kits Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Kits report (the report's dialog is titled Kits List with Components) provides a list of the Kits, and all of the components  required to make up those Kits.

Inventory Listing Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Listing report dialog which provides a complete list of your Inventory Items - customized based on the choices you make

Inventory Price Sheet Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Retail Price Sheet report dialog which provides a list of all Inventory Items with retail pricing, part number and description, and preferred Vendor.

Inventory Purchased/Pending Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Purchased/Pending Report dialog which provides a list of all Inventory Items purchased (optionally, limited to the Date Range specified) with Cost, Quantity and Purchase Date information.

Inventory Reorder Report


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Reorder Report which provides a list of all Inventory Items that should be reordered based on the Quantity On-Hand versus the Reorder Level quantity.

Inventory Replacement Value


Inventory Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Inventory Replacement Value dialog which lists those Sale-Purchase Items identified as Inventory Items with the associated On Hand quantities, Warehouse, replacement Cost, and Total (current) Value - presented as a Grid

Inventory Tracking Reports


Inventory Tracking System

This Inventory Tracking Reports chapter which provides a description and access to all of the Inventory Tracking Reports menu's options.

Inventory Transfer


Inventory Tracking System

This the Inventory Transfer Report which lists the details of those Inventory Items which have been Transferred from one Warehouse to another, within a Date Range specified by the User, with this data presented as a Grid.

Inventory Usage


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

Service Tracking System


This is the Inventory/Materials Drop-Down Info Box, accessible from the Service Request Form, that is available if the Work Order that was created had Inventory recorded.

Inventory Usage Report


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Inventory Usage report dialog which lists all Inventory Items used within the Dates specified.

Inventory WIP


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

Service Tracking System

This is the Inventory WIP report which lists all Inventory Items' Counts that were transferred to Work In Progress via a Job or Work Order entry, executed within the Date Range specified, and subject to certain filtering and selection options.

Inventory Worksheet


Inventory Tracking System

This is the Inventory Worksheet report dialog which provides an Inventory List that is designed to facilitate a manual inventory count.

Inventory/Job Costing Setup


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the initial Setup Wizard used to initialize the Inventory Tracking & Job Costing systems.

Invoice Comments Search


Accounts Receivable System

Use this Search Invoice Comments Form to locate any Invoice containing a specific phrase in its Comments field.

Invoice Export


Accounts Receivable System

Use this Invoice Export Form to create a text file with selected Recurring Billing Invoices to have a sub-contractor perform the necessary printing, stuffing and mailing.

Invoice Line Item Detail


Accounts Receivable System

The Invoice Line Item Detail dialog - accessed on the Subscriber Options Menu's Invoices sub-menu - displays a list of all Detail Line Items entered for Invoices associated with the currently selected Subscriber.

Invoice Listing


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Invoice Listing Form which allows the User to view all, or a designated set, of the Invoices (Sales) made to a Subscriber, based on a selected Date Range, and their Paid or Unpaid status, and includes the Invoice header information, the detail line items of those Invoices, and the ability to print this information.  

User must also have access rights to the Invoice Listing by Subscriber Form.

Invoice Listing by Subscriber

30501 (Anchor)

Accounts Receivable System

This is the printed Invoice Listing by Subscriber Report available using the Print button on the Invoice Listing Form noted above.

User must also have access to the Invoice Listing Form.

Invoice/Bill History

11201 (Invoice Anchor)

48102 (Bill Anchor)


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the View History option provided on Subscriber's Invoices Form and the View History option provided on Vendor's Bills Form, which - in both cases - lists what has been modified since the Bill/Invoice was initially entered and saved.

Invoices -vs- Collected Widget


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Invoiced -vs- Collected Widget which provides a Pie Chart view  that compares the Dollar Volume of Sales that were Invoiced versus the Amount of Receipts that were Collected within the Current Calendar Month.

Invoices Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Form used to enter new sales to Subscribers and also provides access to the Subscriber Search By Invoice feature.

Invoice List


Accounts Receivable System

Invoice List - Invoices may be created manually by a User using the Invoices Form, or automatically using the Fully Automated Recurring Billing process, or the manually selected Auto Billing procedure.

The Invoice List dialog presents a Grid of all, or a selectable set of, previously generated Invoices.

Invoice Statements


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Invoice Statements report which provides a list of Open Invoices (only Invoices with a Balance that is Unpaid), printed using its own unique Format, and available for either the currently viewed Subscriber or All Subscribers.

Invoicing Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Invoicing Groups Form which is used to identify the Description of each Invoicing Group for those Recurring Revenue Item that will be included in a sub-total when the "Summarize Recurring Items" option is Checked in the Print Invoices dialog.

Issue Refunds


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Refunds Form that is accessible (using the Refunds button) from within the Receipts Form which allows you to Issue a Refund for a previously recorded Deposit.

Itemized Receipt Allocation


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Itemized Receipt Allocation Form which allows you to specifically Allocate a Receipt to designated Line Items on an Invoice.

The User must also have the Receipt Allocations Form assigned in their Employee Group or with User Access Rights.

ItsPayd Account Assignment


Accounts Receivable System

This is the ItsPayd Account Maintenance Form which is used to identify the Subscribers (Accounts) whose data will be exported to the ItsPayd system for collection.

ItsPayd Export


Accounts Receivable System

Not Used

ItsPayd FTP Configuration


Accounts Receivable System

Not Used

ItsPayd Submit/Receive File


Accounts Receivable System

Not Used



Job Aging


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Aging As Of fully functioning Grid dialog which pprovides a listing of the Balances still owed on Job Costing records, based on a User specified As Of Date, and may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Job Cost Info


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.

This is the Legacy menu's Job Cost Information Form which is no longer supported for creating new Jobs but may be used to view and update older Job Costing records.

Job Costing


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the master Job Costing Form which contains several tabs that allow the Job to be defined, estimated, updated, expensed, installed, and billed.

Access to this Form must be assigned when using the Reserved Inventory Report.

Job Costing Reports


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.

This is the Job Cost Reports dialog used for reporting the Legacy menu's Job Cost Information Form which is no longer supported for creating new Jobs but may be used to view and update older Job Costing records.

Job Inventory Usage


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.

Job Inventory Multi Usage

78201 (Anchor)

Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Invoice Multi Usage dialog - When the Use Inventory option is selected on the Item List sub-tab of the Inventory tab of the Job Costing Form, the Job Invoice Multi Usage dialog will be displayed.  The User may identify each Inventory Item that has been used on a Job, the Warehouse from which is was taken, how many were used, and whether that item should be inserted into the Subscriber's Installed Equipment Form.

Job Invoice Schedules


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.

This is the Job Invoice Schedules Form accessible from within the Legacy menu's Job Cost Information Form which is no longer supported for creating new Jobs but may be used to view and update older Job Costing records.

Job Listing Aging As Of


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Listing Aging As Of dialog which provides a listing in a Grid format of the Job Costing records which have not been Completed. The records are initially sorted by their Start Date, and for each Job Costing record It shows the number of days between the Estimated Completion Date and an As Of date enter by the User.

Job Listing Report


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Listing report dialog which provides a complete list of all Jobs that have been entered in the Version 2.0 Job Costing Form.

Job Listing Summary


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.

However, access to this Form must be assigned when using the Reserved Inventory Report.

Job Profit Summary


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Profit Summary report dialog which is configurable in many ways, and provides a Profit & Loss type of report for One or All Jobs.

Job Status


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This Job Status Form used to define the various Job Progress Statuses that may be assigned to an existing Job Costing entry.

Job Task Invoicing


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Task Invoicing dialog access that allows you to select the Job Tasks with an unbilled balance to be Invoiced automatically by using the Generate Invoices button on that Job Task tab.

Job Task Templates


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Task Templates Form which defines a Name, Service Type, the addition or absence of a Check in the Contracted box and the addition or absence of an Amount of a re-useable template for creating Job Tasks and allows Multiple Sets of this combination of Service Type, Contracted and Amount entries to be included in each Job Task Template .

Job Tasks Aging As Of


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Tasks Aging As Of report which provides an Open Job Task listing (an Open Job Task does not have a Completed date entered) in a Grid format with (among much other data) the Age (in Days) of those Job Tasks, based on the number of Days between the Estimated Completion Date (entered on the Job Task line item) and a User specified As Of Date, and may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Job Task Report


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Tasks Report dialog which provides a list (in a Grid format) of Job Tasks which may be filtered based on the Job Task's (1) Start Date, (2) Estimated Completion Date, or (3) Completed Date; and the list may include All Job Tasks, only Completed Job Tasks, or only Not Completed Job Tasks; and it may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Job Types Maintenance


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Types Form where each type of Job that you install may be defined.  When starting a new Job using the Job Costing Form, the Job must be assigned one of these Job Types.

Job Work Sheets


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Work Sheets report dialog which provide a detailed (selectable) listing of all Job Costing entries for a selected Job, or All Jobs.

Job Work Sheets Grid


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Job Work Sheets (New Grid) dialog which provides a listing in a Grid format of the Job Costing records based on a User specified status of the Start and End Date fields, and may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

Jobs Not Invoiced


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used.



Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Labels printing dialog that is used to create mailing Labels for (selected) Subscribers, and in its more advance format, it provides several tools to help create customized label sets based on User specifications.




This is the Languages Form where all supported Languages which may be used are entered, and the Default Language is identified.

Late Fee Generation Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Late Fee Invoice Generation Form that charges Late fees automatically based on a selected Late Fee Group where the percentage rate, grace period, minimum charge is defined.

Late Fee Group Maintenance


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Late Fee Group Maintenance Form which allows selected filtered sets of Subscribers to be assigned to a specified Late Fee Group.

Late Fee Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Late Fee Groups Form where the percentage rate, grace period, minimum charge for Late fees are defined.

Lead Sources


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Lead Source Form which allows you to define the Sources of Sales Leads that you want to be able to track.  

A Lead Source code is assigned to each Prospect and Subscriber record.

Lead Type


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Lead Type Form which allows you to define the Sources of Sales Leads that you want to be able to track.  One of these Lead Type codes is assigned to each Prospect and Subscriber record.

Leads Analysis Report


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Leads Analysis Report dialog which provides a list of all (or by specific categories) of your Lead Categories based on the Sales Leads that were received within a specified Date Range.

Leads by Source


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Leads by Source Report dialog which provides a Summarized (or Detailed) listing of the Value of the Sales made to Subscribers based on each Account's identified Lead Source(s) (optionally by specified Lead Source(s), specified Company Division(s), and/or within a specified Date Range), and which may include or exclude any associated Recurring Revenues Sales in that Value calculation.

Leads by Salesperson


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Leads by Salesperson report dialog which provides a list sorted by Salesperson, then listed with the Subscribers and/or Prospects and, optionally, with the Proposals and actual Invoices that were created.

Leads Report


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Leads Report dialog which provides a list of which Subscribers and/or Prospects were produced from all (or a selected portion) of your Leads that is sorted by Lead Sources, sub-divided by Lead Type, and includes the number of Proposals and actual Invoices that were created as a result of these Leads.

Ledger Card Report Dialog


Accounts Receivable System


This is the Ledger Card report dialog, only available from within the Subscriber Information Form via the Reports button, that provides either a Contemporary or Traditionally formatted Ledger Card for the currently selected Subscriber.

Liability Breakdown Widget


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

General Ledger System

This is the Liability Breakdown Widget which provides a Bar Chart that displays the 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Liability value - based on the Department(s) selected in Configuration Option.

Loss Prevention Disposition Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

Loss Prevention

This is the Violation Disposition Form which was initially developed for a specific Company and may be unavailable until it becomes "generic" enough to be accessible to all of our users.

The Violation Disposition Maintenance Form is used to define the Disposition of an incident recorded using the Loss Prevention feature.

Loss Prevention Incident Categories


Central Station Monitoring

Loss Prevention

This is the Incident Categories Form which was initially developed for a specific Company and may be unavailable until it becomes "generic" enough to be accessible to all of our users.

The Incident Categories Maintenance Form is used to define the Category of an incident recorded using the Loss Prevention feature.

Loss Prevention Violations Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

Loss Prevention

This is the Alcohol/Tobacco Violations Form which was initially developed for a specific Company and may be unavailable until it becomes "generic" enough to be accessible to all of our users.

It will be in the Alcohol/Tobacco Violations Maintenance Form that will used to define the Type of Violation of an incident recorded using the Loss Prevention feature.

Manual Alarm Entry


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Manual Alarm Entry dialog used for practicing, training, or actually processing signals from Receivers that are or are not yet connected to SPA (or SPA is off line for service), you will need the capability to initiate an Alarm Signal or any other event manually.

Manual Contact


Communications Module

This is the Manual Contacts feature dialog which provides the ability to contact a person on the Call List, an Employee, a Dealer , a Contact, or a Subscriber immediately via a Pager or Email message when the Communications Module is active.

Manual Signal Detail


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Manual Signal Detail Form which allows you to enter additional information relating to a select Alarm Signal in the Alarm History Lookup Form.

Marketing Areas


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Marketing Area Form which allows you to define the Originating City or Region that you want to be able to track.  A Marketing Area code is assigned to each Prospect and Subscriber record.

Mass Account Creation


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Mass Account Creation Form used to create a block of new accounts for an Alarm Dealer.

Medical Information


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Medical Information section - located at the bottom of the Monitoring tab on the Subscriber record's Edit View - where a Client's Medical Information is entered for each Subscriber that is being Monitored for this purpose.

Messaging History


Central Station Monitoring

MKS Connect Service

This Messaging History dialog contains multiple tabs which are the:

Email History tab which lists all Emails previously sent with an option to Forward, Resend, and create a New Email to any selected previously sent Email

SMS History tab which lists all previously sent Text Messages

Voice Message (Msg) History tab which lists the details of all previously transmitted Voice Messages

Missing Checks


Accounts Payable System

This is the Missing Checks dialog that is used for Identifying, Listing, and Printing a list of Missing Check Numbers for a Selected Bank.

MKMS GL Setup Wizard - Mandatory Account Declaration


General Ledger System

This is the Mandatory Account Declaration Form which is initially completed when using the Set Up Wizard to start the General Ledger System, or later to Modify those Account Declarations.

Modify Package Points


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This Modify Package Points is defined as a separate Form but is actually used so that specific Access Rights may be individually granted to the Package Points field on the Proposal Packages Form.

Monitored Accounts List


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Monitored Accounts List report dialog which lists the Monitored Accounts you have in each Account Type, and totals, calculated based on the total number of Subscribers, or the total number of Subscriber Panels (CSIDs) that are defined.

Month Close - Accounts Payable


Accounts Payable System

This is the Month Closing dialog for the Accounts Payable System -

This AP Month Closing Process is only required when the General Ledger System is not active (i.e., the General Ledger Setup Wizard has not been successfully executed)..

Month Close - Accounts Receivable


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Month Closing dialog for the Accounts Receivable System - This Accounts Receivable System - Month Closing Process is only required when the General Ledger System is not active (i.e., the General Ledger Setup Wizard has not been successfully executed).

Month Close - General Ledger


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This is the old General Ledger System Month Closing Menu Option.

Multi Field Search


Accounts Receivable System

Service Tracking System

Central Station Monitoring

The is the special Subscriber Multi-Field Search dialog which is accessible from anywhere within both MKMS and MKMSCS by Pressing Ctrl+Alt+F, and provides a powerful and amazingly fast Subscriber record locator, coupled with the ability to open the associated Subscriber Form (or the Sub Info (F2) Form in MKMSCS)

Net Worth Report


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This was the Net Worth report which graphed the Assets and Liabilities for a selected Date Range and displayed the Company's Net Worth for each reported Month and/or Year.

New Account Approval


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This was the New Account Approval Form (with a Form title of Account Approval) that provides a list of those Proposals entered by a Salesperson via MKSales or from within MKMS, which need to be reviewed/approved/rejected by your Company's Sales Manager.

New Appointment Form


Service Tracking System

This is the Appointment Editor Form used in the Technician Scheduling Form to enter a new, or modify an existing Service related Appointment.  The User must also have access to the Technician Schedules (New) Form to access the Appointment Editor.

New AP As Of


Accounts Payable System

This is the new Accounts Payable As Of Form which provides an anytime "look-back" Listing of Vendors (and the Aging information for any Outstanding Balance owed to those Vendors) the results of which may be produced (i.e., Viewed, Printed, Exported) for any As Of Date  in the past for which Purchase and Payment records have been entered in the MKMS Accounts Payable System module.

New AR As Of


Accounts Receivable System

This is the new Accounts Receivable As Of Form which provides an anytime "look-back" Listing of Subscribers (and the Aging information for any Outstanding Balance owed by those Subscribers) the results of which may be produced (i.e., Viewed, Printed, Exported) for any As Of Date (i.e., Today, or any previous Date in the past for which Sales Invoice and Receipt records have been entered in the MKMS Accounts Receivable System module).

No Service Since


Service Tracking System

a)This is the No Service Since report dialog which provides a list of Those Subscribers with an active extended Warranty/Service Agreement, or

b)All Subscribers, who have had No Service Since a date you specify (usually one year ago).  

This No Service Since list may also be produced as Mailing Labels.

No Signals Since Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panels with No Signals Since report dialog which provides a list of all Subscribers (or just the Subscriber's being monitored for a specific Alarm Dealer) from whom you have not had an Alarm Signal transmitted since a date of your choosing.

Non Restored Accounts


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Non-Restored Accounts function that is accessed from the Central Station Maintenance Menu option which is used to View and, if appropriate, Clear any Signals that are known to have restored, but were not automatically removed from the Non Restored Signals Drop-Down Information Box.

Non-Restored Alarms


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Non Restored Alarms report dialog which will list those Alarm Signals that reported Alarm Conditions that need to be reported as having been corrected, but have not yet done so.

Notification List

1280004 (Anchor)

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Notification List dialog - used by Companies who have implemented the Communications Module - which allows each CSID Zone (and CSID Zone Override) to have an additional Notification List for Paging and/or Emailing a notification of this event, if needed.

Online/Offline Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Online/Offline Report dialog which provides an up-to-date calculation of how many accounts came on line, and how many went off line, in the Date Range you specify.

Open Service Requests


Service Tracking System

This is the Open Service Requests report dialog which provides a clear, comprehensive and selective method to view all of your pending Service Requests.

Open/Close Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Open and Close Report dialog which provides selectable detailed information for Openings and Closings which may be selected based on a Date Range, selected Subscribers and Dealers.

Operator Activity


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Activity report dialog which provides a list of each Alarm Signal to which an Operator had to respond, limited to a specific Date Range, plus Stack Maintenance and MKMSCS Security Log In/Log Out actions.

Operator Activity Crosstab


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Activity Crosstab report dialog which provides two views (i.e., Operator Activity Count Crosstab, Operator Activity Seconds Crosstab) based on Date Range filtered Operator Activity data.

Operator Activity New


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Activity New report dialog which provides two views based on a Date Range, and selected Alarm Code(s), and/or Operator(s) filtered Operator Activity data; and Grouped by the Operator, Alarm Condition, or Load Type (e.g., Stack, Auto, Related).

Operator Efficiency Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Efficiency Report dialog which provides the means to track Alarm Signal processing efficiency based on how long, on average, that an Operator takes to actually process Alarm Signals or re-processing signals that were previously placed On Hold.

Operator Polling


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Operator Polling report which provides analysis based on a Date Range, and optionally selected Operator(s) filtered Operator Activity data to evaluate their work load and efficiency.

Order Inventory from WO



Service Tracking System

Accounts Payable System

Inventory Tracking

This is the Order Inventory dialog accessible from the Parts List tab of a Work Order Form

See the "Understanding the Order Inventory option on the Work Order's Parts tab" discussion in the Parts List tab chapter for more information

Order Job Inventory

78202 (Anchor)


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Order Inventory dialog which, after identifying the Vendor and Warehouse to which this Ordered Inventory should be shipped, Creates a Purchase Order for the Selected Inventory Item(s) and, once ordered, automatically Transfers that information to the Inventory Reserved tab

Pager Service


Central Station Monitoring

Communications Module

To Page Events within the Communications Module you must identify the Pager Services that will be used for this purpose. This is the Pager Service Form where you identify those service providers.

Panel Connection Maintenance


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panel Connections Maintenance Form that is used to assign Panel Connections to groups or sets of Subscribers based on selectable common characteristics (all having the same type of Control Panel, same Town Code, same Receiver, are being monitored for the same Alarm Dealer, etc.).

Panel Connections


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panel Connections Form which allows you to define all of the Types of Connections that your Subscribers' Alarm System's Control Panels use to Communicate with your Receiver(s).  One of these are assigned to each CSID in Subscriber Panels.

Panel Connections Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panel Connections Report which provides a list of each Type of Panel Connection that is identified as being in use (on the Subscriber Panel(s) section of the Central Station Data Form), and the quantity of those Subscriber Panel CSIDs that are assigned to each.

If required, a detailed list of each Subscriber and CSID combination that is assigned to each Panel Connection Type may be printed.

Panel Zones


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panel Zones Form which is used to document the generic set of Alarm Signals can be sent by the associated Communicator Format, and the Operator Guided Responses or Action Plans that specify the appropriate Signal Processing Procedure.

Access to the Communicator Formats Form is also required.

Panel Zones Lookup


Central Station Monitoring

No longer used.

Parts List Warehouse Transfer





Service Tracking System

Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Parts List Warehouse Transfer dialog which is used to Transfer one or more Inventory Item(s) previously identified on a Work Order's Parts List tab from its current Warehouse location to a different Warehouse.

Pass Code Labels


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Pass Code Labels dialog which are created to identify each Pass Code assigned to an individual entered in People To Call Form for each Subscriber being monitored for an Alarm Dealer, and, if All Dealers is selected, for the Company's own Subscribers that are not being monitored for a Dealer.

Passcode Search


Central Station Monitoring

This the Passcode Search dialog which allows an Operator to quickly validate a Password provided by a Subscriber, someone on the Call List, an Alarm Dealer, or an Alarm Dealer's Technician.

Pay Bill by Bank

38002 (Anchor)

Accounts Payable System

This is the Pay Bill By Bank dialog which is for making a Payment to a Vendor from within the Bills Form using a Bank Account by accessing the Pay Bill By Bank option on that Bills Form's Action Menu

Pay Bill by Credit Card

38001 (Anchor)

Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Card Pay dialog which is for making a Payment to a Vendor from within the Bills Form using a Credit Card by accessing the Credit Card Pay option on that Bills Form's Action Menu

Pay Groups Maintenance Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Pay Groups maintenance Form which allows you to establish the pre-set Pay Rates for the Recurring Revenue records defined for each Subscriber's Recurring Revenues.

Pay Import (Generic)


Accounts Receivable System

This is the generic Payment Import Form use to accommodate custom designed payment import file field definitions.

Pay Method List


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Pay Method List Report dialog.

PayGroup Change


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Pay Group Change Form which allows you to globally reset one or more of the Pay Rates established in the Pay Groups Form.

Payment Allocations


Accounts Payable System

This is the Allocations Form for the Accounts Payable System and is used to Apply Payments and/or Credits to specific Vendor Bills.

Payment Gateways


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Pay Integrator Gateways Form, the information from which is used to identify the appropriate Login Names, Passwords, and Special Instructions required to be predefined before using the E-Payments Form to charge E-Checks and Credits Cards for a selected Subscriber.

Payment Import


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Regulus Import Payment Form which is used to import a file containing Receipts provided in the Regulus Import file format.

Payment Method Types


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Payment Method Types Form - located within the Receivables Menu of the General Maintenance Menu - which is used to identify the various types of Payments that may be received from Subscribers and most importantly identifies the associated default Batch Number preface (see Batch Number Assignment) that will be used to construct the Batch Number assigned to a Receipt record.

Payments Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Payments Form accessed by the Payments option on the Vendor Form's Vendor Options Menu.  

The Payments Form is - used when Paying Bills - to request that a Check be printed, and also to record previously created Hand Written Checks.

Payroll Import


General Ledger System

This is the Import Payroll dialog that allows you to import the transactions required to post your Payroll expenditures into the General Ledger System as a batch of transactions contained in one, specially formatted, text file.

Payment List


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

PBX Setup



People To Call Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the People To Call Form which allows you to enter the contact and password information for individuals who are available for Notification purposes.

Pipeline Analysis Report


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Pipeline Analysis Report dialog which is a fully functioning data grid that lists Subscribers and/or Prospects who have a Lead Date and Status identified, and/or who have a Proposal enter which has not been converted.

Pipeline Snapshot


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Pipeline Snapshot Widget which lists information on up to 10 Proposals to Prospects and/orSubscribers and is displayed as a Tabular List or Bar Chart, based on selected Configuration Options.

Place Accounts On Test


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Panel Tests dialog used to enable an Operator in MKMSCS, or any authorized User within the MKMS application to Place an Account on Test.

PO Line Items To Bill


Accounts Payable System

When using the Bill It Icon on the Purchase Order Form, to create a Bill for the Items that were Received, this is the PO Line Items To Bill dialog - opened using the Bill It Icon - that displays what is to be billed and has a Generate Bill option to create the Bill for the selected PO Line Items.

PO Line Items List


Accounts Payable System

This is the PO Line Items List report which is a fully functioning Grid dialog provides a list of the Purchase Order Detail Line Items listed with their Purchase Category, Date of Purchase,Vendor, Warehouse, etc.,  and may then be viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported.

Positive File Export


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Wells Fargo Positive File Export utility.

Post Auto Drafts


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Post Auto Drafts Form that will Automatically Draft Pre-Approved EFT and Credit Card Payments for previously billed Recurring Revenues.

See the Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments chapter for a complete explanation.

Post Deferred Revenue


Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Post Earned Revenue dialog which is used to periodically calculate, distribute, and post Deferred and Earned Revenues to the appropriate General Ledger Accounts' balances in the Transaction File and Account Register

Post Pending Credits/Deposits


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Post Pending Credits & Deposits Form that is used to automate the process of locating each Deposit (a Receipt that has yet to be Allocated to an Invoice) and unused Credit Memo, and applying those to the appropriate unpaid Sales Invoices.

Predefined Messages


Central Station Monitoring

Communications Module

This is the Predefined Messages Form where Text Messages incorporating macro substitution methodology (similar to a Mail Merge document) are defined.  These are sent via Email through the Communications Module for special Notifications.

Pricing Mark Up Group Maintenance


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Pricing Mark Up Groups Form which is used to create any number of Mark Up Percentages, and then assign each a Description and a system ID number.  These are then, optionally, assigned to Prospects and/or Subscribers.

When a Prospect and/or Subscriber is assigned to a Pricing Mark Up Group, these Mark Up Percentages are then used, in lieu of the default Price defined on the Sale-Purchase Item Form, to calculate the amount to be charged on a Proposal, or the price being billed on a Sales Invoice.

Print Checks Dialog


Accounts Payable System

This is the Print Checks dialog which allows you to specify the Bank from which these Checks will be paid, whether you'll make Disbursements for  one or all Vendors, and the starting Check Number.

Print Invoices


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Print Invoices report dialog which allows you to (selectively) (Re-)Print (Unprinted) Invoices, as needed.

Print Proposals


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Print Proposals dialog which allows you to selectively print Proposals, as needed.

Print Purchase Orders


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Print Schedules


Service Tracking System

This is the Print Technician Schedules dialog is accessible from within the Technician Scheduling form, or from the Service Tracking Reports menu, and provides for All Technician's Schedules or a specific Technician's Schedule for the Date(s) you select.

Print Time Sheets


Service Tracking System

This is the Time Sheets report dialog which provides a "pay-week" style report for each Technician for your selected dates including hours, Work Orders that were Completed, W.O. # and Daily Totals.

Profit And Loss Comparison


General Ledger System

This is the Profit & Loss Comparison report which compares Revenue to Expenses for All or a selected set of (one or more) Departments, and/or a selected set of (one or more) Divisions, for a chosen Custom Date Range, or for one of the predefined Accounting Periods; reporting the net difference between each of those Periods (or the Month within those Years) as the Profit (or Loss - if those Expenses are greater than the Revenue) for each of the reported Years/Months.

Profit & Loss w/Budget Comparison


General Ledger System

No longer used.

This is the discontinued Profit & Loss with Budget Comparison report (also referred to as an Income Versus Budget Report) which compares Revenue to Expenses for All or a selected set of (one or more) Departments, for the Current Month and Year to Date, or optionally for a selected Month and Year to Date; reporting the Budget Variance for each General Ledger Account and/or Account Group.

Profit & Loss Report Dialog


General Ledger System

This is the Income Statement (a.k.a.Profit & Loss Statement report) dialog, which provides a comparison between your Revenue and your Expenses showing the net difference as the Profit (or Loss, if the Expenses are greater than the Revenue).

Profit and Loss Yearly  View


General Ledger System

This is the Profit & Loss Yearly View report that is presented in a grid format for a User chosen Year and includes:

1.A list of each Sales and Expense Account (with or without a balance) for the entire Company  

2.Each Account's Balance and Net Profit/Loss are shown for each month.

3.A YTD Totals column is also included for each Account along with the net Profit/Loss for the Company's whole Year .

Progressive Billing Reports


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

No longer used

This was a Job Costing related Report used by the Legacy Job Costing System that is no longer available.

Proposal Approval


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is New Account Approval dialog which provides a list of those Proposals which have been entered by a Salesperson via MKSales

Proposal Expiration Aging Report


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System


Proposal Expiration Aging report

Proposal Expiration Report


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Expiration report dialog which will provide a list of any Proposal (for a Prospect and/or a Subscriber) that will expire within the specified Date Range.

Proposal Loss Reasons



Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Lost Reason (General Maintenance) Form which is used to identify the various Reasons for why a Proposal would be rejected by a Prospect and/or a Subscriber.  

Proposal Packages


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Packages dialog which allows the creation of set system installation packages that are used to speed the entry of Proposals for Prospects and/or Subscribers.

Proposal Paragraphs


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Paragraphs Form that is used to create Headers and/or Footers that may easily be inserted into a Proposal.

Proposal Recurring Billing


Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposed Recurring Revenue Form accessible on the Recurring Items tab of the Proposals Form which is used to define the Recurring Monitoring & Services that may be purchased along with the proposed system.

Proposal Report


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Proposals (Grid) dialog is a fully functional data grid which lists all existing Proposals (for Subscribers and Prospects) within a User specified Date Range with those Dates based on a User Selected Type of Date (i.e., Creation or Expiration Date).

Proposal Statuses






Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Status  (General Maintenance) Form which is used to create Descriptions representing the current Status (as it relates to the Sales Cycle) of a Proposal created for a Prospect or Subscriber.  One of these Proposal Status Descriptions must be assigned to each Proposal.  



Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Proposals Form used to enter a Proposal for a Prospect and/or a Subscriber.

Proposal Lost Reasons


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Proposal Lost Reason Form that provides the dialog to identify the various Reasons for why a Proposal might be rejected by a Prospect or Subscriber.  One of these Proposal Lost Reasons must be assigned to any Proposal which was ultimately rejected..

Proposals Lost Report



Prospect Tracking System

This is the Proposal Loss Report which provides a Grid (list) of those Proposals which were determined to have been lost (i.e., ultimately rejected by a Prospect or Subscriber).



Prospect Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

Because the Prospect Information and the Subscriber Information Forms are strongly linked together internally (Prospects may be instantly converted to Subscribers), both of these Forms are assigned the same internal Form Name.

Prospect Address


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Addresses Form used to define an additional "Billing" or "Home Office" address for an existing Prospect.

Prospect Filters


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Filters dialog - accessible from several Forms and reports - which establishes a User Defined selection of Prospects.

Prospect Information Report


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Information report dialog which provides two report formats (Full Information and Short List), and additional options to limit which Prospect(s) will be listed by using a Prospect Filter.

This report is available on the Quick Access Menu on the Prospects Form, and as a Prospect Tracking Reports menu option.

Prospect Listing


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Listing report dialog which provides a list of Prospects that you may view or print (to paper or a file) at will and offers Filtering capability and the advanced Prospect Filters (described above).

Prospect Status Maintenance


Prospect Tracking System

This is the Prospect Status Maintenance Form which is used to define a set of descriptions for identifying the Prospect record's current Status within the Sales Cycle.

Purchase Analysis Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Purchase Analysis Report dialog which provides quick, and easy to understand, Answers to some pretty complex information such as what was purchased, when it was purchased, and from Which Vendors it was purchased, within your specified Date Range.

Purchase Category Codes


Accounts Payable System

This is the Purchase Categories Report dialog which lists all Purchase Category Codes that are assigned a Type of either Purchase or Both. and includes its normal price, and if using the General Ledger System, the assigned General Ledger Account.

Purchase Order Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Purchase Order Form which enables you to enter the exact items you wish to Purchase designating the specific Vendor from whom it will be Purchased, at an agreed upon price, and optionally, for a specified Job.

Purchase Order Listing Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Purchase Order Listing report dialog which lists the Purchase Orders for product and service acquisitions allowing you to better track your spending by incorporating this process into a Purchasing Procedure.

Purchases by Month by Year


Accounts Payable System

This is the Purchases by Month by Year Report which provides a graphic analysis and tabular (spreadsheet like) chart summarizing the value of those Purchases made each month for the last five years.

Purge Alarm History


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Purge Alarm History dialog that is used to Delete all Alarm Signal History recorded prior to a specific Date.

Purge Appointments


Service Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Purge Appointments Form is where you may delete certain Appointments from the Appointments History table.

This function purges all Appointments  - both those created using the Technician Appointment Editor and the Employee Calendar.

Purge Audit Data


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Purge Audit Data dialog which is used to Delete all Audit History recorded prior to a specific Date.

Purge Reminders


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

The Purge Reminders Form is used to purge Reminder records based on a selected Date Range, and/or a Reminder Type, and/or a specific Employee.

Quarterly Budget Comparison


General Ledger System

No longer used

This was the Quarterly Comparison Budget report which provided Budget versus Actual listing of Sales and Expenses related General Ledger Accounts for the selected Year and optionally, filtered for a Specific set of (one or more) Departments, based on the Options that are selected.

Quality of Sales Report


Accounts Receivable System

The Quality of Sales report provides a Bar Chart along with a detailed Legend that provides an analysis of the Quality of the Accounts Receivable being added - viewed over a one year period ending in a specified Month and Year.

Quick Data Entry Selections


Central Station Monitoring

As part of the Quick Data Entry procedure, this is the Select a Template dialog used to Select a previously defined Quick Subscriber Data Entry Template using the Drop-Down Selection List provided.

Quick Data Entry Templates


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Manage Templates Form used to define the generic setup of an account when using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry feature.

Quick Note Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Quick Notes Form that is used to pre-define commonly used Notes and/or Phrases that Operators use to document a specific action taken or completed for an Operator Guided Response or Action Plan step.

Quick Work Orders


Service Tracking System

Central Station Monitoring

This is the Quick Work Order Form which is used to enter a Service Request with the minimal amount of effort, and is accessible by an Operator from within MKMSCS and by any authorized User from within MKMS.  

Receipt Allocations


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Receipt Allocations Form which provides the means to apply Receipts from Subscribersto specific Sales Invoices.

Receipt List


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Receipt Posting


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.  See Receipts Posting(*) below.

Receipts By Payment Method


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Receipts By Payment Method report which provides a summary list of all or a selected set of (one or more) Receipts by Date, for each Day within a specified Date Range of All, or filtered for a selected set of (one or more of the 8) Payment Methods

Receipts Posting(*)


Accounts Receivable System

This is the new Receipt Posting Form which offers two ways to identify the source of the Receipt (by the Invoice Number that was Paid or by the Subscriber who paid it), then Posts it to the Subscriber's account, and Allocates it to the appropriate Invoice(s) - all in one step!

Receipt Transfer


Accounts Receivable System

This Receipts Transfer Form is used to Assign Receipts representing those Regulus Imported Payments sent by a third party collector, bank, lock box service, etc. which did not post automatically.

Receipts By Payment Method


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Cash Receipts by Payment Method report dialog which provides  a summary list of Receipts by Date, for each Day within a specified Date Range of All, or a selected set of (one or more of the 8) Payment Methods

Receipts Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Receipts Form which is used to post payments from Subscribers and to Bounce Checks and Issue Refunds.

Receiver Distribution Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Receiver Distribution Report dialog that lists the CSIDs that are on-line for each Receiver / Receiver Line combination which also groups the information based on the User Defined Receiver Group.

Receiver Groups


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Receiver Groups Form that is used to define any number of Groups, and indicate the Receiver IDs and their related Line Card Numbers which are to be included in each Group.  

The Receiver ID, and Line field data entered in the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring information Form is used to identify the group's members that are actually attached to each Line Card and Receiver within each of the Receiver Groups.

Reconcile Bank Accounts Form


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Bank Reconciliation Form which is used to reconcile the Receipts, Payments, and other Bank Transactions that have affected your Bank balance.

Recurring Purchase Preview Report Options


Accounts Payable System

This is the Recurring Purchases Preview report dialog which allows you to list the Recurring Purchases that will need to be paid in the up-coming (selected) month.

Recurring Purchases


Accounts Payable System

This is the Recurring Purchases Form which is used to set up the rules for the automatic creation of the Invoices for the Recurring Purchases representing expenses that repeat on a regular cycle for the same amount.

Recurring Purchases List


Accounts Payable System

This is the Recurring Purchases List report dialog which provides a complete list of all of the Recurring Purchases that have been defined.

Recurring Service Form


Service Tracking System

This is the Recurring Service Setup Form which is used to define the Recurring Services that are to be provided at a Subscriber's Premises.

Recurring Revenue Audit


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Revenue Audit Form which Lists those Subscribers who have had certain actions taken (Inserts, Edits and/or Deletions) associated with the Company's Recurring Revenue data and Auto Billing process which is presented as a Grid

Recurring Revenue Billing Cycles


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Billing Cycles Form which allows you to divide your Subscribers into billing groups so each Billing Group may be Invoiced for their Recurring Revenue at different times of the month and/or for different purposes (such as those that pay automatically with credit cards or whose invoices are to be sent via e-mail).

Recurring Revenue Billing History


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Revenue Billing History Grid accessible from the Recurring Revenue Form which displays a Grid List of all Recurring Revenue Billing records for this Recurring Billing item that were Invoiced to (and/or subsequently Deleted form) this Subscriber .

Recurring Revenue Breakdown


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Revenue Breakdown report dialog which provides a list sorted by General Ledger Department, and with each Department, by the Billing Frequency (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, etc.) of each Recurring Revenue item and may be limited to a specific Department, Billing Frequency and/or Start Date.

Recurring Revenue Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Revenue Form used to define the rules for billing Recurring Revenue to pay for the on-going monitoring and other services that your Company provides for each of your Subscribers.

Recurring Service (Grid)


Service Tracking System

This is the Recurring Service (Grid) dialog - based on the previously entered Recurring Service Setup records - allows you to View and/or Print a full function Grid containing a list of the Recurring Service Work Orders that will be generated for a User specified Month and Year - which may also be limited to those Subscribers who have been assigned to a specific Technician Group - when the Auto Service (Automatically Generate Service Requests) function is executed.

Recurring Revenue Preview Report Options


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Recurring Revenue Preview report dialog which list the Recurring Revenue items that will be billed to Subscribers within the   Specified Billing Period and Billing Cycle.

Recurring Service Preview


Service Tracking System

This is the Recurring Service Preview report dialog which allows you to Print and/or View a preview of the list of the Work Orders that will be generated for a specific month when the Auto Service (Automatically Generate Service Requests) function is executed.

Redirect Exemptions






Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

Referral Tracking starts with the Referred By Form. This Referred By Form is used to document when Subscribers, Prospects (or both) have referred an additional Subscriber or Prospect to you.



Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Referrals Report dialog which lists those Subscribers, Prospects (or both) who have referred an additional Subscriber or Prospect to you.



Accounts Receivable System

This is the Refunds dialog opened on the Receipts Form using the Refund button which allows a Refund to be recorded (both on the Receipts Form and in the General Ledger System).

Release Inventory


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Reassign Inventory Form which is used to Release Inventory items that were previously Reserved, but are no longer needed for that purpose and so should to be returned to an In-Stock status.

Reminder Item


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Reminder Item Form which is used to Enter, Edit and Complete a Reminder entry.

Reminder Resolutions


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Inactive Reminder Resolutions maintenance form that is used to enter the Definitions of how your Reminders are completed.

Reminder Types


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Inactive Reminder Types Form which is used to define the Categories of the Reminders you want to track.



Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Reminders Form, an available option on the Subscribers and Prospect Form's General Quick Access Menus, which allows you to view a list (within a specified Date Range) of Reminders for the currently selected Subscriber or Prospect, and quickly enter a Reminder Item related to this Subscriber or Prospect.

Reminders Manager


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Reminders Manager Form which allows the User access to all filtering options used to customize a list of Reminder records enabling that User to selectively add, update, and complete Reminder records, as needed.

The User must have access to the Reminder Item Form to add, update, and complete Reminder records.

The User must also have access to the Reschedule Reminders update  Reminder records.

Reminders Reports


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Reminders Report dialog which provides a list of all (or a selected set) of the Reminder records.

Report Writer


Micro Key Millennium Series

Available but No longer actively supported. (See Reports Module below)

Reports Module



Accessed using the Reports Icon on the Shortcuts tab, the Reports Module provides access to a series of Forms where Custom Reports may be created, Updated, Deleted, Tested, etc.

Reschedule Reminders

45301 (Anchor)

Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Reschedule Reminders dialog, accessible using the

ReSchedule button on the Reminders Form, that allows you to change the Date of a Reminder, when necessary.

Reserve Inventory

78203 (Anchor)

Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Inventory Reservation Form, accessible on the Item List sub-tab of the Inventory tab found on the Job Costing Form, . Once that Inventory is Reserved it is automatically inserted into the Inventory Reserved sub-tab of that Job.

Reserved Inventory Report



Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Reserved Inventory Report dialog which provides a list of all Inventory Items that have been Reserved for Jobs, or specific items reserved for specific Jobs.

The User must also have access to the Job Costing Form, Job Listing Summary, and Job Cost Reports.

Reset Automatic Service Form

59305 (Anchor)

Service Tracking System

This is the Reset Service Start dialog which is displayed when Completing a Service Request if the Work Order being completed represents a Service and/or Inspection Procedure for which that Subscriber has an Auto Service Requirement defined and the service work prefromed also completed that Inspection Requirement..



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Resolution Codes Form that is used to provide Operators a set of precisely defined reasons (the Description assigned to the Resolution Code) for halting the Dispatch for, or for indicating the Completion of, the processing of an Alarm Signal.

Response Ticket Analysis


Central Station Monitoring

No longer used.

This was the Response Tickets Analysis Form where a User could define a selection criteria to specify which Response Ticket(s) you want to subsequently view, update, complete and/or invoice.

Response Time


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Response Time report dialog which provides a calculation of how long - on average - it takes your Operators to respond to an Active Signal for those signals processed within the specified Date Range.

Resubmit/Receipt declined transactions from recurr(ing)


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Resubmit/Receipt Declined Transactions from Recurring dialog's data grid which is only accessible from the ePay Review Report Grid.

Revenue by Month and Year


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Revenue by Month & Year report dialog which provides a long range view of your Company's Gross Revenues - separated month over month, and year over year, to help identify your strong and weak months (if such a pattern exists); and the growth (or lack of it) of your gross annual revenue.

Revenue by Type and Year


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Revenue by Type & Year report dialog which provides a long range summary of your Company's Revenue Growth - for Recurring Revenues, Sales for non-recurring Sales Categories, All Sales, or a User Defined Set of Sales Categories. summarized annually for each Sales Category Code and for all Years in which sales data has been recorded.

Review Audit


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Review Audit Form which provides a dialog where the records -  created in Forms that (among others) were assigned the Access Right of A (Audit) in the Employee Groups and User Access Rights Forms - are available for viewing.

Review GJ Transactions


General Ledger System

This is the Review GJ Transactions Form which provides a multiple Data Grid interface to Review, Modify, and/or Reverse a set of Financial Transactions previously entered in the General Journal.

RMR Rate Changes


Accounts Receivable System

This is the RMR Rate Changes - a fill featured data grid - which lists (based on a User Defined Date Range) When, by Whom, and by what Amount the Rates had been charged for any Recurring Revenue record.

Run Auto Billing Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Auto Billing Form that allows you to run the Automatic Recurring Revenue Billing procedure.

Run Automatic Payments Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Auto Payment Form which will Automatically Post & Pay Recurring Purchases (by inserting the necessary Invoices in the Bills Form and Paying them using monies from the selected Bank account and making the appropriate entries in the Payments form) for the selected Payment Period, following the rules set up in the Recurring Purchases Form.

Sale and Purchase Items

Maintenance Form


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Sale-Purchase Items Form where all of your Sales Categories, Recurring Revenue Types, Inventory Items, and Purchase Categories are defined.

Sale Item Check (Auto Billing)

1072001 (Anchor)

Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Unassigned Sale Items (Deferred Revenue) dialog used by General Ledger System Users:

Sale Item Check (Auto Billing) - When the Auto Billing procedure is started, each Recurring Revenue (Auto Billing) record is examined to ensure that each has the an Unearned Revenue GL # General Ledger Account assigned to the associated Recurring Revenue Sale-Purchase Item.

If one or more Auto Billing records are found to not have the recommended Deferred Revenue General Ledger Liability Account identified, an Unassigned Sale Items (Deferred Revenue) dialog (i.e., the Sale Item Check (Auto Billing) Form) will be displayed.

The User must then identify the appropriate GL Number(s).

Sale Item Groups


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sale Item Group Form which allows you to define any number of Group Names that may later be assigned to Sale-Purchase Items.  Once Sale-Purchase Items have been assigned to a Sale Item Group, they are able to be easily located either individually within a Drop-Down Selection List, or - if you have a very long list - more rapidly using the Advanced Sale Item Lookup function.

Sales Analysis


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Analysis Widget which displays Sales (Report and Non-Report) for Today, the Current Week and the Current Month, and which may be filtered by Division and/or Salesperson.

Sales Analysis Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Analysis Report dialog which provides a list of Sales by Sales Category Code (summed both by Non-Inventory Sales and Sales of Inventory Items), the Subscribers to whom they were sold, all presented within the specified Date Range.

Sales Breakdown Widget


Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

This is the Sales Breakdown Widget which provides a Bar Chart that displays up to 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Sales value -  within the Department(s) selected in Configuration Option.

Sales Category Codes


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Category Codes (report) list which has no Options dialog and simply lists all of the Sale-Purchase Items that have been defined.

Sales Taxes Breakdown Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Taxes Breakdown Report dialog which provides the detailed information for Taxing Authorities that have multiple Local Option Sales Tax Rates.

Sales Taxes Collected Report


Accounts Receivable System

There are two ways to report and pay Sales Taxes: remit the Sales Tax on an "As Collected" or an "As Billed" basis. This is the Sales Taxes Collected Report dialog which provides a list of the Sales Tax that were assessed on an "As Collected" basis.  

Sales Taxes Invoiced Report


Accounts Receivable System

There are two ways to report and pay Sales Taxes: remit the Sales Tax on an "As Collected" or an "As Billed" basis. This is the Sales Taxes Invoiced Report dialog which provides a list of the Sales Tax that were assessed on an "As Billed" basis.  

Schedule Reports


MKMS Stark

This is the Schedule Report dialog accessed from the Reports Module Form and is where previously created Custom Report may be Scheduled for automatic delivery an Entity

Schedule View


Service Tracking System

No longer used.

Schedule View (New)


Service Tracking System

Access Rights for the new Schedule View (New) Form name allows a User to access the Planner View Icon and its associated Form on the Technician Scheduling and Employee Calendar Forms.

Schedule Reports


MKMS Stark

The Schedule Reports dialog accessed from the View Reports dialog within the Reports Module allows a Custom Report to be scheduled for a periodic Email transmission in various formats

Scheduled Reports


Central Station Monitoring

Communications Module

MKS Connect Service

The information entered in this Scheduled Reports Form is used by the MKS Connect Service to trigger the transmission (via Fax or Email) of certain Monitoring Reports to Subscribers.

Security Companies


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Security Companies Form that allows you to define the private security and response firms that provide security response services for some of your Central Station's Subscribers.

Service Calls By Resolution


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Calls by Resolution report, which can analyze the usage

of the Work Order Resolution Codes that are assigned to Work Orders when you Complete a Service Request and/or while using the Work Order Invoicing & Review Form to invoice and complete a Service Request.

Service Contracts Maintenance Form


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Contracts Form used to define the types of Service Agreements that your Company offers to your Subscribers.

Service Group Maintenance


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Group Maintenance Form where, on the Service Info Section inn the Edit View of the Subscribers Form, you assign each Subscriber to a specific Tech Group to simplify the Technician Scheduling process.

Service Information


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Info section in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form.

Service Request (Work Order) Form


Service Tracking System

This is the primary Service Request Form which is used to Enter a Service Request for a work order at a Subscriber's premises.

Service Request Forms


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Request Forms report dialog which is accessible using the Print option on the Service Request Form, and as an option on the Service Tracking Reports Menu.

Service Required Report


Service Tracking System

No longer used.

Service Tickets Widget


Service Tracking System


This is the Service Tickets Widget that provides a summary list in the form of a Grid with the status of various classification of Work Orders (e.g., Open, Scheduled by Type [i.e., today's Orders and Installs], recently Completed, and recently Billed)

Service Transfer


Service Tracking System

No longer used.

See Transfer Service History below.

Service Types Maintenance Form


Service Tracking System

This is the Service Types Form where you categorize the various types of Installation and Service Call Tasks you perform.

Services Performed


Service Tracking System

This is the Services Performed report dialog which provides a summary of all Completed Work Orders within a specified Date Range and listed by Service Type.

Shipping Methods Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Shipping Methods Form which is used to predefined the normal ways shipping services are identified for Purchase Orders.

Show Billing Cycles


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Show Billing Cycles Form which displays a complete list of all Billing Cycles and includes the associated Banking, Credit Card and Payment Gateway information.

Signals While On Test


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Signals While On Test report

Start Recurring Revenue

64301 (Anchor)

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Proposal Conversion Information dialog which allows the User to identify:

a)The Warehouse from which Parts will be drawn

b)The Technician who will perform the Installation

c)Specify the appropriate Labor Sales category Code


i.Whether to Convert Recurring Revenue information

ii.Whether to Convert Recurring Service information

iii.Whether to add specified Inventory Items to the Subscribers Installed Equipment table



Accounts Receivable System

This is the States Maintenance Form

Status and Rating Modification Report


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

Status/Rating Modification Report presented as a data grid - displays a list (of selected) Proposals which have had a Proposal Status and/or a Confidence % Rate change within a specified Range of Days (See the "Understanding and Using the Confidence % field" discussion in the Proposals chapter for more information).

Still Opened or Closed


Central Station Monitoring

The Accounts Still Opened or Closed Report will provide this information, whenever it's needed, and for a specific Dealer, if required.

Subscriber Addresses


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Addresses dialog which is used to identify special mailing Addresses which may be used by the Subscriber for receipt of specific types of system produced documents (e.g., Invoices, Proposals, Work Orders, Statements, O/C Reports).

These Addresses could be a Post Office Box, or a Company office that is "out of town", BUT are not the normal master Bill Payer address established for the Subscriber's account.  

Once defined, these Addresses may then be selected within the Configuration Form to identify the special mailing address that should be used for one or more of these Invoices, Proposals, Work Orders, Statements, O/C Reports documents.

Subscriber Breakdown by Receiver


Central Station Monitoring

The Subscriber Breakdown by Receiver report lists how many Accounts are reporting to which Receivers in your Company's Central Station.

Subscriber Configuration


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Reports Configuration section within the General section of the Edit View which, once the Addresses are defined, using the Configuration section those Addresses may be assigned to the appropriate Report Types  (e.g., Invoices, Proposals, Work Orders, Statements, O/C Reports) based on the needs of this Subscriber.

Subscriber Filters


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Filters dialog - accessible from several Forms and reports - which establishes a User Defined selection of Subscribers.

Subscriber Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the main Subscriber Information Form and without Access Rights to this Form a User cannot access Subscriber data.

Subscriber Holidays


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Subscriber's individual Holidays sub-tab - located below the Subscriber Panels section on the Edit View's Monitoring tab - provides the ability to identify the specific Holidays that each Subscriber will celebrate and therefore affect this noirmal Opening & Closing schedule.  

Subscriber Information Deletion Form


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used.

Subscriber Information Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Subscriber Information Forms report dialog accessible from the Central Station Reports menu, which provides a variety of Monitoring related data, based on the selected Options, which may be viewed, printed,  emailed, or exported.

Subscriber Ledger Card Report


Accounts Receivable System

No longer used (see Ledger Card report dialog above).

Subscriber Listing


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Listing report dialog for which:

The basic purpose is to create a List of Subscribers that you may view or print (to paper or a file) at will.

In its more advance format, it provides several tools to help you manage your database, discover potentially lost revenues, and create customized lists based on your own specifications.

Subscriber Listing (Grid)


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Listing (Grid) report dialog accessible from the main Reports menu

Subscriber Payment Methods


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Payment Methods dialog which is displayed when a User selects the Auto Draft option in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form and is used to identify the various methods that may be used by this Subscriber when they decide to pay outstanding Recurring Revenue and regular Invoices by Credit Card or Bank Draft.

Subscriber Service Labels


Service Tracking System

Subscriber Listing (Grid)

This is the Subscriber Service Labels dialog which allows you to print labels based on upcoming Recurring Services that will need to be Scheduled.

Subscriber Statements


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Subscriber Statements report dialog used to produce account statements.

Access to this Form also allows access to the Subscriber Statements option found using the special Reports Icon on the Subscribers Form.

Subscriber Temp Notes


Central Station Monitoring

No longer used

See Temp Notes below.

Subscriber Zone Triggers



Central Station Monitoring

This is the Zone Trigger Subscribers dialog which is used to identify the Subscribers and Equipment that will provide the CSID Zone Trigger functionality within MKMSCS

Subscribers With Dealer Recurring Revenue


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Dealer Billing - Subscribers With Dealer Recurring Revenue report

Subscribers with No Contract


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Subscriber with No Contract report dialog which provides a list of those Subscribers without a Monitoring Agreement contract.

Subscribers Without Email


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Accounts Without Email report

Surcharge setup


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Surcharge Setup wizard which may be run after completing all of the Credit Card Surcharge preparations

Suspended Invoice Clean-up


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Suspended Invoice Clean-up dialog

System Audit Report


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the System Audit Report dialog which allows you to specify the Date Range of, and the Parameters for listing the system processes and updates that were performed by User(s), and/or the system Event(s) that have been executed, within the specified Date Range and Parameters.

Tax Classification Codes Maintenance Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Tax Rates Form which is used to define the State (or Province), County and Local Option Sales Tax Rules and Rates required to  properly charge Sales Tax.

Tax Rate Breakdown


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Sales Tax - Breakdown report dialog which provides the detailed information for Taxing Authorities who assess Multiple Sales Tax Rates.

Taxes Billed


Accounts Payable System

This is the Taxes Billed report dialog which includes all Vendor Bills that were entered for a specified period (sorted by Vendor Classification Code and within each Vendor Classification by Vendor, then by Invoice Date and within each Date by Invoice Number) listing which, and at what Tax Rate, each of the Bill's Invoice Items were charged Sales Tax.

Technician Activity


Service Tracking System

This is the Technician Activity report dialog which provides a list of all of the Status Changes of one, or all, of your Technicians within a specified Date Range.

Technician Groups


Service Tracking System

This is the Technician Groups Form used to define sets, to which Technicians may be assigned.  These sets may be created to recognize Skill sets, Technicians who work within a specific Company Division, their location, specialized language capability, etc. Employees who are Technicians may be assigned to more than one on these Technician Groups.  Throughout MKMS, a Technician Group may also be referred to as a Service Group, Tech Group, or a Technician Group.

Consider these terms as interchangeable.

Technician Performance


Service Tracking System

This is the Technicians Performance report dialog which shows the  amount of a Technician's Time that you can actually account for, and  how much Revenue a Technician has generated for your Company.

Technician Performance Grid


Service Tracking System

This is the Technician Performance Grid provides a list of Work Orders within a specified Date Range (based on the designated type of Date field) and includes:

The Labor Hours, the Labor Cost, and related explanatory information (e.g., Subscriber, Technician, Service Type, Services Performed, Resolution description) for each Work Order

Totals for the number of Work Orders listed, the total Labor Hours and the Total Labor (retail) Charges.

Print and Export capabilities.

Technicians Schedules


Service Tracking System

No longer used (see Technicians Schedules (New) below).

Technicians Schedules (New)


Service Tracking System

This is the Technician Scheduling Form which provides an easy to use dialog that shows Service Appointments in a familiar Daily, Multi-Day and Monthly appointment calendar format. Appointments for Service Requests (and other reasons) are set using the Drag & Drop method.

Technician Skills


Service Tracking System

This is the Technician Skills Form which is used to identify specific Skill Sets which may be acquired by one or more of your Technicians. Your Company's Technicians are then assigned one or more of these on the Skills tab of the Employees Form.

Technician Status


Service Tracking System

This is the Technicians Status Form that allows you to maintain an up-to-the-minute view of the work status of each of your Technicians by allowing you to make - in real time - updates to the work status of each Technician.

Temp Notes


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Temp Notes Form option on the Central Station Data Form's sub-menu, which allows a user to enter Temporary Notes which then become viewable as Temp Notes by Operators, when needed.

Third Party Services


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Third Party Services Form where specific Services (e.g., Alarm Notification, Subscriber Data access) may be identified for Third Party Service Providers ("Providers"), and these Providers' specified Subscriber and User Accounts may be registered

Time Sheets


Service Tracking System

This is the Time Sheet Form which allows you to enter - and therefore account for -  each Technician's Time that was used for each Work Order they serviced (or time required to complete some other project).  Time, once recorded, may then be reported using the Time Sheets Report. Time Sheet information may also be entered using the Inventory Tracking & Job Costing module's Job Costing Form's Labor tab.

Tools Setup SubMenu


Micro Key Millennium Series

No longer available

This is the Tools Menu Setup dialog that allows you to define personalized menu selections to provide immediate access to utilities you often use, such as the Windows® Calculator and Notepad, or other Micro Key Millennium Series modules such as the Central Station Monitoring module.

Top Alarm Groups Widget


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Top 5 Alarm Groups Widget which lists up to 5 Alarm Processing Groups with the number of Alarm Signals received from the Subscribers assigned to each of those Groups - displayed as a Tabular List or Bar Chart, and based on the selected Configuration Options.

Top Customers Widget


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Top 5 Subscribers Widget which lists certain Subscribers rated as the Top 5 in one of three selected transaction types (Sales, Receipts or Recurring Revenue) for transactions dated within the last 12 months.

Top Dealers By Alarms Widget


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Top 5 Dealers Widget which displays the Alarm Count for up to 5 Alarm Dealers of certain specified Alarm Signals which have occurred within the Date Range specified in Configuration Options.

Top Vendors Widget


Accounts Payable System

This is the Top 5 Vendors (Purchases) Widget which shows - based on the selected Configuration Option - those 5 Vendors with the most Purchases, whether Paid or Unpaid, based on Purchases (including Sales Tax) that were dated within the last 12 months.

Town Codes Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Town Codes Form which allows you to define the Police, Fire and Medial response services that Operators must contact to Dispatch on Alarm Signals that require these types of responses.

Transaction File Form


General Ledger System

This is the Transaction File dialog which allows a User to specify a Date Range and view all General Ledger System Financial Transactions (Debits and Credits) which were posted within that Date Range, look up the original document that created the Financial Transaction, and print (or export) a report of those date selected Financial Transactions.

Transfer Service History


Service Tracking System

This is the Transfer Service History Form that allows you to move the Service History for a premises from one Subscriber's account to another - used when the premises is sold to a different entity that continues to use the original Alarm System.

Trial Balance Report Dialog


General Ledger System

This is the Trial Balance Report dialog which provides a comparison of all of your Debit and Credit transaction entries, made to all of your Debit and Credit accounts, and determines whether your General Ledger is, or is not, in balance.

UL Statistics Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the UL Statistics Report dialog

Unallocated Payments/Credits


Accounts Payable System

This is the Unallocated Payments and Credits report dialog which lists the Paymentsand Credit Notes that have not been fully Allocated to Vendor Bills.

Unallocated Receipts/Credits


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Unallocated Receipts/Credits report dialog which lists the Receipts and Credit Memos that have not been fully Allocated to Invoices.

Universal Account History



Accounts Receivable System

No longer used

This Universal Account History Form provided a complete and immediate listing of Accounting Transactions (Sales, Receipts, Credits, and Rate Increases), Calls, Proposals, Service Requests, and Alarm History that exists for the selected Subscriber or Prospect.

Universal Salesperson Update


Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

This is the Universal Salesperson Update Form which is used to replace one selected Salesperson with another (in a Subscriber and/or Prospect record) when a Salesperson is promoted, leaves your Company, or moves to a different department.

Unprinted Checks


Accounts Payable System

This is the Unprinted Checks report dialog which lists all of the Payments that have been entered (excluding Handwritten Checks) but have not yet been printed.

Un-reconcile Bank



Accounts Payable System

This is the Bank un-reconcile Form

Un-reconcile Credit Card



Accounts Payable System

This is the Credit Card un-reconcile Form

Unreconciled Items Report


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

This is the Unreconciled Items report dialog which lists all financial transactions that have yet to be reconciled in the Bank Reconciliation Form.

Unverified Zones


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Unverified Zones Form which is used to (re-)set the Test Status of an Account (Subscriber Panel) that has been Placed On Test by a Technician working on that system at the Subscriber's premises.

Universal Email Update


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Universal Email Update utility which provides an easy to use Email Address Search & Replace dialog.

Update Forms Table


Micro Key Millennium Series

0This is the Update Forms Table function that, as part of an Upgrade Process, installs the form.txt file containing the new Form Names, that are required with the upgrade, into the Available Forms column within the User Access Rights and Employee Groups Forms.

User Access Rights


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the User Access Rights Form which allows the System Administrator  with the ADMIN login to grant additional, or remove certain, Access Rights to specified Form Names for an Employee thereby making their Access Rights different from the Access Rights granted by their Employee Group assignment.

User Login History Report


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Users Login History Report (designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard) which will list those Employees who have attempted to, or successfully Logged Into the MKMS database (mkmsdefault.db).

User Options


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the User Options Form, including all of its Tabs, where key information is entered to properly define various items that are critical to the system.

Validate Documents Form


Micro Key Millennium Series

This is the Validate Documents Form, documented within the Utilities list, that allows the User to Confirm the existence (or lack of the same) of all - or selected type(s) of - Form(s), View the contents of these Form(s) and Remove them from thee List of previously identified and assigned Documents.

Vehicle Information


Vehicle Maintenance System

This is the Vehicle Information Form that is used to identify all of the Vehicles that are to be tracked (for Maintenance requirements), update the mileage for these Vehicles as to when services were performed, and record other critical vehicle related information (insurance, tag info, loan info, etc.)within the Vehicle Maintenance System.

Vehicle Maintenance Options


Vehicle Maintenance System

This is the Vehicle Maintenance Options Form which is used to define the Service Cycles that your Company wants to follow for the Maintenance of your Vehicles.

Vehicle Mileage List


Vehicle Maintenance System

This is the Mileage List report dialog which lists each Vehicle and provides a space in which its current mileage may be recorded for updating the Vehicle Information Form in the Vehicle Maintenance System.

Vendor 1099 Pay History Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Form 1099 Report dialog. If the Vendor has not legally indicated that they are exempt from this requirement (by completing a Form a W-9) , your Company must Check the 1099 Required box in the Edit View Tab on their Vendors Form.

Vendor Classification Codes


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendor Classification Codes Form used to separate your Vendors into groups that are based on your Sales Tax Payment obligations, or on the Service, Type, Need, or whatever else you deem appropriate.

Vendor History


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

This was the Vendor History Form that provided a complete and immediate listing of Accounting Transactions for Bills, Payments, Credits, and Purchase Orders, and the record of the documented Calls to and from the selected Vendor.

Vendors Information Deletion Form


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Vendor Information Form


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendors Form used to enter each of the Vendors from whom you make Purchases and to whom you pay Bills.

Vendor Invoice Notes


Accounts Payable System

No longer used.

Vendor Item Identification


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendor Item ID Form opened through the Sale-Purchase Items Form where you may enter the actual Part Number (the Vendor Item ID) for each of the Vendors from whom you purchase this specific item.  

This Vendor Item ID will be used in place of the Purchase Category code for that item when printing a Purchase Order

Vendor Ledger Card


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendor Ledger Card report dialog which provides a simple to read document containing all of the Accounts Payable related transactions for the selected Vendor.

Vendor Listing Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendor Listing Report which includes their Vendor Name, address information, and contact information including an email address.

Vendor Purchase History Report


Accounts Payable System

This is the Vendor Purchase History report dialog which provides a simple to read document containing all of the Purchase transactions for the selected Vendor.

Verification Response

Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Verification Response Form which allows you to pre-define the types of Verification Responses that an Operator is likely to encounter.

If using an Operator Guided Response, they will be the required steps that the Operator is required to perform.

If using an Action Plan, these Verification Responses (for Verification and Notification purposes) will be available for selection as a Response Steps the Operator may be required to perform.

View Report


MKMS Stark

This is the View Report dialog accessed from the Reports Module Form and is where the structure of Custom Reports may be viewed, Printed, Exported, and Scheduled

Virtual Phone Lines

Maintenance Form


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Virtual Phone Lines Form which allows you to define where the incoming signals, which are designated as Listen In (Two Way Voice) accounts, are actually being received.

Visible Schedules


Service Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

No longer used (see Visible Schedules (New) below).

Visible Schedules (New)


Service Tracking System

Accounts Receivable System

This is the Visible Schedules dialog which provides the ability to Choose which Technicians or other Employees are to be displayed in the Technician Scheduling and/or the Employee Calendar Forms.

Void Bad Check


Accounts Payable System

No longer used (see Void Check below).

Void Check


Accounts Payable System

This is the new Void Unused Checks Form which provides the means to identify Check Numbers which should not be used (skipped over) when you Print Checks.



Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Warehouse Form which allows you to define any number of Warehouses in which Inventory Items are stored.

Warehouse Inventory


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Warehouse Inventory Form, accessed from within the Warehouse Form,   which allows you to Edit Warehouse Inventory Values, execute Warehouse Transfers, and Print  an Inventory by Warehouse lists.

Warehouse Multi Item Transfer


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Transfer multiple items from warehouse dialog which provides the ability to Transfer one or more Inventory Items from the currently selected Warehouse, to another Warehouse of the Users choosing.

Warehouse Transfer


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Warehouse Transfer dialog that allows you to move Inventory Items from one Warehouse location to another.

Wells Fargo Positive Files


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Wells Fargo Positive File dialog which is used to create an Export file containing specified Recurring Revenue Invoices for future collection by Wells Fargo Bank.

Wholesale Billing Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Wholesale Collections Report dialog which lists (by a selected Recurring Billing Cycle and optionally by a selected Division Code) the amounts that were Invoiced, the amounts Collected, and any amounts you are still owed.

Wholesale Group/Rate Report


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Wholesale Groups Report dialog, sorted by Wholesale Groups, lists the Wholesale Rate that was Paid from the Allocations of Receipts from Invoices which were generated for Recurring Revenues, with the listed data based on the specified Date Range of these Allocated Receipts.

Wholesale Group Maintenance Form


Accounts Receivable System

This is the Wholesale Groups Form used to identify the Contract Monitoring Providers which are supplying monitoring services for some or all of your Company's Subscribers.

Widget Dashboard Configuration



This is the Widget Dashboard Configuration Form which provides the interface used  to select which Widgets will be displayed, and the order these Widgets will be presented, within the Widgets Dashboard

WO Profit


Accounts Receivable System

Service Tracking System


This Work Order Profit report dialog (which is actually presented as a data grid) may be populated based on the Requested On Date entered for Work Orders created within a specified Date Range

The resulting data may be formatted, filtered, sorted and then Printed and/or Exported, as needed. Totals and Grand Totals for those Charges and Costs are also provided.

Work In Progress Report


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the Work In Progress report that provides a list of all the Jobs and their related Job Tasks that have been defined for those Jobs which are considered a Work In Progress as opposed to Completed.

Work Order Details


Service Tracking System

The WO Detail option in the Print Menu on the Work Order Form's Ribbon Menu opens the Work Order Detail dialog where a User may customize the results of the Work Order Detail report

Work Order Fields


Service Tracking System

Web Tech Service

For Web Tech Service Users only:

This is the Work Order Fields dialog that is used to define up to 40 Custom Work Order Fields which, once defined, will appear on the Work Order Completion section of the Web Tech Work Order Form.

Work Order History Detail


Service Tracking System

This is the Work Order Detail report dialog which provides a printed (or viewable) listing of all Tech Status or Service Request Detail entries made within the Date Range specified.

Work Order Inventory Review


Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

Service Tracking System

No Longer Used

Work Order Invoicing/Review


Accounts Receivable System

Service Tracking System

Inventory Tracking and Job Costing System

This is the multipurpose Work Order Invoicing/Review Form that is used to "finish" Work Orders (Service Requests) by Reviewing them, recording Labor, Inventory used and Materials costs, marking them as Completed, and creating Invoices for the services that were provided.

Work Order Itemized Invoicing

59302 (Anchor)

Accounts Receivable System

Service Tracking System

This is the Itemized Invoicing dialog used, when Completing a Service Request, to Generate an Invoice to the Subscriber for the Work Order when Inventory Items or Materials are used for, and recorded on, that Service Request.

Work Order Resolutions


Service Tracking System

This is the Work Order Resolution Form which allows you to define Codes used when you Complete a Service Request and/or while using the Work Order Invoicing & Review Form to invoice and complete a Service Request, to assign one of these Work Order Resolution Codes and later analyze their usage using theService Calls by Resolution report.

Yearly Balance Sheet


General Ledger System

No Longer Used

This Yearly Balance Sheet report is discontinued.

Yearly Income Statement


General Ledger System

No Longer Used

This is the discontinued Yearly Income Statement report which provided a detailed Profit & Loss Statement for a specified calendar Year for All, or specifically selected set of (one or more) Department(s).

Zip Codes


Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Payable System

Prospect Tracking System

Under Redevelopment

This is the Zip Codes Form which - if the UseZips option is set to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form accessible from within the Company tab on the User Options Form - The Zip field in the Subscribers, Prospects, and Vendors Forms will have a Drop-Down Selection List

In these Zip fields, when the Zip Code (Postal Code) is Selected (and/or entered) for that record's location, the associated City and State (Province) information will be automatically inserted into those related fields.

If that Zip Code (Postal Code) is not defined, the User may enter it at that (or any) time.

Zone Test Verification Report


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Zone Test Verification Report dialog which allows you to view a  selectable list of those Accounts which have been placed On Test, and see the current Test Status of each.

Zone Trigger Equipment


Central Station Monitoring

This is the Zone Trigger Equipment maintenance Form which