
Completing a Job

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/15/2021

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Completing a Job:

When a Job is actually completed (i.e., all Tasks, Commissions, Expenses, Inventory, Labor, Materials, and/or Sub Contractor related costs have been posted) and all associated Service Requests (Work Orders) have been appropriately Invoiced,




Click the Complete Job button.



Complete this Job?


Click the Yes button to mark the Job as Completed.

The Current Date (Today) will be inserted into the Complete Date field next to the Complete button.



Use the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field to change this Date, if appropriate.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSaveClick the Save Icon on the Navigation/Options Menu at the top of the Job Costing Form to Complete the Job.



Complete - The Complete Job button will be removed and the selected Completion Date will be locked in.


Un-Complete Job - This option will re-set the internal field Completed=F and CompleteDate=null.  

oIf the existing CompleteDate is in a period that is closed, the program will raise the error "Period closed to all edits"

oThis Un-Complete Job feature is required because the system normally does not allow Inventory Items to be added or deleted to/from an Invoice that is coming from a Job.

oThe system also ensures the CompleteDate is not in a closed period when completing or un-completing a Job.


If there are no closing date issues, the system will allow you to re-open the Job.


Any attempt to modify a Completed Job that has not been re-opened (see Un-Complete above) will fail and the message shown below will be displayed as a reminder.




Open Job Items dialog - Dealing with Job Closing Issues:

However, certain situations may prevent this Job from being Closed.

Particularly, if there are Job Costing related items which have not been properly completed, an Open Items Found! list will be displayed.



Open Items Found!


Click the Yes button to view the Open Job Items dialog.



Open Job Items dialog


The Open Job Items dialog will be displayed for your review.


Using the Open Job Items dialog to finalize the Job Costing record.

Open Purchase Orders - Locate and complete or modify the open Purchase Order(s).-

Right-Click on any Purchase Order line item to display its associated Radial Right-Click Menu

This provides access the Go To Purchase Order Option which displays the related Purchase Order Form.



 Open Job Items dialog - Go To Purchase Order option


Incomplete Tasks - Redisplay the Job Costing record and select the Job Task tab.

Locate the incomplete Job Task and correct as needed (create or complete the Work Order, Generate an Invoice, delete an un-needed Task, etc.)



Job Tasks tab - Open Job Task example


Open Work Order(s) - Locate and complete or modify the open Work Order(s), as needed:

Go To Work Order - Right-Click on any Work Order line item to display its associated Radial Right-Click Menu

This provides access the Go To Work Order Option which displays the related Work Order Form.



Open Job Items dialog - Go To Work Order option


Locate and complete or modify the open Work Order(s), as needed.


Click the Close HelpFilesCloseBox box on the top of the Form to exit the Open Job Items dialog.

This will return you to the Job Costing Form. from where you may continue to complete the unfinished steps listed in the Open Job Items Form.


If you Click the No option, you must Acknowledge that you will complete these Open Job Items.




Click the OK button to proceed.

This will return you to the Job Costing Form where you will be able to complete the Tasks listed in the Open Job Items Form.