❑The Work Order Resolution Form allows you to define Codes that are used - when you Complete a Service Request and/or while using the Work Order Invoicing & Review Form to invoice and complete a Service Request - to identify why and how Work Orders were required and completed, and to analyze this data using this Service Calls by Resolution report.
•Some examples of Work Order Resolutions Codes and Descriptions are:
Code Description (Expanded Explanation - Not saved)
OK Work Completed & Tested OK (Everything required was successfully completed)
II Installation Issue (No Charge because this was a follow up repair on a recent installation)
SI Service Issue (No Charge because this was a follow up repair for a recent service call)
PWR Parts - Warranty Replacement (Part used seems to be failing frequently)
RB Replaced System Battery (Replacement of the Gel Cell backup power supply)
RM Replaced Motion Detector (Replacement of a Motion Detector)
UE User Error/Training Issue (Service Request was the result of a User Error or Training Issue)
UPG System Upgrade (Service Call for System Upgrade installation)
❑The Service Manager, viewing this Service Calls by Resolution report, may see an analysis of information relating to Completed Work Orders for:
•All Subscribers or a specifically Selected set of one or more Subscribers
•Containing all Service Types or a specifically Selected set of one or more Service Type Code(s)
•Assigned any Work Order Resolution Code or a specifically Selected set of one or more Work Order Resolution Codes
•For all Technicians or a Selected set of one or more Technician Codes
Service Calls By Resolution - Options
•To select, view and/or print the Service Calls by Resolution Report:
a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Reports and Choose Service Tracking and Select the Service Calls by Resolution option, or
b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Reports and Choose Service Tracking and Select the Service Calls by Resolution option
✓There are many reporting options available to allow the Service Manager to "fine-tune" the Service Calls by Resolution analysis.
✓Any and all combinations of these options (as illustrated below) may be specified.
Service Calls By Resolution - all report options specified
•Date to Select - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose which Work Order Date entry should be used in the Date Between selection made next.
✓Date Completed - This references the Completed On field in the Completions section of the Work Order Form.
✓Date Serviced - This references the Date Serviced field in the Completions section of the Work Order Form.
•Date Between - Enter the Date Range for this report - based on the type of Date selected above - using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Selections Boxes provided.
•Subscribers - Choose which Subscriber(s) will be included on this report.
✓All - By default, all Subscribers with Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified will be included.
✓Specific - Choose a specific set of one or more Subscribers to be included on this report.
▪Click the Specific radio button to display that field.
▪Ellipse - Click the Ellipse (...) to open the Select Subscriber dialog for this report.
▪Selected - Check any number of records to have them included in the report (if Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified exist for them).
▪(F2) Search - To make searching for the desired record(s) easier, Click a record within the column you want to search by, and enter search information to identify the desired record.
oThis performs an incremental search - updated as each additional character is entered in the (F2) Search field.
oOnce all of the desired records are Checked, Click the OK ü button to save your selections.
oThe Selected record numbers are entered into the Specific field.
•Service Type - Choose which Service Type(s) will be included on this report.
✓All - By default, all Service Types assigned to Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified will be included.
✓Specific - Choose a specific set of one or more Service Types to be included on this report.
▪Click the Specific radio button to display that field.
▪Ellispe - Click the Ellipse (...) to open the Select Service Type dialog for this report.
▪Selected - Check any number of records to have them included in the report (if Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified exist for them).
▪(F2) Search - To make searching for the desired record(s) easier, Click a record within the column you want to search by, and enter search information to identify the desired record.
oThis performs an incremental search - updated as each additional character is entered in the (F2) Search field.
oOnce all of the desired records are Checked, Click the OK ü button to save your selections.
oThe Selected Service Type(s) are entered into the Specific field.
•Resolution - Choose which Resolution Code(s) will be included on this report.
✓All - By default, all Resolution Codes assigned to Completed Service Requests, and Work Orders with no Resolution Code specified, within the Date Range specified will be included.
✓Specific - Choose a specific set of one or more Resolution Codes to be included on this report.
▪Click the Specific radio button to display that field.
▪Ellispe - Click the Ellipse (...) to open the Select Resolution dialog for this report.
▪Selected - Check any number of records to have them included in the report (if Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified exist for them).
▪(F2) Search - To make searching for the desired record(s) easier, Click a record within the column you want to search by, and enter search information to identify the desired record.
oThis performs an incremental search - updated as each additional character is entered in the (F2) Search field.
oOnce all of the desired records are Checked, Click the OK ü button to save your selections.
oThe Selected record Resolution code(s) are entered into the Specific field.
•Technicians - Choose which Technician(s) will be included on this report.
✓All - By default, all Technicians with Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified will be included.
✓Specific - Choose a specific set of one or more Technicians to be included on this report.
▪Click the Specific radio button to display that field.
▪Ellispe - Click the Ellipse (...) to open the Select Technician dialog for this report.
▪Selected - Check any number of records to have them included in the report (if Completed Service Requests within the Date Range specified exist for them).
▪(F2) Search - To make searching for the desired record(s) easier, Click a record within the column you want to search by, and enter search information to identify the desired record.
oThis performs an incremental search - updated as each additional character is entered in the (F2) Search field.
oOnce all of the desired records are Checked, Click the OK ü button to save your selections.
oThe Selected Technician code(s) are entered into the Specific field.
•Summary? - Check this box to produce a Summary Version of the report.
✓Any combination (or none) of the selection options explained above may be used to filter the results to match specific types of data.
✓The Summary Version of the Service Calls by Resolution report includes each of the values listed below for each Resolution Code assigned to Completed Work Orders (and a separate summary for those Completed Work Orders with no Resolution Code assigned) within the Date Range specified above:
a)Total Technician Hours Used
b)Total Labor Charges
c)Total Inventory/Material Charges
d)Total Miscellaneous Charges
e)Total of all monetary Charges
f)Total Completed Work Orders assign the Resolution Code
✓Print - Click the Print button to Print this Summary Version (see the illustration immediately below).
•If the Summary option is not Checked, a Detailed Version of the report will be produced.
Service Calls by Resolution - Summary format
✓Any combination (or none) of the selection options explained above may be used to filter the results to match specific types of data.
✓The Detailed Version of the report includes (for each Resolution Code reported) within the Date Range specified above:
▪Resolution Code followed by the information listed below
a)Each Work Order assigned this Resolution Code
b)The Technician Hours Used
c)The Labor Charges
d)The Inventory/Material Charges
e)The Miscellaneous Charges
f)The Total monetary Charges for the Work Order
▪A Sub-total for the Resolution.
▪A separate listing for those Completed Work Orders with no Resolution Code assigned.
✓Print - Click the Print button to Print this Detailed Version (see the illustration immediately below).
Do you wish to preview the report?
✓Click Yes to Preview the report before actually creating a printer copy.
Service Calls by Resolution - Detailed format