
Editing Warehouse Inventory Levels

This Help File Page was last Modified on 03/30/2020

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As a refresher, the Inventory Re-Order Report provides a list of the Inventory Items that should be Re-Ordered.

Inventory Items are included in this list based on there being an insufficient Available 'On Hand' level as compared to the minimum 'Re Order' value level that was set for the Inventory Item.

The 'Max Level' Value and the minimum 'Re Order' value is set in the Edit Warehouse Inventory Values Form which it is accessed by Choosing Adjust on the Warehouse Inventory Form.


The quantity to Re-Order is calculated by comparing the Available 'On Hand' level to the 'Re Order' value

Only when the 'Re Order' value is greater than the Available 'On Hand' level, will an Inventory Item appear on the Inventory Re-Order Report.

The recommended number of Inventory Items to Re-Order is the difference between the 'Max Level' Value and the Available 'On Hand' level for each Item


The Edit Warehouse Inventory Values dialog (accessible from within the Warehouse Inventory Form) allows you to (Re-)Set the rules for Re-Ordering Inventory Items, and allows you to Adjust one or more of the Inventory Count(s) displayed in the Warehouse Inventory Form for an Inventory Item based on the actual counts taken during a physical Inventory.

To open the Sale-Purchase Item Form:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Maintenance and Choose Sales-Purchase Items, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Maintenance and Choose Sales-Purchase Items.


On the Sale-Purchase Items Form, Press F2 or Click the Search Icon to open the Sale-Purchase Item Search dialog.



Sale-Purchase Item Search dialog


Locate and Click on the Inventory Item you wish to edit.


Click the Warehouse Inventory option on the Navigation Menu at the top of the Sale-Purchase Items Form (see below).



Sale-Purchase Item Form - Warehouse Inventory Icon - Warehouse Inventory Form


The Warehouse Inventory Form is displayed showing the Quantities ("counts") for all Inventory based categories.



Warehouse Inventory Form - accessed through the Sale-Purchase Item Form


Special Icons on the Warehouse Inventory Form:



Special options on Warehouse Inventory Form


Adjust - Edit Warehouse Inventory Values dialog - Allows you to (Re-)Set the rules for Reordering Inventory items, and to adjust actual counts based on the results from taking a physical Inventory count.

The Edit Warehouse Inventory Values Form allows you to adjust one or more of the Inventory Count(s) displayed in the Warehouse Inventory Form for this Sale-Purchase Inventory Item.  

Confirm that this is what you wanted to do:



Click on the Inventory Count(s) to be revised.

Adjust the number.

Enter a Reason for Change

Click OK to save the change or Cancel to abort the revisions.

A record of the Inventory Adjustment will be created and may be viewed later using the Inventory Adjustments report.



Edit Warehouse Inventory Values


Edit Warehouse Inventory Values: (Only values that are not framed in a Teal box may be adjusted.

'Max Level' Value - When a Re-Order of this Inventory Item is required, the difference between the sum of the Available On Hand plus the Available Pending and the Max Level will be the recommended Re-Order quantity on the Inventory Re-Order Report.  

This field may be Adjusted.

Total 'Pending' - The quantity that has been Ordered, but not yet Received.

Committed 'Pending' - Those quantity of items that have been Ordered and Reserved specifically for a Job.

Available 'On Hand' - Those quantity of items that are On Hand and have Not previously been Committed to a Job

This field may be Adjusted.

'ReOrder' Value - If the Available On Hand level is at or below this value, this Inventory Item will be included on the Inventory Re-Order Report.  

This field may be Adjusted.

Available 'Pending' - The quantity which has been Ordered for "stock" but not yet Received.

Total 'On Hand' - The quantity that is physically in the Warehouse (will automatically be recalculated if an Available 'On Hand' adjustment is made).

Committed 'On Hand' - The quantity that is physically in the Warehouse but is committed to a specific Job.


Authorization - Any changes must be made by, or Authorized by, an Administration level Employee.

Changed By: - The User Name of the person making the change.

Reason for Change: A brief note as to why the Inventory Adjustment was made

oThis is shown in the Reason column of the Inventory Adjustments Report.


Transfer - to move Warehouse Inventory from one Warehouse location to another (see the Transfer Inventory chapter for more detailed information).



Warehouse Inventory Transfer


Using the Search Icon (see the Mouse arrow), select the Sale Item (this will - by default - be the current Sale-Purchase Item), select the From (the location where the transfer will come from), select the To (the location where the transfer will go) information to execute this Transfer.

Set the Quantity to Transfer

Click the Transfer button to commit the change

Click the Close HelpFilesCloseBox box at the top of the Form to exit the Warehouse Inventory Transfer Form..


Refresh - updates the Form to the most current information in case another person made a change since you opened this Form.


Close - Click the Close HelpFilesCloseBox box at the top of the Form to exit the Warehouse Inventory Form.