❑The Customer Ranking Report provides a list (and optionally a Bar Chart and Legend ) identifying the Top (i.e., 5, 10, 20, or All) Customers.
•Using this Customer Ranking Report, managers can quickly identify their "Best Customers" based on a selected time frame and/or revenue stream.
•This report may be based on one of three available selection criteria:
1.Recurring Revenue - Based on the number of Top Customers chosen to be included in this report, it ranks by the Gross Monthly Value of the Recurring Revenue being Automatically Billed to those Subscribers.
2.Invoices - Based on the Period chosen, it ranks by the Gross Value that was Invoiced to those Subscribers.
3.Receipts - Based on the Period chosen, it ranks by the Gross Value that was Received from those Subscribers.
▪The data reported for the Invoices and Receipts options will be limited to a User specified Date Range.
▪The data reported may also be "filtered" based on a set of (one or more) State Codes, and/or a set of (one or more) Salespersons.
•There are two ways to access the Customer Ranking dialog:
a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Reports and Choose Receivable Reports, or
b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Reports and Choose Receivable Reports.
✓Then, Select the Customer Ranking option.
Customer Ranking - Options tab
❑Customer Ranking Report tabs - There are three tabs on the Customer Ranking Report dialog.
•Options - Initially only the Options tab is shown (until you make your Options selections and Select Print).
✓Customer Rank - Choose the number of Top Customers to be included in this report:
▪Top 5 - Click this button to display only the Top 5 Customers (based on the selections made below).
▪Top 10 - Click this button to display only the Top 10 Customers (based on the selections made below).
▪Top 20 - Click this button to display only the Top 20 Customers (based on the selections made below).
▪All - Click this button to display a ranked list of all Customers (based on the selections made below).
✓Report For: - Specifying what will be reported:
▪Recurring Revenue - Click this button to view a list (and a Bar Chart and Legend if the Show Chart option is Checked) that shows the top Customers being billed for the highest Average Monthly Recurring Revenue Amounts.
oThe Percentage Value displayed to the right of the Total Value represents the percentage that these Customers represent compared to all Customers with Recurring Revenues defined.
▪Invoices - Click this button to view a list (and a Bar Chart and Legend if the Show Chart option is Checked) of the Customers who were billed for the highest Sales Amounts within the Period selected below.
oThe Percentage Value displayed to the right of the Total Value represents the percentage that these Invoices represent when compared to All Invoices created within the designated Period.
▪Receipts - Click this button to view a list (and a Bar Chart and Legend if the Show Chart option is Checked) that shows the Customers who paid the greatest Amounts within the Period selected below.
oThe Percentage Value displayed to the right of the Total Value represents the percentage that these Receipts represent when compared to All Receipts posted during the designated Period.
✓Period - If Invoices or Receipts is selected (see Report For: above), identify the Date Range to be used for the Top Customer calculation:
▪Monthly - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the Month to be used for the calculation (the Current Year will be inserted automatically but may be changed - see below).
▪Quarterly - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the Quarterly Cycle to be used for the calculation (the Current Year will be inserted automatically but may be changed - see below).
▪Yearly - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the Year to be used for the calculation (the Current Year will be inserted automatically but may be changed).
✓States - The report may be limited to only those Subscribers who are located within the State(s) defined here.
▪Enter the desired State Codes.
oEach State Code must be separated from the next with a comma.
oOnly valid State Codes will actually be implemented.
oOnly letters and commas will be used (numbers and spaces will simply be ignored).
oLower case letters are treated the same a upper case letters.
✓Sales Person - By default, Customers assigned to any Salesperson will be included in the report.
▪However, the report may be limited to only those Customers who are assigned to a specific set of (one or more) Salespersons.
Select Salespersons dialog
▪To so so, Click the Ellipse in the Salesperson field to open the Select Salespersons dialog.
▪Check the Selected box of each Salesperson whose Customers are to be included.
▪Click the OK button to save those choices and Close the Select Salespersons dialog
▪The selected Salespersons' Employee ID will be inserted in the Salesperson field.
✓Show Chart - To include a Bar Chart and Legend in addition to the list of Customers, Check this box.
✓Print - Click the Print button to Preview and optionally Print this Customer Ranking Report.
✓To Exit this Report dialog, Click the Close button toward the bottom of the Options tab.
•Preview - The Preview tab presents the report which resulted from the Options you've selected.
✓Up Arrow/Down Arrow - hi - Moves the report one line up, or one line down, respectively.
✓Page Up/Page Down - Moves the report to the previous or next page, respectively.
Customer Ranking Report - Preview tab
✓Home - - Using either the screen Icon or your Keyboard's Home key, moves the report to the top of the first page.
✓End - - Using either the screen Icon or your Keyboard's End key, moves the report to the bottom of the last page.
✓Arrows - The arrows allow you to move back and forth, from page to page.
✓Number - Indicates the page number you are viewing.
▪You may also type in a specific page number, Press 8 Enter and that page will be displayed immediately.
▪If you enter an invalid page number, it will be ignored.
✓Fit To Page - Click the first button after the arrows to size a full page of the report to fit the screen.
✓Zoom To 100% - Click the second button after the arrows to display the page at 100% (of the printed view).
✓Fit To Page Width - Click the third button after the arrows to size the page of the report to fit the full width of the screen.
✓Zoom To Percentage - Click the fourth button after the arrows to re-size the page of the report by percentage.
▪When you Click the Zoom To Percentage button, the Percentage selector will be displayed.
▪You may then Click the Up or Down ‚ arrow to set the exact amount of Zoom you want.
✓Print - Click the Print button to Print the displayed Customer Ranking Report.
✓Email - Click the Email button to send the Report to an Email Address of your choosing.
✓To Exit the Preview tab and Close this Report dialog Form, Click the Close box on the right at the top of the Preview tab.
•Data View - This view provides a tabular (spreadsheet style) presentation of the selected data.
Customer Ranking Report - Data View tab
✓Arrows - Click the arrows to move through the record.
✓Export - Exporting the data from this Data View tab (note the "fly-over" help available on these buttons):
▪Export to CSV - Click the first button after the arrows to export the data to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format.
▪Export To Excel - Click the second button after the arrows to export the data to an Excel (.xls) file format.
▪Export To Html - Click the third button after the arrows to export the data to an HTML formatted file.
✓To Exit the Data View tab and Close this Report dialog Form, Click the Close box on the right at the top of the Data View tab.