❖What exactly does the phrase "Allocating a Receipt to an Invoice" actually mean?
•Assigning the value of a Receipt to a specified Invoice and therefore applying that Value as a "payment" on that Invoice.
•This "payment" may pay that Invoice in full, or in part, based on the value of the Receipt and the Balance Due on the Invoice to which it is applied.
❑There are four ways to Allocate a Receipt to an Invoice:
1.Use the Apply Receipt option on the Receipt Form to allocate a Receipt manually (#1 below).
2.Use the Auto Apply option on the Receipt Form to allocate a Receipt automatically
3.Use the Receipt Posting Form to enter a Receipt Amount and select the Invoice(s) to which that Amount will be allocated automatically.
4.Use the Receipt Allocations Form accessible from the Subscriber Options Menu on the Subscriber Form
❑Manually Allocate a Receipt using the Receipts Allocation Form (accessible two ways):
1.On the Receipts Form:
✓Use the List Icon on the Navigation Section of the Receipts Form's Ribbon Menu to Locate the Receipt to be Allocated to one or more Outstanding Invoices.
✓Click the Apply Receipt option on the Actions Section of the Receipts Form's Ribbon Menu
2.On the Subscriber Form's Subscriber Options Menu, Select the Receivables Sub-Menu, then Choose the Allocations option.
❖Receipts may also be specifically Allocated using the Receipt Posting Form,
✓Where, after Locating the appropriate Subscriber record, the User Clicks the Open Receipts Tab to choose an existing unallocated Receipts which may then selectively allocated to existing Invoice(s), and/or allocated to individual Detail Line Items of a selected Invoice; or
✓Where a new Receipt may be entered then allocated to existing selected Invoice(s), and/or allocated to individual Detail Line Items of a selected Invoice.
❖For General Ledger System Users - The Allocation process does not create, nor require any General Ledger Financial Transaction entries.
❑Using the Receipt Allocations Form:
➢Note: Receipts for Invoices which are Commission eligible must be Allocated on a Line Item by Line Item basis (see the "Item Allocate" section at the bottom of this chapter for more information).
Receipt Allocations Form
•On the top left side of the Receipt Allocations Form is a list of all Allocated Receipts & Paid Invoices.
✓This list is provided in the event that you want to Un-Allocate a Receipt, perhaps because their Check Bounced, or the Credit Card was declined (see 4. UnAllocate - Reversing an Allocation below).
✓Choose the Allocated Receipts data that is to be listed by Clicking either the Completed Allocations or Partial Allocations button.
▪Complete Allocations - Only the Receipts that have been fully applied to Invoices are listed.
▪Partial Allocations - Receipts that were partially allocated, but still have a portion of the original Receipt Amount that is unapplied, (not Allocated to an Invoice) are listed.
✓To view the details of the Allocation of a Selected Receipt (i.e., the list of the Invoices to which this Receipt was Allocated) :
▪Click the small Right-Arrow } to the left of a Check # (which could also be the last 4 digits of the Credit Card Number) to view a list of the Invoices to which the selected Receipt was Allocated.
Allocated Receipts & Paid Invoice sections on the Receipt Allocations Form
▪Click the angles small Right-Arrow } to the left of a Check # to collapse the detail view.
•On the right side of the Receipt Allocations Form are two information areas:
1.Unapplied Receipts & Credits - a list of each Receipt and/or Credit Memo that has an Unapplied Balance remaining to be Allocated.
2.Outstanding Invoices - a list of all Invoices (for this Subscriber) that have an unpaid Balance.
▪Double-Click on an Invoice Number to open the Invoice # Form containing all of the Detail Line Items (excluding Sales Tax) in the Selected Invoice.
•On the bottom of the Receipt Allocations Form are four buttons.
1.Allocate - - This allows you to Choose the specific Invoice(s) to be paid with the Receipt you Selected.
▪Click on the Receipt or Credit Memo in the Unapplied Receipts & Credits box that you wish to Allocate.
oBeing able to control what Receipt pays off what Invoice is quite useful when the paying Subscriber has specifically identified which Invoice(s) should be satisfied with their payment (the Receipt).
oMore that one Receipt and/or Credit Memo may be selected. To do so, Hold down the Ctrl key and Click on each item to be included.
oThe Selected Receipt will be highlighted in Orange.
▪Click the Invoice in the Outstanding Invoices to which you want to Allocate the value of the selected Receipt.
oIf you want to Allocate the value of the Receipt(s) and/or Credit Memo(s) to more than one item, Hold down the Ctrl key and Click on the additional Outstanding Invoices item(s).
oThe Selected Outstanding Invoices will be highlighted in Orange.
▪Click Allocate.
oThe Receipt will be removed from the Unapplied Receipts & Credits box.
oThe Balance(s) or Outstanding Invoices will be adjusted based on the amount of allocation that was applied.
oIf there is not enough value in the Receipt to satisfy all of the selected Outstanding Invoices, the Invoices will be paid off from the oldest to the newest
oThis may leave a partially paid Invoice at the end of the allocation process.
oThis may also leave a Receipt that still has some balance - resulting in a partially allocated Receipt.
2.Auto Allocate - - This allows you to automatically apply Receipts to Outstanding Invoices.
▪Click Auto Allocate.
oAll available Receipts from the Unapplied Receipts & Credits box will be applied to Outstanding Invoices until either those Receipts have exhausted their value or no more Invoices are unpaid.
oThe Balance(s) of Outstanding Invoices will be adjusted based on the amount of allocation that was applied.
oIf there is not enough value in the Receipt(s) to satisfy all of the Outstanding Invoices, they will be paid off from the oldest to the newest.
oThis may leave a partially paid Invoice at the end of the allocation process.
oIf there were more Receipts (payments) than Outstanding Invoices (those with unpaid balances), there may be Receipt(s) that still have some or all of their payment balance - also resulting sometimes in a partially allocated Receipt.
3.Item Allocate - - Performing an Item by Item Allocation - All or Portions of a Receipt may be allocated to specifically Selected Detail Line Items of an Invoice.
➢Important Note: If you are using the Commissions Tracking System, Item Allocate must be used to Apply a Receipt to any Invoice which is Commission Eligible.
▪This allows the funds to be applied to an Invoice on a line item by line item basis.
▪Often allocation by line item is required when Central Stations are paid for many different Subscriber's Monitoring Services with the same Receipt (such as Medicare reimbursements for Elderly Medical & Emergency Monitoring Services.
▪To allocated by specifically selected line items:
oSelect the specific Receipt to be Item Allocated.
oSelect the specific Invoice to be Item Allocated.
oClick the Item Allocate button on the Receipt Allocations Form.
▪If you have not chosen the Receipt and/or the Invoice to be Item Allocated, an Invalid Criteria error message will be displayed
Choose a Receipt and Invoice before using Item Allocate
oClick the OK button to close the Invalid Criteria error message.
oSelect the specific Receipt and Invoice combination to be Item Allocated.
oClick the Item Allocate button on the Receipt Allocations Form.
▪Continue with the directions below.
✓Itemized Receipt Allocations - When the Itemized Receipt Allocation Form opens:
➢Important Note: For those using the Commission Tracking System, all Receipts for the payment of any Invoices that are Commission Eligible must be Allocated on a Line Item by Line Item basis using the Itemized Receipt Allocation process described below!
MKMS Itemized Receipt Allocation dialog
✓Choose the Detail Line Item(s) to be paid with a portion of the Receipt:
▪Check the Pay box of each Detail Line Item that you want paid, as required.
▪Press the down arrow key i to move focus to the next item.
▪The Amount of the Remaining Receipt balance that is still available is updated automatically.
▪When the Invoice, to which you are applying some or all of a Receipt, has a very large number of Detail Line Items, and so all items cannot be seen in the list:
oSelect All - You may Check the Select All box to have all items Chosen, then Remove the Check Mark from the items to which you do not want to Allocate an Amount.
oSearch By - Use the Search By Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the method you want to use to locate that Item.
➢Title Bar - Alternately, you may Click the column's Title Bar to insert that field name into the Search By field.
➢Sort Order - Click the column's Title Bar to set the Order in which the Detail Line Items are listed, and Click the column's Title Bar to reverse that selected Order.
oSearch Value - Enter the characters or numbers that will identify the Detail Line Item in the Search Value field.
▪Post - Click the Post button to record these Itemized Receipt Allocations.
4.UnAllocate - - For Reversing an Allocation:
▪Receipts and Invoices may be Unallocated (see Unallocating Receipts & Invoices), and those Receipts that were allocated to Invoices on a Line Item Basis, may also be Unallocated on a Line Item Basis.