❑Someone changes their Telephone Number, so you have to change it in the database, everywhere it appears.
•This sounds simple enough until you think about it for a while:
✓If it is a Person who works for a large Business that has many Locations, and because of that person's position, she/he will be on each of those Locations People To Call list.
✓If it is an Emergency number, that number may appear on more than one Town Code record (e.g., Ambulance Service providing response for several municipalities, 911 Center supporting several Municipalities for Police notification but each has their own Volunteer Fire Department number).
•And most important of all, the real problem is that you may not know that these multiple use cases exist!
❑Automatic Formatting of Telephone Numbers:
•If you did not Check Remove Phone Formatting? in the Company Options tab on the User Options Form (to allow free-form telephone number entries), during the data entry process your telephone numbers are automatically formatted.
•Telephone Number Formatting Concepts - parentheses and dashes - are applied automatically by the system - you do not have to type them:
✓If no area code is needed, you enter the telephone number (it cannot start with a 1) and the system will insert the dash at the appropriate place, automatically.
✓If you have 10 digit dialing where no "1"prefix is needed, but you do need to dial an area code as part of the telephone number:
▪Press the <Space Bar> first.
▪Then enter the three digit area code.
▪Finally enter the seven digit telephone number.
▪Correct formatting will occur automatically - including the parentheses and a dash - you just type the numbers.
✓Long distance numbers (with a "1" prefix) are entered as such with the parentheses and dash applied automatically in the appropriate places.
❑Entering Telephone Numbers in the Global Phone Replacement Form:
•Filling in the Telephone Number information in this Global Phone Replacement Form is different - No automatic formatting is applied.
•Therefore, consult the detailed instructions in the Old Number and New Number fields below to ensure that the telephone number information is entered correctly.
❑To change telephone numbers accurately and quickly, use the Global Phone Replacement function.
•To Access the Global Phone Replacement Form within MKMS:
a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Maintenance and Choose the Monitoring option, then select the Global Phone Replacement option, or
b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Maintenance and Choose the Monitoring option, then select the Global Phone Replacement option
Global Phone Replacement Form
•Affected Table(s) - Indicate which (or both of the) tables (e.g., Contacts (People To Call), Town Code, or Both) should be searched.
✓Old Number - Enter the Telephone Number as it currently exists. No pre-formatting is applied! You must format the numbers correctly.
▪So, if there was no Area Code now, you must enter "nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the Old Number field.
▪If there is an Area Code now, one of two cases exist:
1.A '1' prefix is not required: " (nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a space, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the Old Number field.
2.A '1' prefix is required: "1(nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a 1, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the Old Number field.
✓New Number - Enter the Telephone Number to which it must be changed. No pre-formatting is applied! You must format the numbers correctly.
▪So, if there is still no Area Code now, you must enter "nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the New Number field.
▪If there is an Area Code now, one of two cases exist:
1.A '1' prefix is not required: " (nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a space, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the New Number field.
2.A '1' prefix is required: "1(nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a 1, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the New Number field.
✓Process - Click the Process button and the changes will be made.
▪An informational message will be displayed as to how many records were changed.
▪If none were changes, check your Old Number entry to be certain you entered (and formatted) the number correctly.
✓Close - Click Close to exit this Form.