

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/17/2018

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Periodically (see last Modified Date above), this chapter will be updated as these applications are developed further and new applications are added.


Listed below are the System Utilities that provide specific functionality for targeted purposes.

1.Barcode Scanner - Provides the process to configure the Metrologic Voyager USB Barcode Scanner to work with MKMS.

2.Connection Manager - Stand-alone application that is used to properly "link" your individual Company databases to the MKMS Sybase Database Engine.

3.DYMO Labels - Address Labeling machine installation and usage instructions.

4.MKS Backup Utility -  This is a Stand-alone application that allows you to create one (or two) Backups of the MKMS program Databases and schedule these to occur one or more times per day automatically.

5.MKS Cluster is an application which synchronizes real time database backup between multiple File Servers and monitors the database server. This chapter is being reviewed/revised and will be updated periodically as this application is developed further.

6.MKS Database Console Management utility provides several types of database related information, displayed on four (4) tabs, as well as the Adaptive Server Anywhere® Network Server log.

7.MKS Phone Interface utility is provided for an Operator (or any User) who wants to manually dial a telephone number using the internal Modem installed on their local PC workstation.

8.MKS Purge Utility -  This is a Stand-alone application that allows you to specify the types of Accounts, what Alarm Conditions, and which Dealer's Alarm History are to be purged, and also provides the means to delete the Audit Trail files, as well.

9.MKS SecurVoice - This chapter is being reviewed/revised and will be updated periodically as this application is developed further.

10.MKS Validate Utility - This process will analyze the system's databases for corruption and report the table(s) affected by it.

11.Report Builder - This application is not supported at this time but support may be available from a Third-Party supplier.