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Keeping a string tied around your finger as a Reminder to do something may have worked as a child, and a Post-it® note stuck on your computer's monitor today to remind you of something you have to do may also have worked well in the past.  

However, with the pace of business today, there are simply so many things to track and remember to do, that you'll either run out of string, or fingers, or space on your monitor, before you'll run out of things for which you need Reminders.

The Reminders system in MKMS starts with a pop-up message that's displayed (when first logging in) to alert the current User that there are pending Reminders for today.



   Reminders - initial pop-up message

When this message is displayed, the current User may open the Reminders dialog to see His/Her list of all outstanding Reminders

See "The Reminders Form" discussion immediately below.

As with all features and modules within MKMS, some initial Reminders system set-up is required for proper operation.  

See the Reminders - Maintenance chapter for those set-up instructions.


The Reminders Form

This Reminders dialog is extremely helpful for any busy person, so you'll find yourself using this feature virtually every day.

To access the Reminders Form:

a)Click the Reminders message on the Subscribers Form's Information Bar to open the Reminders Form  




b)From the Backstage Menu System Select the Maintenance Menu then on the General sub-menu Select the Reminders option, or

c)From the Quick Access Menu, Select the Maintenance Menu then Select the Reminders option



Reminders Form showing defaults and open Reminder record


What will be listed on the Reminders Form?

This Reminders Form allows the current User to view all Reminders for which that User is responsible, listing those Reminders and the associated Subscribers and/or Prospects information based on a specified Date Range.

1)When the Reminders Form is selected while viewing a specific Subscriber or Prospect (using the Reminders option on the Subscriber or Prospect Form's General Menu), the Reminders Form will only display the Reminders for that selected Subscriber (or Prospect) based on the specified Date Range.

2)When no Subscriber or Prospect Form is open, the Reminders that are displayed will be based on the Date Range set in the From and To Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry fields, and list only the Reminders for the current User.


Selecting the Reminders to be listed -

Depending on how the Reminders Form was opened, some or all of these options may be User definable.

User - This will be the Name of the current User.  


For - The currently selected record type will be the default

1)If a Subscriber Form is open, the Subscriber will be inserted by the system

2)If a Prospect Form is open, the Prospect will be inserted by the system

3)If no Subscriber or Prospect Form is open, All will be inserted by the system and all Reminders for the current User will be listed based on the Date Range chosen.


Name - There are two cases:

1)If a Subscriber or Prospect Form is open, that Subscriber's or Prospect's Name will be inserted by the system

2)If no Subscriber or Prospect Form is open (and so All was automatically inserted in the For field), you may Choose one of these three options:

i.Subscriber - Use the Search Icon HelpFilesNewSearchIconto access the Search dialog to locate the Subscriber record whose Reminder(s) you want to view.

ii.Prospect - Use the Search Icon HelpFilesNewSearchIconto access the Search dialog to locate the Prospect record whose Reminder(s) you want to view.

iii.All - Make no change and all Reminders will be listed based on the Date Range chosen.


From - In all cases, you may enter the Starting Date of the Reminders you want listed using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided.

To - In all cases, you may enter the Ending Date of the Reminders you want listed using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided.


The Reminders Form Action buttons provide access to its functions.  



Reminders Form options


Reminder Items

New - Click the New button to open the Reminder Item dialog (shown below) to create a new Reminder.



Reminder Item documenting a Service Call for follow up


Edit - Click on a specific Reminders line item then Click Edit to update the information on the Reminder Item Form.



Modified Reminder Item documenting a Service Call for follow up


Complete - Click on a specific Reminders line item then Click Complete (see above) by selecting a Resolution and Close Date on the Reminder Item Form.



Subscriber Form - Reminders Form - Completed Reminder Item


ReSchedule (Reminder Item- Click on a specific Reminders line item then Click Reschedule to open the Reschedule Item Form.

On the Reschedule Item Form, use the Date Selection Box to reset when this existing Reminder Item is due.

Click the appropriate Date to be Reschedule on the Reschedule Item form.

Click OK to record the change.



   Reschedule Items Form


Print - The Reminders Report is printed by Clicking the Print button on this Reminder Form, or on the Reminders Manager Form, and as a Reports Menu Selection offering many user selectable Report Options.




Note: See the Reminders Report chapter for important and detailed information about printing a list of Reminders.



Reminders Report - Preview tab


Close - Exit from this Reminders Form.