
Commission Approvals

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/11/2017

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Commissions, the Value of the Commission Points that have been "Banked", plus the Bonus Amounts earned from the Sale and Installation of Proposal Packages earned by Salespersons; and the Value of the Commission Points and Commissions earned by Technicians on Commission Eligible Sale-Purchase Items are all listed on the Commissions Approvals Form.

The Commissions Approvals Form is used to do just that - Approve the Commissions, Bonuses and the net "Dollar" Value of the Banked Commission Points that determines the Commission Payment which is owed to the appropriate Salespersons and Technicians.

To access the Commissions Approvals Form,

a)On the Invoice Form containing the Sale that requires a Commission Approval, Click the Approve Commissions Icon, or




b)From the Backstage Menu System Select the Maintenance Menu then Select the Commissions Sub-Menu, or

c)From the Quick Access Menu, Select the Maintenance Menu then Select the Commissions Sub-Menu

On the Commissions Sub-Menu, Choose the Commissions Approvals option


Understanding the Commissions Approvals Form:

This Commissions Approvals Form has:

A Selected Employee Section



Commissions Approvals Form - Selected Employee


Two tabbed Sections labeled:

Sales - Displaying the Sales - with the Name(s) of the associated Employees who are eligible for the Payment of those Commission and Bonus Amounts - and the related information about those Sales.



Commissions Approvals Form - Sales tab


Adjustments - Displaying any Commission Adjustments which have added to, or subtracted from those Commission and Bonus Amounts.



Commissions Approvals Form - Adjustments tab


Action Buttons below the Sales Tab



Commission Approvals - Actions buttons


Using the Commissions Approvals Form:

a)Review - Examine the information displayed within both the Sales and Adjustments tabs.

b)Approve - Check the Approve Box for each Commission and/or Commission Adjustment deemed to be OK for Payment.

c)Post - Click the Approve Transaction button to Post these approved Commissions and Commission Adjustments

Click the Yes button to Confirm that you approved these transactions.





The number of Commission and Commission Adjustment Transactions that were posted will be displayed.




Once Posted:

These approved Commissions and Commission Adjustments will appear on the Earned Commissions Report.

These approved Commissions and Commission Adjustments will no longer appear on this Commissions Approvals Form.