
Skills tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/14/2021

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When starting the Service Tracking module, this Employee Form Skills tab must be completed for each Employee who works as, and has been assigned the Type of, a Technician.

The Employee must be assigned the Type of Technician (or All) before you enter their Skills.

Before assigning an Employee's Technician Skills, those Technician Skills categories must be predefined.



Technician Skills Form


To effectively schedule your Technicians, this Skills tab on the Employee Form must be completed.

Enter the Technician Skill(s) for which each Employee has qualified.

Return to the Employee Form.

Locate the Employee record representing a Technician and update the record.



Employee Form - Technician's Skills tab


Note: Your keyboard's Insert (to start a new entry on this tab), Delete (to remove an existing entry on this tab); plus the Ctrl+S combination (for Save) is also implemented.


Click on the Technician Skills tab

Click the HelpFilesNavigationMenuNewIcon on the dedicated Navigation Menu located below the Skills tab

Click within this new line and then Click on the Skill field's Drop-Down Selection List arrow

Choose the (additional) Technician Skill you wish to add.

Click the HelpFilesNavigationMenuSaveIcon to record this entry.

Repeat as appropriate.

You may assign any number of (appropriate) Skills to an Employee.