❑Manage Templates - To access the Manage Templates option:
•There are many occasions when a User may be called upon to create one or many Accounts for a specific purpose, and/or for a specific Company Chain, Dealer, or Technician.
✓To speed the process of data entry for a new Account, this Quick Subscriber Data Entry Templates Form allows you to specify which fields must be populated when using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form.
▪Often, what's really needed is a simple new record initialization - the creation of a Subscriber record with minimal information, to just get it in the system - knowing that another User will return later to "dot all the i's and cross all the t's", as needed to fully "fill-in" the additional information, as appropriate.
▪To speed this simple record initialization data entry process, this Subscriber Quick Data Entry Templates Form allows you to specify which fields must be populated initially when using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form for rapidly entering one or more Accounts, and so by default, identify which information can be provided later.
✓Using a Subscriber Quick Data Entry Template eliminates the need to go to several screens to enter a Subscriber record (although someone will need to do this later to more fully populate the available fields within the Edit View of the Subscriber Form).
•From the Backstage Menu System Select the Maintenance Menu then open the Quick Data Entry Sub-Menu
Backstage Menu - Maintenance (Ctrl+M) Menu - Quick Data Entry sub-menu - Manage Templates option
✓Select the Manage Templates option.to open the Quick Data Entry Templates Form
•The Quick Data Entry Template Form has three Field tabs and each of those tabs specify which Fields are Mandatory,
Quick Data Entry Templates Form
❑To define a new Quick (Subscriber) Data Entry Template:
•Click the Icon
•Template Name - Enter a Name for this Template.
•Default Data Template - Optionally, a previously entered Subscriber record may be used as a source of data for the required information fields.
✓This filed has a Drop-Down Selection List with an incremental search field, so as you type, the Subscriber's Name that most closely matches your entry will be shown
✓Click on the record when the desired Subscriber Name is shown.
Quick Data Entry Templates Form - Default Data Template search
✓If the information entered for a previously defined Subscriber record (whether a "real" Subscriber, or a Subscriber record created to be a Default Template) closely matches what should be entered for this Template (e.g., the Account Name, Salesperson, Sort Code, Account Type, Communicator Format, etc., will be the same), use the Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose the Subscriber record that best matches what should be attached to the Quick Subscriber Data Entry Template to be defined here.
▪If a Default Data Template is selected, the actual data matching the required information types that are Checked on the General, Custom, and/or Central Station options tabs, will be inserted into any new Subscriber record created using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form when this Template is chosen.
▪The result is that the User may have these key Fields (see below) auto-populated on any Subscriber record entered using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form, as long as that data exists in the record selected as the Default Data Template.
▪Once the Default Data Template has populated those Fields (see below) within the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form, any of this "default" data may be modified and/or completely changed, as appropriate.
•Fields - There are up to three tabs on the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Templates Form, from which to specify the required information types (i.e., Fields):
1.General - Lists those fields normally used to enter a Subscriber's Physical Location and/or Contact Information.
Subscriber Quick Data Entry Templates Form - General tab
▪Click the General tab.
▪Initially there are two Mandatory Fields (Name and Salesman) that are Checked - so leave these Fields Checked.
▪Check any other required information Fields that will be Mandatory before a Subscriber Quick Data Entry record may be saved.
oKeep in mind that - if a Default Data Template Subscriber record was identified for the Template Name - any Physical Location and/or Contact Information data corresponding with the Fields Checked here, will automatically be entered into the Subscriber record(s) created using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form when this Subscriber Quick Data Entry Template is chosen.
oThe automatically entered data may be modified, if necessary.
▪See the Subscribers Form chapter, and Edit View - Monitoring and its associated chapters for an explanation of the purpose for each of these Fields.
2.Custom Fields - Allows you to require any Custom Fields (if any Custom Tabs & Fields have been created for the Subscriber Form).
Subscriber Quick Data Entry Templates Form - Custom Fields tab
▪Click the Custom Fields tab, if it is shown.
▪Check any Custom Fields that are to be required before a Subscriber Quick Data Entry record may be saved.
oKeep in mind that - if a Default Data Template Subscriber record was identified for the Template Name, any Custom Fields data - corresponding with the Fields Checked here - will automatically be entered into the new Subscriber record(s) created when using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form and this Subscriber Quick Data Entry Template is chosen.
3.Central Station - Lists the most important Fields related to Central Station Monitoring.
Subscriber Quick Data Entry Templates Form - Central Station tab
▪Click the Central Station tab.
▪Check the Monitoring Information related Fields that are to be required before a Subscriber Quick Data Entry record may be saved.
a.If the CSID field is not Checked, the Communicator, CSID Zones and People to Call fields will be inactive.
b.When the CSID field is Checked and a Default Data Template Subscriber record was identified. the CSID will not be duplicated, it simply becomes a Mandatory Entry.
oWhen a Default Data Template Subscriber record was identified for this Quick Data Entry Template - any monitoring related data corresponding with the Fields Checked here, will be required and will be entered in the new Subscriber record(s) created when using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form if that data is available (e.g., Communicator Format, Account Type, Dealer, People To Call) in the Selected Default Data Template Subscriber record.
oFor example, If People To Call is Checked, once a new Subscriber record is entered and saved using the Subscriber Quick Data Entry Form, all the People To Call records entered for the Subscriber whose Default Data Template was identified when this Subscriber Quick Data Entry Template was created, will be added to the new Subscriber record, and additional People To Call records may also be entered.
•Save - Click the Icon to record this Subscriber Quick Data Entry Template entry.