❑As an Alarm Signal is being handled by an Operator, the active Calling Order - the list of People To Call that should to be used for the Notification step - is derived from one of six sources:
1.The order in which the Contacts (People To Call) (i.e., Contacts) were originally entered.
2.The revised order for Contacts that may be re-set using this Call Order Tab.
3.The specific Call Order established in a CSID Zone record which also allows the use of all Global Call List entries.
4.The specific Call Order established in a CSID Zone Override record which also allows the use of all Global Call List entries.
5.The specific Call Order established in the CSID Zone Default Call List (CALL DEF) record which also allows the use of all Global Call List entries.
6.The Conditions Call List which allows for the definition of a specified set and calling order of Contacts based on the identified Alarm Condition Code.
❑Contacts (People To Call) information is maintained for every listed Subscriber Panel CSID identified in the Panel Info tab for each Subscriber for whom your Company provides Monitoring Services.
•When a Subscriber has Multiple CSIDs defined, a specific Contacts (People To Call) list may be entered for each listed Subscriber Panel CSID.
•Different types of emergencies may require that different sets of Contacts (People To Call) be notified, and often in a different Calling Order.
•In some cases, this "third party" Notification call may actually be the only Notification that is required.
•From time to time, based on the Alarm Condition or CSID Zone that is transmitted, you may be asked to change the Calling Order in which these Contacts (People To Call) and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
❑Understanding how the correct Before Dispatch, After Dispatch and/or Notification sequence (each of which may have specific Calling Orders) using the available Contacts (People To Call) and/or Global Call List and/or Contact Lists and its Members is determined when Processing an Alarm Signal:
A.After the Verification procedure has been completed, but prior to executing a Dispatch:
1.When the parameters of a Before Dispatch type of Contact List that was entered in the Contact Lists tab for a CSID listed in the Subscriber Panel section matches the Alarm Signal received, and a Schedule assigned to that Contact List is in effect,
a.The List Members of that specific Contact List will be contacted, as necessary prior to executing a Dispatch
b.Then, only if necessary, the normal Dispatch process should be executed.
2.Otherwise, the normal Dispatch process should be executed.
B.After the Verification and Dispatch procedures have been completed:
1.When the parameters of an After Dispatch type of Contact List that was entered in the Contact Lists tab for a CSID listed in the Subscriber Panel section matches the Alarm Signal received, and that Contact List's assigned Schedule is in effect,
a.The List Members of that specific Contact List will be used for Notification purposes
b.Then, only if necessary, the normal Notification process should be executed.
2.When no parameters are defined for a Contact List created for the CSID, and a Schedule assigned to that Contact List is in effect,
a.The List Members of that specific Contact List will be used for Notification purposes
3.Otherwise, the normal Notification process should be executed.
C.When an Operator is required to make a Notification call for an Alarm Signal she/he is Processing, and a Contact List is not in effect, a specific Calling Order in which those Notification Calls should be made, may be defined.
1.Based on the Alarm Signal being processed and the type of Alarm Condition that is being reported, that Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts and/or the Global Call List entries should to be contacted, may be quite different.
a.Therefore, different Calling Orders may need to be available, and these special Calling Orders must be easy to define, when needed.
b.To accommodate this requirement, for Notification purposes, there are several ways to specify the Calling Order of the list of Contacts and/or the Global Call List entries.
2.This Calling Order may be specified for every CSID installed for every Subscriber - on a case by case basis - as outlined below:
a.The default sequence in which Contacts records were originally entered for a CSID.
b.The revised sequence established for a CSID using this Call Order Form.
c.The specific Calling Order established as a Conditions Call List for a specified CSID and Alarm Condition.
i.All Global Call List entries which are available for this CSID may be used.
d.The specific Calling Order established in the Call Order column of an individual CSID Zone record entered for a CSID.
i.All Global Call List entries which are available for this CSID may be used.
e.The specific Calling Order established in the Call Order column of an individual CSID Zone Override record entered for a CSID.
i.All Global Call List entries available for this CSID may be used.
f.The Calling Order established in the Call Order column of the CSID Zone Default Call List (CALL DEF) record entered for a CSID.
i.All Global Call List entries available for this CSID may be used.
•MKMSCS determines the proper Notification Calling Order based on the following three situations, only limited by the type(s) of Calling Order data made available:
1.The Alarm Signal received was validated by SPA by using a Signal ID (and optionally a Physical Zone) that is defined in the CSID Zone Overrides table for the CSID that was received:
a.The CSID Zone Override record has its own specific Call Order defined for this specific Alarm Signal, that specially defined Call Order will be the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts, and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
b.If there is no specific Call Order defined in the CSID Zone Override record, but there is a CALL DEF record in the CSID Zones table for this Subscriber, that specially defined CALL DEF record's Call Order will be the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts, and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
c.If there is no specific Call Order defined in the CSID Zone Override record and no CALL DEF record, but there is a Call Order established (See "Re-Setting the Call Order of the existing Contacts" below) for the Subscriber, that Call Order list will determine the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts should be contacted.
2.The Alarm Signal received was validated by SPA by using a Signal ID (and optionally a Physical Zone) that is defined in the CSID Zones table for the CSID that was received:
a.If the CSID Zone record has its own specific Call Order entered for this specific Alarm Signal, that specially defined Call Order will be the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts, and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
b.If there is no specific Call Order defined in the CSID Zone record, but there is a CALL DEF record in the CSID Zones table for this Subscriber, that specially defined CALL DEF record's Call Order will be the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts, and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
c.If there is no specific Call Order defined in the CSID Zone record and no CALL DEF record, but there is a Call Order established (See "Re-Setting the Call Order of the existing Contacts" below) for the Subscriber, that will determine the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts should be contacted.
3.The Alarm Signal received was validated by SPA by using a Signal ID (and optionally a Physical Zone) which is defined in the Panel Zones table of the Communicator Format used by this Subscriber (as assigned to the CSID listed in the Subscriber Panels section of their Central Station Data Form):
a.There is no place to define a specific Calling Order in the Panel Zone table, but there is a CSID Zone Default Call List (CALL DEF) record in the CSID Zones table for this Subscriber, so that specially defined Call Order will be the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts, and/or the Global Call List entries should be contacted.
b.There is no place to define a specific Calling Order in the Panel Zone table, but there is a Call Order established (See Re-Setting the Call Order below) for the Subscriber, so that Call Order list will determine the Calling Order in which the Subscriber's list of Contacts should be contacted.
❑Contact Lists may also be defined for any CSID for whom your Company provides Monitoring Services.
•The sections in the Contact Lists Form provide the interface to:
1.Create Contact Lists for specific Purposes, that will be used for Contacts which, among other purposes, are to be made prior to a Dispatch, used during a standard Dispatch, and/or after a Dispatch has been completed
2.Assign List Members to a designated Contact List
3.Assign a Contact List to an existing or new Schedule for permanent usage, or for specific Days and/or Times, and Alarm Events
4.Assign a Schedule to an individual Contact (e.g., Contacts (People To Call), Alternate Call List, and/or Dealer Call List member)
❑Re-Setting the Call Order of the existing Contacts (People To Call):
•To access the Call Order sub-tab:
✓Open the Subscribers Form.
✓Retrieve (F2 Search) the appropriate Subscriber record.
✓Select the Edit View Icon.
✓Choose the Monitoring Tab and locate the Subscriber Panels section.
✓Select the appropriate CSID.
✓Click the Contacts (People To Call) tab.
✓Click the Call Order sub-tab.
•The Call Order sub-tab will be displayed
Contacts (People To Call) tab - Call Order sub-tab
•Click the Reset button at the bottom of the list to ensure the most recent Call Order Name Sequence is shown.
•Click on the Name to be moved.
•There are two ways to relocate a Name on the Call Order list:
1.Drag & Drop the Name to the desired location.
2.Reposition the Name using the directional arrows:
▪Click the Up or Down arrow button, as needed.
•Whenever one or more Names have been relocated in the Call Order list, all of the Names in the list will be displayed in Red.
Names shown in Red
✓Click the Update button to commit the changes and return the color of the Names to Black.
•Repeat as needed.