
Service Group Maintenance

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/29/2018

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Technicians (Employees with the assigned Type of <All> or <Technician>) may be assigned to one or more Technician Groups, based on specific criteria - such as their area of expertise, physical location, or the marketing/service area in which they generally work.

The Employee's (Technician's) Service Group assignment might be based on a Technician's Skills, the system types they're most familiar with (e.g., UL® versus non-UL, or Commercial versus Residential), the Dealers they service or with whom their Subscribers contract, the location of the Technicians or Subscribers (perhaps based on Town Codes), your Company's Divisions, the language the Subscriber speaks, etc., or whatever other reason serves a business purpose for your Company.

Regardless of the reason these assignments are made, Technicians who are being Scheduled for Work Orders are more easily scheduled by limiting the Open Work Orders list on the Technician Scheduling Form to those in a specified Technician Group.


Note:  Throughout MKMS, a Technician Group may also be referred to as a Service Group, Tech Group, as well as a Technician Group.

Consider these terms as interchangeable.


Understanding the data listed on the Service Group Maintenance Form:

To access the Service Group Maintenance Form:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Maintenance and Choose Service Tracking then Select the Service Group Maintenance option, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Maintenance and Choose Service Tracking then Select the Service Group Maintenance option



Service Group Maintenance Form


The top of the Service Group Maintenance Form provides the means to "filter" the data that is listed in the columns of data below.

Each of these columns of data has a name - referred to as that column's Header Name.



These column Header Names, and the data listed in each column, may be moved, as needed using the standard Windows® Drag & Drop methodology.

Once a column Header Name (and its related data) is relocated, that new position will be preserved as the Default Position for that column, until the User chooses to relocate that column, again.

Each column Header Name's location is stored by MKMS and "remembered" on a User by User basis.

There are two sets of columns - each with the same Header Names, one lists the Accounts that are selected based on the "filter" selection, the other lists the members assigned to a specified Technician Group.


Assigning Technician Groups to Subscribers:

Technicians may be assigned as members of more than one of these Technician Groups.

Subscribers may be assigned to only one Technician Group in the Service Info Section within the Edit Tab of the Subscribers Form.

Only one Technician Group (a.k.a.: Service Group, Tech Group) may be assigned to each Subscriber.

For convenience, a Technician Group may be assigned to any number of a selected set of Subscribers - at the same time - using this Service Group Maintenance Form.

To assign a Technician Group to a selected set of Subscribers:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Maintenance and Choose Service Tracking and Select the Service Group Maintenance option, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Maintenance and Choose Service Tracking and Select the Service Group Maintenance option


Which Accounts? - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the Subscribers that are to be listed, based on one of the following criteria:

All - Every Subscriber will be listed that has not been assigned to a Technician Group (a.k.a.: Service Group, Tech Group).


Map Location - Only Subscriber records containing the specified Map Location will be listed.

Note The Map Locations are entered in the Edit Tab on the Subscribers Information Form.



Service Group Maintenance Form - Which Accounts? - Map Location option


Which Accounts - To limit the list of Selected Accounts to Subscribers with the specified Map Location, Choose the Map Location option..

Select Account - Enter the desired Map Location Code in the field provided.

Click the Refresh button.

The Selected Accounts and Assigned Accounts areas will list all Subscribers assigned that Map Location.


Dealer - Only Subscribers assigned the specified Dealer Code on the Subscriber's Monitoring Information Form will be listed.



  Service Group Maintenance Form - Which Accounts? - Dealer option


Which Accounts - Choose the Dealer option.

Click the Ellipse button HelpFilesEllipseButton in the field provided.

Enter the first letters of the Dealer Code in the Search Value field.

Click on the desired Dealer record.

Click the OK button.

Select Account - The Dealer Search dialog will Close and the selected Dealer's Name will be inserted in the field provided.

Click the Refresh button.

The Selected Accounts and Assigned Accounts areas will list any Subscribers that have been assigned that Dealer Code.


Town Code - Only Subscribers assigned the specified Town Code on the Subscriber's Monitoring Information Form will be listed.



Service Group Maintenance Form - Which Accounts? - Town Code option


Which Accounts - Choose the Town Code option.

Click the Ellipse button HelpFilesEllipseButton in the field provided.

Enter the first letters of the Town Code in the Search Value field.

Click on the desired Town Code record.

Click the OK button.

Select Account - The Town Code Search dialog will Close and the selected Town Code will be inserted in the field provided.

Click the Refresh button.

The Selected Accounts and Assigned Accounts areas will list any Subscribers assigned that Town Code.


Zip Code - Only Subscriber records containing the specified Zip Code will be listed.



Service Group Maintenance Form - Which Accounts? - Zip Code option


Choose the Zip Code option.

Select Account - Enter the desired Zip Code in the field provided or use the Drop-Down Selection List, if appropriate.

Click the Refresh button.

The Selected Accounts and Assigned Accounts areas will list all Subscribers with that Zip Code.


Filtering the Selected Accounts and Assigned Accounts lists by Service Group:

Selected Accounts - Initially, the Selected Accounts section displays all of the Selected Subscribers based on the Which Accounts? Choice that was made (see the discussion of the Filter options above).

Service Group - As stated above, by default, <All> Subscribers that have not been assigned to a Technician Group (Service Group) will be listed.

Instead, the Selected Accounts list may be limited to only those Subscribers that do have a Technician Group (Service Group) code already assigned.

If you do Choose to limit the list to Subscribers in a specific Technician Group (Service Group), only the Subscribers assigned to that Technician Group (Service Group) will be displayed.

Therefore, the final list of Selected Accounts may only contain either the Subscribers resulting from your Which Accounts? Choice, or the Subscribers assigned to the Selected Technician Group (Service Group).

In other words, the Which Accounts? Choice and the Technician Group (Service Group) Choice are mutually exclusive.

Only one set of Subscribers (the Which Accounts? Choice), or the other set of Subscribers (the Technician Group (Service Group) Choice) may be listed in the Selected Accounts section.

Assigned Accounts - Initially the Assigned Accounts area also displays all of the Selected Subscribers based on the Which Accounts? Choice that was made above.

Service Group - As stated above, by default, <All> Subscribers that have not been assigned to a Technician Group (Service Group) will be listed.

There are three uses for the Assigned Accounts section:

1.List all of the Subscribers that have already been assigned to a specific Technician Group (Service Group) code.

2.Create a list of Subscribers already assigned to a specific Technician Group (Service Group) code, some or all of which you want to reassign to another Technician Group that has been selected in the the Selected Accounts section.

3.Set the specific Technician Group (Service Group) to which you want to assign some or all of the Subscribers listed in the the Selected Accounts section.

Define the list of Assigned Accounts by using the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose a Technician Group (Service Group) from among those previously defined in the Technician Group Form.


Making Service Group Assignments by Moving one or more (or All) of the Selected Accounts section to and/or from the Assigned Accounts section:

Define the appropriate list of Selected Accounts.

Define the appropriate list of Assigned Accounts.

Move one or more of these Subscribers into the Assigned Accounts section.

This will Assign those moved Selected Accounts  to the Service Group code Chosen for the Assigned Account's Service Group.

You may Remove one or more of the Assigned Accounts.

If the Selected Accounts Service Group is set as <All> Subscribers, the Assigned Account's Service Group code will be removed from the Service Info Section within the Edit Tab of the Subscribers Form.

However, if the Selected Accounts Service Group is set for a specific Technician Group (Service Group), that Technician Group (Service Group) code will be assigned to the Subscriber(s) being Removed.

Therefore, it is best when Removing Subscribers from the Assigned Accounts list to set the Selected Accounts list's Service Group code to <All> Subscribers.


Use the right pointing Arrows to move the Subscribers from the Selected Accounts section to the Assigned Accounts section.

You may Click on a specific Subscriber then Click the right arrow (">") to move that Subscriber to the Assigned Accounts section

You may also Click the double right arrow (">>") to move All listed Subscribers to the Assigned Accounts section

Use the left pointing Arrows to move the Subscribers from the Assigned Accounts section to the Selected Accounts side.

You may Click on a specific Subscriber then Click the left arrow ("<") to move that Subscriber back to the Selected Accounts section

You may also Click the double left arrow ("<<") to move All listed Subscribers back to the Selected Accounts section