
Bill It Icon

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When All (or all that will not be Back-Ordered for a considerable period of time) of the requested items for a Purchase Order have been received:

Use any of these three methods to Locate that Purchase Order Form

1.If you know the Purchase Order Number that is to be billed, use the PO Search function on the Payables tab to Locate the Vendor and that Purchase Order, or



Purchase Order Search dialog


2.Click the Purchase Orders Icon on the Payables Tab from which you may use the Search Icon to Select a specific Vendor which will display a List of that Vendor's Purchase Orders.



Purchase Orders Icon on the Payables Tab


3.If the Vendors Form is currently open



Search by Purchase Order Icon on the Payables Tab


i.Use the Vendor Search option to locate the appropriate Vendor record

ii.Open the Purchase Order Form  

iii.Click the List Icon on the Purchase Order Form

iv.Locate, then Double-Click on the required Purchase Order Number.

oSee the "Locate the specific Purchase Order " discussion immediately below for more detail on using this method).


What Do You Do Next? An Overview:

With the appropriate Purchase Order record displayed:

Check in any Items that have been delivered but were not yet recorded as Received (see those instructions in the Check in chapter).

Use the Bill It Icon to Create a Bill for all of the un-billed items on this Purchase Order .

Once everything that was Ordered has been Checked in as Received, and then Billed (using the Bill It Icon on the Purchase Order Form), this will automatically Close the Purchase Order.


Locate the specific Purchase Order :

Press F4 to open a Vendors Form.

In the Vendors Form, Select (see Vendor Search) the specific Vendor from whom item(s) were received from a previously issued Purchase Order.

Select the Purchase Orders option on its Vendor Options Menu

Click the List Icon on the Purchase Order Form

Locate, then Double-Click on the required Purchase Order Number.




The Selected Purchase Order will be displayed.

Check In the items that were Received and HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSaveClick the Save Icon.



Purchase Orders Form - All Detail Line Items have been Checked In


The Quantity of Ordered Items that were entered in the Check In column will be moved to the Received column, and the Quantity in the Check In column will be set to zero ("0").



Purchase Order Form - Check In the delivered item(s) moved to Received column


If All of the Ordered items have been received and marked as Checked In, a Mark PO Complete? Query will be presented.

Answer accordingly:



Mark PO Complete?


Yes - This option will permanently Close the PO and the only subsequent action available will be to Bill It.

No - This option will allow future modification to this Purchase Order, should that be necessary (e.g., need more of an item recorded under this same PO number, have a price dispute, sales tax was charged but it shouldn't have, etc.).


Bill It - Click the Bill It Icon on the Navigation Menu of the Purchase Order Form to record (create) the associated Bill that was, or will be, received from the Vendor (preferably using the Vendor's Invoice Number) for those items that were actually received at your Company (i.e., were Checked In).

Whether your Company has received everything that was ordered, or simply want to create an interim Invoice (Bill) because the remainder of the items are temporarily back ordered, Click the Bill It Icon.



Purchase Order Form - Actions Menu - Bill It Icon


As additional Items are received (fulfilling the back order), the Bill It Icon may be used again.

The system automatically tracks which Items have, and have not been billed.

Once all items have been Checked In, the system will Close the Purchase Order.


Understanding and Using the PO Line Items To Bill dialog:  

When the Bill It Icon is selected, the PO Line Items To Bill dialog is displayed.

The Detail Line Items that have been Received - but have not yet been Billed - will be listed in the PO Line Items To Bill dialog



Purchase Order Form - selected the Bill It Icon - PO Line Items To Bill dialog displayed - Generate Bill option creates Bill


By default, all Detail Line Items will have a Check in the Bill it column in the PO Line Items To Bill dialog.

The User may Choose that certain Detail Line Items will not be billed by removing that Check in that Bill It column.

By default, the number in the Quantity column in the PO Line Items To Bill dialog will also equal the quantity in the Received column in the PO Line Items To Bill dialog.

The User may change number in the Quantity column on any Detail Line Item in the PO Line Items To Bill dialog, thereby changing the quantity that will be billed.

Once the required billing adjustments have been made, create the Bill using the Generate Invoice option on the PO Line Items To Bill dialog.


Generate Invoice option - The Bill for all of the Detail Line Items that have been Checked In - but not previously Billed - will be created automatically.

A Reminder pop-up will be presented to alert you that the Temporary Invoice Number inserted by the system must be changed to the actual Invoice Number for the Bill submitted by the Vendor.




The Invoice (Bill) will be displayed.



Bill created by using the Purchase Order Bill It button


1.This action will automatically convert whatever Detail Line Items that have been Checked In and therefore have a Quantity in the Received column on that Purchase Order, to identical Detail Line Items on a Bill.


2.It will also correctly record the increase (within the Inventory Tracking & Job Costing System) of Inventory Items that were Checked In and therefore were Received 

a.When Purchase Orders which contained Inventory Items are Billed - using the Bill It Icon on the Purchase Order Form - the associated Inventory Counts are updated in the Inventory Tracking System as follows:

The Received column on the Purchase Order Form will be updated by the system to reflect the Quantity that had been previously Checked In and has now been Billed.

The Average Inventory Cost (which includes any Sales Tax that was charged) recorded on the Sale-Purchase Item Form will be updated to reflect this new Inventory Purchase's Price.

No Inventory Counts are changed on the Sale-Purchase Item Form (this was already done when the Inventory Items were Checked In).

b.When Purchase Orders which contained Inventory Items are Billed using the Bill It Icon on the Purchase Order Form, in the General Ledger System:

The Value (Quantity multiplied by the Price plus Sales Tax, if any) is Debited (subtracted) from the Inventory Purchases Liability Account

That same Value is Credited (added) to the Accounts Payable Liability Account.


3.As shown below, prior to a Bill being created, the Check In column's Quantity on the Purchase Order Form is moved to the Received column, and the Check In column's Quantity is re-set to zero (0).




Closing (Completing) a Purchase Order:

As noted above, when you Click the Bill It Icon, if all of the Items that were Ordered have been delivered and Checked In, you will be asked if you want to mark the Purchase Order as Completed.



 Mark PO Complete?


Yes - Doing so will Check the Closed box on the Purchase Order Form.  

oThis is the default choice, and in most cases what you should Choose.

oThe only exception to this is if you want to be able to add additional items to this Purchase Order for some reason

Note: As an example:

You may have also received Back Ordered items which were included in the delivery of this Purchase Order,

but for which a different Bill will be coming later.

Therefore, once you've Billed what was ordered on this Purchase Order, add those Back Ordered items to this Back Ordered items, and then use the Bill It feature again for those specific Back Ordered items.

Finally, after recording and billing those Back Ordered items, Close the Purchase Order.

oOnce Closed, a Purchase Order may not be changed in any way, except to Bill any items that were not previously billed using the Bill It Icon.

No - If, for some reason you think this Purchase Order will need to be modified later (see the ØNote above), Select No.


You may use the Bill It Icon any number of times - creating separate Vendor Bills each time - until all of the Purchase Order's Purchased Items that have been delivered, are received and Checked In.  

Note 1: For Inventory Tracking System & Job Costing users:

The Inventory Counts for the Items that you Check In are not updated (based on what has been received that are Inventory Items) until you Click the Bill It Icon.

Only after you have used the Bill It Icon to create a Bill for all of the Purchased Items that have been delivered and Checked In, should you mark the Purchase Order as Closed.

Note 2: Once the Purchase Order was Checked Closed, and all Ordered Items have been Received, the Bill It Icon will no longer be available.

Note 3: Manually Billing for a Purchase Order will not post the Inventory Items - that were Received through a Purchase Order - to the Inventory Counts maintained by the Inventory Tracking System unless those Items are Billed using the same Purchase Categories and Quantities on its Detail Line Items as were originally entered on the corresponding Purchase Order's Detail Line Items!  


Finalizing the Bill:




Number (highlighted in Blue) - You must enter the Vendor's actual Invoice Number once the Bill is created (as noted above, there will be a reminder message displayed).

Initially, the Invoice Number will be randomly generated (actually it is the combination of the month, day, hour, minute and second when this record was created - so there cannot be a duplicate temporary Invoice Number created later with this same exact number).  

oA Reminder message - to enter the correct Vendor's Invoice Number - will be displayed




oYou must Modify this Bill's Number field (see mouse pointer in illustration above) to match the actual Invoice Number assigned by the Vendor.

oIf the actual Invoice Number is not yet available, accept the random assignment, then return to this Bill and change it when the Vendor's Invoice is received by your Company.


Lcl and/or Nat Tax - If the Edit Tab on the Vendors Form indicates this Vendor charges Sales Tax, that Tax Status and Tax Rate will be charged automatically.

oHowever, Check the Taxation Status on each Detail Line Item because some items may, and others may not, need to be charged Sales Tax based on that Taxing Authority's Rules.

Lcl and/or Nat Due - If the Purchased Item on the Bill Form is to be Taxed, confirm that the Amount of the Sales Tax is the same as what was on the Vendor's Bill.


Dealing with Back Orders

If any ordered items are temporarily back ordered (and/or will not be shipped by this supplier within a reasonable time period), there are a few choices:

a)Adjust - If none of an ordered item is going to be available in the near future from this Vendor, Adjust the Quantity Ordered to match what if anything, has been Checked In (Received).

i.Use the Bill It Icon to record the Bill for what was actually received.  

ii.This will automatically Close the Purchase Order.  

iii.Then, attempt to order the back ordered Quantity of those items from another Vendor.


b)Wait - Leave the Purchase Order open while waiting for the back ordered items.

i.Just use the Bill It Icon to record the Bill for what was Received so far.

ii.Then, when those back ordered Items are eventually received, Check In those items at that time, and use the Bill It Icon to record the Bill for what was finally received.

iii.This will automatically Close the Purchase Order.


c)Cancel - If none of an ordered item is going to be available in the near future from this Vendor, and no other items were ordered

i.Delete the Purchase Order

ii.Then, attempt to order the item from another Vendor.