❑Referrals are your Company's best source of Leads, by far.
•So, can you answer these questions?
✓Who Referred this Subscriber?
✓Do those Referrals get tracked within your Company?
✓How are those who provide a Referral rewarded?
❑Referrals Tracking starts with the Referrals Form which is available both on the Subscribers Form and the Prospect Form.
•Open a Subscribers Form.
•Press F-2 Search on the Navigation section of the Subscribers Form to locate the appropriate Subscriber record,
•Open the Options Menu on the Navigation section of the Subscribers Form, Select the General sub-menu, then Choose the Referrals option.
Referrals Form - Start a new entry
•Identify the Source of the Referral:
✓Prospect - Click the Prospect button if the referral came from a Prospect.
▪Click the Prospect Search button to locate the appropriate Prospect.
✓Subscriber - Click the Subscriber button if the referral came from a Subscriber.
▪Click the Subscriber Search button to locate the appropriate Subscriber.
•Referral Date - By default, Today will be entered.
✓Use the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field to Choose a different Referral Date, if appropriate.
a)Click on the Date field and type the desired Date using a MM/DD/YYYY format; or
b)Use the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided to Choose the desired Date
•Comments: - Enter any Comments to clarify how and why this Referral was provided.
•Clear & Save - Click the Clear & Save button to remove the previously saved referral information.
•Save - Click the Save button to record this referral.
•Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort your entry.
Referral Form - Referral entry
•The Referrals Report provides a summary - within specified Referral Dates - of the information entered here.