
Validate Documents

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/12/2016

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There are several Data Entry Forms that accommodate the identification of, and attachment to, various types of Documents which are important to these Forms.

The various Data Entry Forms to which Documents may be attached are:








8.Sale-Purchase Items

These Documents, which may be Images, Text files, PDF files, Word® files, among others, can be inserted into the Database, or connected to the associated record via a Link.

In any case, from time to time, these Documents may be accidentally deleted, moved or for some other reason, become inaccessible.


To assure that these Documents are still available, use this Validate Documents utility to search for and identify which are, and which are not, currently accessible.

To access the Validate Documents utility:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select the Maintenance Menu then Select the System Administrator sub-menu, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select the Maintenance Menu then Select theSystem Administrator sub-menu

Then, Choose the Validate Database option



Validate Documents dialog


Filters - The Filters tab enables you to Choose which Documents will be listed.

Filter Options - Check one or more of these Form Types to Select which Documents will be included in the Document List.

Subscriber - Check the Subscriber box to list those Documents attached to the Subscribers Form.

Vendor - Check the Vendor box to list those Documents attached to the Vendors Form.

Employee - Check the Employee box to list those Documents attached to the Employee Form.

Equipment - Check the Equipment box to list those Documents attached to the Installed Equipment Codes Form.

Prospect - Check the Prospect box to list those Documents attached to the Prospect information Form.

Dealer - Check the Dealer box to list those Documents attached to the Dealer Form.

Jobs - Check the Jobs box to list those Documents attached to the Job Costing Form.

Sale/Purchase - Check the Sale/Purchase box to list those Documents attached to the Sale-Purchase Items Form.

Show Documents -

Inactive - Click this button to only list those Documents whose connection to the Form(s) have been broken.

All - Click this button to list all of the Documents regardless of whether or not their connection to the Form(s) have been broken.

Refresh - You must Click the Refresh button to update the list of Documents based on the currently selected set of Filter Options.

Actions - These are the actions which may be implemented on Documents in the Document List, or to the Validate Documents Form.

Open - To open a specific Document which is not highlighted in Red, Select that Document in the Document List and Click the Open button.

oBased on the type of file or image this Document represents, the appropriate application will be used to display the selected Document.



Open option was used to display the related Word document



Open option was used to display the related PDF document


Remove - To delete a specific Document, Select a Document in the Document List and Click the Remove button.

Close - To close the Validate Documents Form, Click the Close button.

Document List - There are four columns of data on the Document List.

Note: Documents listed in Red are those that are Inactive (cannot be located).

1.Form - This the name of the Form (see a list of these forms in Filter Options above) to which the Document is attached.

2.Target - The Code of the item, or the ID of the Subscriber or Prospect.

3.Name - The Document's file name.

4.Document Link - Double-Click [Memo] to open the text editor which contains the link to the Document.