
Job Tasks (Grid)

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This Job Tasks are used to define the specific set or requirements that must be completed to finish a Job.

Once these requirements are entered as specific Tasks (e.g., pre-wire, install equipment, final button up, full inspection & testing to the Central Station):

Work Orders may be created to request that those Job Tasks be executed, and

Invoices may be created to send to the Subscriber for that Job Task as identified in those Work Orders.\

A Completed date is entered when the Job Task is completed, .


The Job Tasks grid provides a list (in a Grid format) of Job Tasks which may be filtered based on the Job Task's (1) Start Date, (2) Estimated Completion Date, or (3) Completed Date; and the list may include All Job Tasks, only Completed Job Tasks, or only Not Completed Job Tasks; and it may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet.

There are two ways to access the Job Tasks dialog:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Reports and Choose Job Costing and Select the Job Costing 2.0 option and Click the Job Tasks option, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Reports and Choose Job Costing and Select the Job Costing 2.0 option and Click the Job Tasks option.



Job Tasks Report dialog


Setting Up the Job Tasks Report dialog's data grid Options:

Select Date field - Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the field that will be compared to the Start and End Dates selected to determine which Job Task records are to be included in the Job Tasks data grid



Job Tasks Report dialog - Select Date field options


Start - By default, the Start Date offered will be one month prior to the current date.

Use the Drop-Down Date/Calendar box to Choose another Starting Date.



Job Tasks Report dialog - Start and End Dates fields


End -  By default, the End Date offered will be the current date.

Use the Drop-Down Date/Calendar box to Choose another Ending Date.


Options - Select the status of the Job Task records to be included in the Job Tasks data grid

All - Any Job Task within the Start and End Date Range of the Select Date field chosen above will be included in this Job Tasks (Report) data grid

Completed Only - Only those Job Tasks with a Complete Date entered that is within the Start and End Date Range of the Select Date field chosen above will be included in this Job Tasks (Report) data grid

Not Completed Only - Only those Job Tasks without a Complete Date entered will be included in this Job Tasks (Report) data grid


Retrieve Data - Once the required Select Date field and Date Range has been specified:

Click the Retrieve Data Icon to load that set of Job Task records into the Job Tasks Grid.



 Retrieve Data


Print - Once the Job Tasks list has been formatted as needed, the User may Click the Print Icon to create a Print Preview.

See the "Formatting the Job Tasks Report data grid" discussion later in this chapter for those instructions.


Export - Once the data has been formatted, filtered, sorted and configured as needed, Click the Export Icon to display the standard Windows® Save As dialog.

See the data grid chapter for more information.


EMail - Once the data has been formatted, filtered, sorted and configured as needed, Click the EMail Icon to send this data as a PDF attachment to an Email address of your choosing.


Go To Options: A Radial Right-Click Menu offers Go To Work Order, Go To Job, and Go To Subscriber options for the Grid's currently selected line item



Job Tasks Report - Go To Work Order, Go To Job and Go To Subscriber options


Formatting the Job Tasks Report data gridFormatting the Job Tasks Report data grid:

Select columns to be displayed - Choose the columns of data which are to be included in this data grid from the list provided.


HelpFilesJobCosting-JobTasksReport-SelectColumnsJob Tasks Aging As Of Report

Job Tasks Report - Available Column Names


Click the asterisk (¬) at the left of the data grid's Header row (see the mouse pointer in the illustration above) to display a list of all of the column names - and associated data - which may be displayed.

By default, several Column Names will be Checked.

Remove the Check mark (Click on the Check to remove it) to hide that column of data from the data grid.


Setting the Order in which the data in the grid is Listed within the Job Tasks Aging As Of dialog (Report):

The default sorted order of the Job Tasks Report List is based on the Job's ID - which is ordered from lowest to highest (1-99999).

Thereafter, the column that determines the sorted order of the List may be easily changed, whenever needed.

To do so:

Click another column's Header Name to change the sorted order to by on that column of data, with the sorted order automatically set from lowest to highest (a-z or 1 - 9).  

To change this newly selected column's sorted order from highest to lowest, Click that column's Header Name again.

An Arrow next to the Header Name indicates the column that is determining the sorted order of the Grid Data.

o~ indicates lowest to highest (a-z or 1 - 9)

o indicates highest to lowest (z-a or 9-1).


Grouping the Grid Data - The data grid may be separated into Groups based on a selected column's Header Name.

To do so: Drag & Drop a Header Name to the   Drag a column here to group a column  area above the data grid's Header.

All the rows associated with the selected Header Name will be Grouped together, followed by the next Header Name and its associated rows, etc.

To cancel the Grouping, just Drag & Drop the selected Header Name back to the Header itself.

If this Job Tasks Aging As Of data grid is closed when Grouping is still in effect, once reopened, the previously established Grouping will still be in effect.


Job Tasks Report dialog - Output - The data is presented in a Grid format and therefore has all of the normal Grid features and functions such as Sorting, Relocating, and Filtering the data presented before it is Printed as a report, and/or Exported to a file.

a)Choose which columns of data are to be included,

b)Set the order in which they are to be listed, related any columns (if appropriate),

c)Adjust any column's width,

d)Then, when ready:

i.Print - Click the Print Icon at the top of the Form to display the Print Preview dialog.

ii.Export - Click the Export Icon to display Save as... Windows® dialog.


See the Grids & Lists - Print Preview - Exporting Data chapter for much more information about formatting and printing (and exporting) the Job Tasks Aging As Of dialog's data grid