❑There are more than three dozen Central Station Reports available within MKMS - most with multiple options - that will provide your Company and its Central Station management with the data needed to better analyze, control, and improve Central Station Operations.
•To access these Central Station Reports:
a.From the Backstage Menu System Select Reports and Choose Monitoring and Select the appropriate option, or
b.From the Quick Access Menu, Select Reports and Choose Monitoring and Select the appropriate option
Monitoring Reports Menu
•An alphabetical list with a brief explanation of each report's purpose and capabilities follows:
1.Accounts Without Email - The Accounts Without Email Report (designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard) will list those Subscribers (Accounts) without an Email address entered in the Subscribers tab of the Subscribers Form: Edit View and may be produced for All Accounts, or for UL® Accounts Only.
2.Active/Passive Accounts - Lists the total number of Active Accounts (not Passive Accounts), that are being monitored - offering Detailed and Summary versions of this data.
3.Alarm Activity - A powerful report dialog that allows you to specify which Alarm Events will be listed - by Date, Type, Subscriber, and/or Dealer.
4.Alarm History Summary - Provides an analysis of all Completed Signals based on their Resolution Code.
5.Alarm History Summary by Dealer - Provides an analysis of all Completed Signals based on their Resolution Code. This report is intended for those companies that provide Central Station Monitoring Services for other Alarm Dealers.
6.Alarm Ticket - This is a detailed report of exactly what was done while an Operator processed an Alarm Signal.
7.All Events - Lists each Alarm Signal received by the Central Station - within the specified date range - including any chosen special formatting.
8.Call List by Town Code - This report lets you know which Subscribers use which municipalities (Town Codes) - and their related telephone numbers - for providing their emergency responses.
9.Call List Verification - This report will provide a verification document which may be mailed to Subscribers to verify that their People To Call and related information in your files is correct.
10.Communicator Formats - Provides a detailed listing to manually verify that the Communicator Format (and optionally the Panel Zones) information is correct.
11.Conditions Code History - Reports the number of Signals by Condition Code in descending order by volume, and offers a Summary or Detail version (which may be sorted by Control Panel Type or CSID), for All, or a Specified set of (one or more) User Selected Condition Codes.
12.Conditions Code List - Provides a detailed listing of each Condition Code and their related print option settings.
13.Dealer Billing Review - Provides a detailed listing of each Invoice for created for Contract Monitoring Services using the Dealer Billing feature.
a.General Ledger related Transactional Posting information for a selected item may be viewed in the special Grid on the right side of this report
14.Dealer Billing - Subscribers w/o Recurring Revenue - Provides:
a.a detailed listing of each Subscriber who has a Panel Information (CSID) defined, and
b.is being monitored by your Company's Central Station, and
c.is assigned to a Dealer whose Accounts are being monitored by your Company's Central Station, but
d.does NOT have a Recurring Revenue record defined so it will not be Invoiced automatically using the Dealer Billing function
15.Dealer Breakdown - Provides a listing of each Dealer, their Accounts, related reporting and signal data, and summary information about each Dealer.
16.Dealer Code Listing - A simple report that itemizes each Dealer entered in the system.
17.Employee Hired/Terminated - A report that provides a list of your Company's Employees - retrieved based on their Hire, Termination, or original Entry Date - and is displayed in Grid format so it may viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported, as may be needed to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard.
18.Excessive False Alarms - Lists those Accounts that are not supervised based on being a Dealer's Account with Signal limitations established - but are sending in an excessive number of signals.
19.Excessive Signals - This report will list those Accounts which are not Supervised and
a.List those Dealer's Account with an established limitation for Active and Passive Signals - which have Accounts that are transmitting signals in excess of those Active and Passive Signal limitations.
b.List Subscribers who are not Dealers' Accounts (or are Dealer's Accounts, but have no Active and Passive Signal limitations identified in their Dealers Form) and send excessive signals beyond the limitation set in the report dialog.
20.Failed To Test - By defining Account Testing requirements for each Subscriber, and periodically printing the Failed To Test Report, you will be much more confident that your Subscriber's will be able to communicate with your Central Station when needed.
▪If an Account Testing entry for a Subscriber does not Auto Reset, once that premises has a Failed To Test occurrence, this is the only place where that information is provided.
21.History By Resolution Code - Provides a listing of all Accounts (CSIDs) that sent signals that required an Operator response and were completed - within the Date Range specified - and with the assignment of a specific Resolution Code.
22.Holidays - Provides a list of each Holiday you've defined and which Subscribers celebrate that Holiday.
23.Invalid Phone Numbers - This report provides a list of those Telephone Numbers - identified as an Invalid Phone Number by the Operator when Verifying an Alarm Signal during Signal Processing - by assigning a Verification Response code that has the Response Type of Invalid Phone # Checked.
24.Monitored Accounts - Lists the number of Monitored Accounts you have in each Account Type, and totals them.
25.Non-Restored Alarms - Lists those reported Alarm Conditions - that require a restore signal - that still need to be reported as corrected.
26.Online/Offline Report - Based on the net increase or decrease in total Accounts, the report tells you how your Company's non Dealer related Accounts total have changed, and may also be printed for All Dealers, or one specific Dealer, for Account level management and billing purposes.
27.Open and Close - Lists each Opening and Closing record(s) that match the specified report parameters.
28.Operator Activity - Provides a list of each Alarm Signal to which an Operator had to respond, whether taken live or returned from the Alarm Stack after being On Hold, based on a specific date range.
29.Operator Activity Cross Tab - Provides provides two views based on a Date Range filtered analysis of Operator Activity data.
30.Operator Activity New - Provides two views based on a Date Range, and selected Alarm Code(s), and/or Operator(s) filtered analysis of Operator Activity data; and the report may be Grouped by the Operator, Alarm Condition, or Load Type (e.g., Stack, Auto, Related).
31.Operator Polling - This report is based on a Date Range, and optionally selected Operator(s) and provides a filtered analysis of Operator Activity data to evaluate their Operator work load and efficiency.
32.Operator Efficiency - Provides a means to track Alarm Signal activity based on how long an Operator was actually logged in and available.
33.Open Response Tickets - The Open Response Tickets Report is a simple report that Lists each Alarm Signal for which an Operator has created a Response Ticket, but has not yet marked them as Completed.and is only available for an Admin User,
34.Operator Skills - Lists each Operator and the Skills they have achieved.
35.Panel Connections - Provides a list of each type of Panel Connection that is actively being used, and the quantity of Subscriber Panel CSIDs assigned to each of them.
36.Panels With No Signals Since... - This report will identify those Alarm Systems which, for any number of reasons, may have gone silent
37.Pass Code Labels - These labels contain the name of the Dealer, Subscriber, their CSID, each Pass Code assigned and the Password.
38.Receiver Distribution - Lists each Receiver Group and identifies how many Accounts are reporting to each, based on data entered CSIDs listed in the Subscriber Panels section of the Monitoring information tab.
39.Response Time - Provides a calculation of how long - on average - it takes your Operators to respond to an Alarm Signal for those signals processed within the specified Date Range.
40.Signals While On Test - This report was designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard and will report those signals received from a Subscriber (Account), and/or a Subscriber's Panel (CSID) that occurred while an Account or CSID was On Test.
41.Still Open or Closed - Provides a list of Accounts that are still opened, or still closed, beyond their supervised Events time "window".
42.Subscriber Breakdown by Receiver - Provides a list of how many Accounts are reporting to which Receivers in your Company's Central Station, whenever needed.
43.Subscriber Information Forms - Provides a variety of Central Station Monitoring related data, based on your selected Options, that may be viewed, printed or exported.
44.Subscribers with No Contract - Provides a list of those Subscribers who have no Monitoring related Contract Type assigned in the Contracts Form.
45.UL Statistics - The UL Statistics Report was specifically designed and documented to comply with the System Wide Reports Section 10.2.2 (a) - (g) of the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard.
46.User Login History Report - The Users Login History Report (designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard) will list those Employees who have attempted to, and/or successfully Logged Into the MKMS database (mkmsdefault.db).
47.Zone Test Verification - Provides a list of those Accounts which have been placed On Test, and the current Test Status of each.