❑This Show Billing Cycles Form - available by selecting the Review Cycle List button on the Auto Billing and on the Post Auto Drafts Forms - displays a complete list of all Billing Cycles and includes the associated Banking, Credit Card and Payment Gateway information.
Auto Billing dialog for manually billing a selected Recurring Revenue Billing Cycle
a)From the Backstage Menu System Select File and Choose Receivable and Select the Run Automatic Billing option, or
b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select File and Choose Receivable and Select the Run Automatic Billing option, or
c)In the Receivables Tab on the MKMS Desktop, Click the Auto Bill Icon, or
Post Auto Drafts Form
d)From the Backstage Menu System Select File and Choose Receivable and Select the Post Auto Drafts option, or
e)From the Quick Access Menu, Select File and Choose Receivable and Select the Post Auto Drafts option, or
f)In the Receivables Tab on the MKMS Desktop, Click the Auto Draft Icon.
✓Then, Click on the Review Cycle List button to open the Show Billing Cycles Form as illustrated below:
❑Using the Show Billing Cycles dialog:
•The Auto Billing and/or Auto Draft processes will stop when there are Billing Cycles defined without having a Credit Card and/or a Bank Gateway assigned if you are using a Payment Gateway.
✓Some Companies who have a limited number of Recurring Revenue Accounts that pay by Credit Card and/or Bank Draft and so they process these Accounts manually and will never use the Auto Draft procedure
✓Some other Companies may use specific Billing Cycles for those Recurring Revenue Accounts that pay directly so they will not use the Auto Draft procedure for those Accounts may may use it for others.
•To access this Show Billing Cycles dialog,
•Therefore, on the Billing Cycles Form,
a)Ensure that the Credit Card Processor and/or Bank Account Processor fields are appropriately populated when required, and/or
b)Remove the Check Mark from the Auto Draft field for those Billing Cycles records when they will not be using the Auto Draft feature.
✓See the "Understanding How and Why the Auto Draft and Auto Bill options are used on the Billing Cycles Form" for more information!
Show Billing Cycles dialog
c)If a Billing Cycle record will never be used during an Post Auto Draft process, no Payment Gateway(s) for the Processor/Bank for Credit Cards or Bank Draft need be identified.
d)When the Show Billing Cycles dialog is displayed from within Post Auto Drafts or Run Automatic Billing dialogs, a message on that Show Billing Cycles dialog will confirm this case.
▪The automatic billing and draft process will not run if there are Billing Cycles without Processors for Credit Card or Bank payments.
▪Make sure these processors are assigned for Billing Cycles that will be used in the automatic billing and draft (process)
The automatic billing and draft process will not run if there are Billing Cycles without
Processors for Credit Card or Bank payments. Make sure these processors are assigned
for Billing Cycles that will be used in the automatic billing and draft (process)
•Data Column Selection - Which columns of Rate Change data will be displayed may be determined by the User.
✓Click the Asterisk on the far left of the Header to display the Available Columns list.
Available Columns list
✓Check, or remove the Check as appropriate.
✓The column names with a Check Mark will be included in the grid.
•Retrieve - Click the Retrieve Data Icon to import all of the currently defined Billing Cycle records.
•Go To Billing Cycle - Right-Click on any line item within the Grid to open the Radial Right-Click Menu to access the Go To Billing Cycle option which will open the associated Billing Cycles Form.
•Print - Once you have:
c)Chosen which columns of data are to be included,
d)Set the order in which they are to be listed, related any columns (if appropriate),
e)Adjusted any column's width,
f)Then, you are ready to Print the resulting Show Billing Cycles list
✓Click the Print Icon at the top of the Form to display the Print Preview dialog.
•Export - Click the Export Icon to display the standard Windows® Save As dialog.
✓Folder Location - The last folder location used will be chosen, but this may be changed, as needed.
✓File name: - By default, the file name inserted will be to form name plus a date string with year, month, day, and time but this may be changed, as appropriate.
✓Save as type: By default, this will be XLS but may also be changed as needed.
✓Save - Click the Save option to export the data to the designated file name, type and location.
•EMail - Once the data has been formatted, filtered, sorted and configured as needed, Click the EMail Icon to send this data as a PDF attachment to an Email address of your choosing.
➢Note: Because this is a true Grid, see the Grids & Lists - Print Preview - Exporting Data chapter for much more information.