❑Which Sales for which Salesperson have been Paid, when were these Invoices Paid, and what exactly did they Pay for?
•The Sales and Payment process:
a.When a Sale is made, a Sales Invoice is created and sent to the purchaser (Subscriber).
b.Each item on that Sales Invoice is identified with a Sales Category Code.
c.An Employee Code representing the Sales Person of Record is also assigned in that Invoice.
d.Later, a Receipt is Posted to the Subscriber's Account (including Amount, Date, Bank, Payment Method information)
e.Subsequently this Receipt is Allocated to that specific Sales Invoice.
f.That Sales Invoice is now considered Paid.
•The Cash Receipts by Sales Person Report is produced based on a selected Date Range, Bank (into which the Receipts were deposited), and/or Division; and lists those Paid Sales for (selected or all) Salesperson(s), by Sales Category and provides other Sales Invoice, Receipt and Allocation information, as well.
•There are two ways to access the Cash Receipts by Sales Person dialog:
a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Reports and Choose Receivable Reports, or
b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Reports and Choose Receivable Reports.
✓Then, Select the Cash Receipts by Sales Person option.
❑ Cash Receipts by Sales Person Report tabs - There are two tabs on the Cash Receipts By Sales Person report dialog.
•Options - Initially only the Options tab is shown (until you make your Options selections and Select Print).
Cash Receipts By Sales Person - Options tab
✓Report Type - Choose the desired report format:
▪Detail - Include each Sale-Purchase Item and the the Quantity and Value of each Invoice Line Item for which a Receipt was Posted for each Subscriber within the Date Range specified.
▪Summary - Include the Quantity and Value of each Sale-Purchase Item for which a Receipt was Posted within the Date Range specified.
✓Period - Choose which Receipts will be listed based on when they were Dated as they were recorded.
▪Today - List Receipts that were Allocated in the current day ("Today").
oToday's Date will be inserted in the Start Date and End Date fields and cannot be changed.
▪One Batch Number - Because you may have used multiple Batch Numbers in the same day, or the same Batch Number on multiple Days, you may list Receipts based on a specific Batch Number.
➢Note: See the "Batch Number Assignment" discussion in the Receipts chapter for more information about Batch Numbering.
a)Click on the Date field and type the desired Date using a MM/DD/YYYY format; or
b)Use the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided to Choose the desired Date
oStart Date - By default this will be the First Day of the Current Month but the Start Date may be changed using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided.
oEnd Date - By default this will be the Last Day of the Current Month but the End Date may be changed using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry field provided.
Cash Receipts By Sales Person - Period - One Batch
oBatch Number - Enter the Batch Number to be reported.
▪Current Month - Lists all Receipts that were Allocated for the current Month (or selected month using the Specific Dates selection explained below).
oMKMS automatically records Receipts in an individual Month & Year group to keep them differentiated from Receipts in other Months that will have used the same Batch Number.
Cash Receipts By Sales Person - Period - Current Month
oIn the illustration above, the Month of March and the Year of 2017 represent the Current Month and so are automatically assigned.
▪YTD - (Year to Date) - Lists all Receipts that were Allocated for the current Year.
▪Specific Dates - List Receipts that were Allocated within a User defined Date Range by using the Specific Dates selection.
oStart Date - By default, the Start Date will be Today.
oEnd Date - By default, the End Date will be Today.
a)Re-enter the Start Date and End Date in the Parameters section, as needed using the Drop-Down Calendar/Date Entry fields provided.
b)Any Date Range may be used including a period covering multiple years.
✓Parameters - Additional settings are available regardless of the selections made above:
▪Bank - By default, the Receipts posted to All Banks (using the selected Batch Number, if appropriate) will be included.
i.You may limit Receipts to those posted to a specific set of (one or more) Bank(s).
ii.Click the Ellipse in the Bank field to open the Select Bank ID dialog.
Select Bank ID dialog
iii.Check the Selected box for each Bank that is to be reported.
iv.Click the OK button to Close the Select Bank ID dialog.
v.This will insert the Selected Bank's IDs into the Bank field.
▪Division - Receipts posted to any Division will be included.
a)You may limit Receipts to those posted from Subscribers assigned to a specific Division or Division Group.
b)Use the Drop-Down Selection List provided to Select and report only Receipts for that specific Division or Division Group, if required.
▪Batch Number - Unless the One Batch Number option is selected, this field will be inactive.
▪Hide Non Report Items? - To exclude Receipts for Sale-Purchase Items identified as Non-Reportable, Check this box.
✓Salesperson - You may create this report for All Salesmen (the default), or identify a specific Sales Person whose individual Receipts are to be reported.
▪Specific - Click the Specific button to activate the Specific field.
oClick the Ellipse on the right of this field.
oThe Select Salesmen dialog will be displayed.
oThe list is sorted by Employee Name.
oCheck the Selected box to the left of each Salesperson who is to be included in the report.
oClick the OK button when all required Salesperson(s) are selected.
oThe Specific field will be populated with the Employee Code(s) of those that were Checked.
✓Print - Click the Print button to Preview and optionally Print this Cash Receipts by Sales Person Report.
✓To Exit this Report dialog, Click the Close button toward the bottom of the Options tab.
•Preview - The Preview tab presents the report which resulted from the Options you've selected.
✓Up Arrow/Down Arrow - hi - Moves the report one line up, or one line down, respectively.
✓Page Up/Page Down - Moves the report to the previous or next page, respectively.
Cash Receipts By Sales Person - Preview tab - with Detail
✓Home - - Using either the screen Icon or your Keyboard's Home key, moves the report to the top of the first page.
✓End - - Using either the screen Icon or your Keyboard's End key, moves the report to the bottom of the last page.
✓Arrows - The arrows allow you to move back and forth, from page to page.
✓Number - Indicates the page number you are viewing.
▪You may also type in a specific page number, Press 8 Enter and that page will be displayed immediately.
▪If you enter an invalid page number, it will be ignored.
✓Fit To Page - Click the first button after the arrows to size a full page of the report to fit the screen.
✓Zoom To 100% - Click the second button after the arrows to display the page at 100% (of the printed view).
✓Fit To Page Width - Click the third button after the arrows to size the page of the report to fit the full width of the screen.
✓Zoom To Percentage - Click the fourth button after the arrows to re-size the page of the report by percentage.
▪When you Click the Zoom To Percentage button, the Percentage selector will be displayed.
▪You may then Click the Up or Down ‚ arrow to set the exact amount of Zoom you want.
✓Print - Click the Print button to Print (to a File or a Printer) the displayed Cash Receipts by Sales Person Report.
✓Email - Click the Email button to send the Report to an Email Address of your choosing.
✓To Exit the Preview tab and Close this Report dialog Form, Click the Close box on the right at the top of the Preview tab.