❑Creating an Account Template:
Account Templates Form accessed from the Mass Account Creation Form
•The Account Templates Form is a subordinate Form to the Mass Account Creation Form and so The Mass Account Creation Form must be displayed to be able to access the Account Templates Form.
•Click the Templates button at the top left of the Mass Account Creation Form to open this Account Templates Form.
Account Templates Form - Accessed from the Mass Accounts Creation Form
✓This Account Templates Form may be Re-sized by Dragging the Top and/or Bottom up or down, and/or the Right side in or out.
•Navigation Menu - The Navigation Menu is located at the top of the Account Templates Form.
✓This Navigation Menu provides the normal Record Movement, New, Edit, Delete, Save, Cancel, and Refresh Icons; as well as the Search and List options.
•Record Editing section - The details of the currently selected record are displayed below the Navigation Menu at the center (Main Body) of the Account Templates Form.
Account Templates Form - Record Editing section
❑Defining an Account Template:
•Click the Icon to start an Account Template entry in the Record Editing section.
•Name - Identify this Account Template with a name that indicates how, why and when this Account Template might best be used.
•Base CSID - You may enter a Base CSID from which the associated CSID Zones, People To Call and/or Events defined for that CSID will be copied into each New Account created using the Mass Account Creation Form.
✓Why? Each Alarm Dealer must be defined as a Subscriber (see Special Subscriber, Subscriber Panel, Panel Zone & CSID Zone Entries)
✓How? If an Alarm Dealer wants to have different sets of CSID Zones, People To Call and/or Events to copy into different blocks of New Accounts that are being created for different specific usages:
a)These specialize sets of CSID Zones, Contacts (People To Call) and Events require that a Dealer have multiple Subscriber Panel CSIDs entered.
b)Each Subscriber Panel's CSID may then have its own set of CSID Zones, Contacts (People To Call) and/or Events records that are created for one of those purposes (e.g., Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Fire, Supervised, Non-Supervised).
c)Then, as appropriate for the Account Template being defined, use the Base CSID field's Drop-Down Selection List (which provides an incremental search as characters are entered) to Choose the Subscriber Panel's CSID that has those CSID Zones, Contacts (People To Call) and/or Events records.
➢Important Note: This Base CSID is not the same as the Base CSID defined within the CSID Generator Form which in that case, is just defining the starting point for an automatically maintained numbering sequence.
•Subscriber section- You may predefine default (temporary) Subscriber information.
✓Name - By default, the CSID created for each Account becomes the Subscriber's temporary name. You may enter a prefix and suffix for the Subscriber's temporary name. The prefix and/or suffix entries are added before/after the CSID information.
▪Prefix - Enter any appropriate expression. This could be the Dealer Code, City name, Salesman name, etc., based on that Dealer's need.
▪Suffix - Enter any appropriate expression.
✓City - Optionally, enter a default City.
✓State - Optionally, enter a default State.
✓Zip - Optionally, enter a default Zip Code.
✓Salesman - Optionally, use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Dealer's anticipated Salesman.
▪This Salesperson must be predefined as an Employee and may actually be the Dealer themselves, if appropriate.
•Central Station section - You may - or your Dealers may - want to have a specific Receiver and Line Card combination assigned to all of the Accounts, or for their Accounts within a specific city, or of a specific type. Regardless of the reason for doing so, if this is the case, enter this number as their CSID Prefix. These entries become the defaults when you use this Account Template to Create Mass Accounts.
✓CSID Prefix - Enter any desired prefix, if needed.
▪The result is that the numbering sequence entered in the Starting at field in the Create Mass Accounts form follows the numbers entered as the CSID Prefix
▪Example: CSID Prefix = 45 and the Starting at number is 8511 the result for adding 5 Accounts will be CSIDs numbered 458511 to 458515.
✓CSID Suffix - You may also enter a CSID Suffix to be appended to the end of each CSID.
✓Dealer - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Dealer.
✓Communicator Format - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Communicator Format.
✓Town Code - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Town Code.
✓Comments - Enter any comment that's appropriate.
▪Double-Click on the Comments field to open a Rich Text Editor dialog.
▪This Comments entry is included in the Comments field on the Subscriber's Central Station Data Form.
✓Click the Icon to record this Account Template entry.
Account Template Form - Sample data
✓Repeat this process as often as needed to create additional Account Templates for your Dealers.
❑Using the Search and Grid options on the Navigation Menu at the top of the Account Templates Form:
•Search - Click the Search button to open the Search Account Templates dialog.
Search Account Templates dialog
✓See the "Using the Generic Search dialog" section in the Advanced Search Dialog chapter for more information about this Search dialog.
•Grid - The Grid option which provides a tabular view of these Account Template records.
✓Click the List option to display the associated Grid Data.
✓The columns of Grid Data may be rearranged, filtered, and sorted, as needed.
❖See the Grids - Print Preview - Export Data chapter for complete information on using the List option.
Navigation Menu shown with the List option
✓Click the List option again to Close the List Data View and return to the Record Editing View.