NEO Version 5.1.34.X Accounts Receivable New Features

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/22/2016

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NEO Version 5.1.34.X Accounts Receivable New Features

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/22/2016

Welcome to the Summary Page which describes the major New Features added to the Accounts Receivable System within the MKMS NEO Version 5.1.34.X Release.

This New Features Table contains three columns of data relating to each of these New features:

1.Program Module(s) Affected - This column lists the specific modules that were improved.

2.Chapter Links - This column lists of the link(s) to the chapter(s) where the previous instructions, illustrations and explanations have been revised to reflect the program changes and/or enhancements.

3.Description of the Enhancement - A brief explanation of the new features, functions and enhancements that have been added in this release with links to all of the affected chapters and some related chapters, also.


Understanding the New features Chart:

All of the Program Module(s) that are Affected are listed.

The Chapter Links are provided for finding the instructions, illustrations, and details on the operation and usage of the new feature(s).

A brief Description of the Enhancement is shown, sometimes with additional Chapter Links.


Program Module(s) Affected

Chapter Links

Description of the Enhancement



Getting Started

Accounts Receivable System


User Options


Company Settings

The following Company Settings options and features have been added to/for the Accounts Receivable System:


Search By - A new Search By field has been added whereby a search may be performed on any selected Column (i.e., ID, Section, or Setting Name) to locate a specific Company Settings.


Calculate Proposal Margin on Retail - By default, the CalcPropMarginOnRetail option is set to False ("F") and so Sale-Purchase Items entered on a Proposal will be charged at Wholesale (Cost) when shown on the Proposal Estimate tab.

If the CalcPropMarginOnRetail option is set to True ("T"), when a Proposal is created, the Profit Margin shown on the Proposal Estimate tab will be calculated based on the Retail Price defined for each Sale-Purchase Items entered.


Defer Recurring Revenue - By default, the DeferRecurringRevenue option is set to False ("F").

Normally, when Converting a Proposal to an Invoice or Installation Work Order, the option to Convert any proposed Recurring Items - both Recurring Revenue to Auto Bill record(s) and/or Recurring Service to Auto Service record(s) - is offered.

To eliminate the conversion request and automatically make that conversion for these Recurring Items, set the DeferRecurringRevenue option to True ("T").


This DeferRecurringRevenue option also controls a second functionality:

When the DeferRecurringRevenue option is set to True ("T"), Earned and Deferred Revenues are tracked for each Recurring Revenue Detail Line Item on those Invoices created within the Accounts Receivable and will be recorded in the General Ledger System using the Post Earned Revenue dialog which will periodically calculate, distribute, and post Deferred and Earned Revenues to the appropriate General Ledger Accounts and the Account Register.

The Earned/Deferred Revenue report lists the Earned and Deferred Revenues that are automatically calculated as part of the Recurring Revenue Billing procedure.


Flash Past Due - By default, the new FlashPastDue option is set to True ("T") which maintains the normal behavior whereby an Account with a Past Due Balance when displayed on the Subscribers Form displays a Flashing Red Past Due: $999.99 message.

To turn off the Flashing effect of the Past Due Message (which some Users may find distracting) set the FlashPastDue option to False ("F").

Accounts Receivable System





The Personal tab on the Employees Form now has a new EmployeeType selection named Sales to be assigned to those Employees who are specifically classified as Salespersons

When assigning a Salesperson to a Subscriber, Prospect, Invoice or Proposal: only those Employees whose Employee Type is identified as either Sales or All will be available (in the Drop-Down Selection List) for populating the Salesman (or Commission To) fields.


The Security tab on the Employees Form now has a new Employee Team field.

A Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose the Employee Team to which this Employee is to be assigned (if appropriate).


The Image File on the Security tab may now be either a

".BMP" (saved with 256 or less colors), or a

".JPG" file type and either may be no larger than 64K.


The Security tab on the Employees Form has a new field named: Super User Authority? - Check this box to grant the currently selected Employee with Access Rights that are very similar to that of ADMIN.

These enhanced Access Rights include access to the Employee Groups Form and the Security tab on the Employees Form

Accounts Receivable System

Employee Groups

There is a new Field Access tab on the Employee Groups Form

This new/updated tab enables specifically assignable Access Rights to be granted on a Field by Field basis for each Form to which the currently selected Employee Group has been granted Access Rights.

The Forms which currently have this Field by Field access permission option are:

oAccounting Receivable Section on the Edit Tab of the Subscribers Form

oEmployee Form

oProspect Form

oReceipts Form

oReceipt Allocation Form

oRecurring Revenue Form

oSale-Purchase Item Form

oSubscriber Form

Other Forms may be added to the Field Access tab from time to time.

Accounts Receivable System



The Documents Icon on the Subscribers Form has a new Down-Arrow () attached to the Documents Icon providing these two options:

1.Click the Documents Icon's Down-Arrow () to view a Drop-Down Selection List of the previously attached Documents - from which  the User may Select one of those Document Titles to open that specific Document immediately.

2.Click the Documents button itself to open the Documents Form.

Accounts Receivable System

MKMS Desktop & Main Menu

Depending on whether or not one or more Forms are open, a list of those open Forms is now included in the Windows Menu

The Form that is currently active will be indicated by an Orange Box with a black Dot .  

Selecting a different Form will make that one the Active Form.


The new Troubleshooting dialog provides detailed information on any Error Message that MKMS was able to capture by using this function.

Accounts Receivable System

Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments

The Post Auto Drafts Form now offers several additional File Type options.

Accounts Receivable System

Central Station Monitoring

Subscriber Information

Subscriber Entries

The Subscribers Form Contact Information box upgrade:

The Title Names for each of the first three Telephone Number fields (i.e., Primary Telephone, 1st Alt Tel, and 2nd Alt Tel) may be User Defined for each Subscriber by Double-Clicking the actual Title Name to be changed to open the Modify Label? dialog.

Accounts Receivable System


Added fields on the Acquisitions Form (for use by a company's Credit Manager) for the Account Holder if they have a Cosigner.

If a Cosigner exists, that person's full Name, Social Security Number and Drivers License Number may also be entered.

Accounts Receivable System

Sale-Purchase Item

Inventory Item

Sale Item Group Assignment

A new Retail Labor Rate - ("Retail Lbr. Rate") field is provided on the Inventory (Sale-Purchase) Item Form to define the average Retail Charge for each Labor Hour required for the installation of an Inventory Item.

A new Taxable? field has been added to the Sale-Purchase Item Form - replacing the original Taxable? field.

A new AP Taxable? field has been added to the Sale-Purchase Item Form - thus allowing Purchases and Sales to be identified as Taxable (by default) independently.

If this Inventory (Sale-Purchase) Item is included in a Proposal and subsequently converted to a Job, the Retail Price information on the Inventory (Sale-Purchase) Item is included in the Job Estimate tab.

Once an Inventory record is saved, if a User changes the Item Type field of an Inventory related Sale-Purchase Item to Sale rather than Both, the record cannot be saved without Un-Checking the Inventory Item box on the Sale-Purchase Item Form, and confirming that it will no longer be considered (or tracked as) an Inventory Item.

If an Unearned Revenue GL# is not entered when appropriate (when defining a Recurring Revenue Sale-Purchase Item), an error message will be displayed.

The Sale Item Group Assignment Form now has expanded, and  resizeable, columns to accommodate the longer Sale-Purchase Item Codes and Descriptions.

Accounts Receivable System

Sales Analysis Report

By Division(s) - The Sales Analysis Report may now be printed for a specified set of (one or more) Departments.

By Sale Item(s) - The Sales Analysis Report may now be printed for All or a Selected Set of (one or more) Sales Category Codes.

Period To Preview - By default, the Start Date will now be the first day of the current month, and End Date will be Today.

Accounts Receivable System

Invoice Statements

Subscriber Statements

The recently added Invoice Statements report which provides a list of Open Invoices (only Invoices with a Balance that is Unpaid), printed using its own unique Format, when printed for All Subscribers may now be filtered by either the Subscriber's assigned Dealer Code or Division.

Email - Click the new Email option on the Subscriber Statements Form to Email the selected Subscriber Statements to the Email Address on record for each of those Subscribers.

Accounts Receivable System

Wholesale Group

The Wholesale Group report now allows for the filtering of the Receipts that were sent from Subscribers within a set of (one or more) Wholesale Groups.

Accounts Receivable System

Accounts Receivable Summary

Accounts Receivable As Of

Accounts Receivable Funding

The revised Accounts Receivable Summary Report dialog offers   three additional selection options and now includes a Deferred Revenue column within the report itself:

1.Account Type - By default, all Subscribers will be included regardless of the Account Type assigned to them on their Central Station Data Form.  However, the Accounts Receivable Summary Report may now be limited to those Subscriber(s) assigned one of the specified (from a set of one or more) Account Type(s) using the new Select Account Types dialog.

2.Salesperson - By default, all Subscribers will be included regardless of the Employee Code assigned to them. However, the Accounts Receivable Summary Report may now be limited to those Subscriber(s) assigned one of the specified (from a set of one or more) Employee Code(s) using the new Select Salespersons dialog.

3.Dealer -  By default, all Subscribers will be included regardless of the Dealer Code assigned to them on their Central Station Data Form.  However, the Accounts Receivable Summary Report may now be limited to those Subscriber(s) assigned one of the specified (from a set of one or more) Dealer Code(s) using the new Select Dealers dialog.


The revised Accounts Receivable As Of Report has new features and improvements:

Average Days Past Due is calculated and reported at the end of the Accounts Receivable Summary Report.

The revised Accounts Receivable Summary Report will include a Deferred Revenue column within the report itself.

The problem with slow performance when printing an Accounts Receivable As Of Report has been resolved.

Salesperson - By default, all Subscribers will be included regardless of the Employee Code assigned to them. However, the Accounts Receivable As Of Report may now be limited to those Subscriber(s) assigned one of the specified (from a set of one or more) Employee Code(s) using the new Select Salespersons dialog.


The Options tab on the Accounts Receivable Funding Report has  also been updated to include most of the (new) selections which are now available on the Accounts Receivable Summary Report.

Accounts Receivable System

E-mail Invoices

When E-mailing Invoices using the Invoice printing option on the Accounts Receivable Reports Menu, a Custom Invoice (Report) format may now be used.

Accounts Receivable System

Attrition Report

The Attrition Report has received a major upgrade and now provides (in addition to all of the previously available features) the option to Show RMR Rate Changes, and filtering and selection options based on any combination of:

All or a Specific Division or Division Group

All, or a Specific set of one or more Salespersons (Employees)

All, or a Specific set of one or more Dealers

All, or a Specific set of one or more Zip Codes

Accounts Receivable System

Cash Receipts by Payment Method

The new Cash Receipts by Payment Method report lists a summary by Date, for all Days within a specified Date Range of All, or a selected set of (one or more of the 8) Payment Methods

1.American Express - charged to this Credit Card

2.Cash - received an actual Cash payment

3.Check - paid with a Business or Personal Check

4.Discover - charged to this Credit Card

5.Electronic Transfer - received Direct payment from Subscriber's Bank

6.MasterCard - charged to this Credit Card

7.Visa - charged to this Credit Card

8.Other - paid via "In-Kind" or with something else of value

Accounts Receivable System

Cash Receipts Report

Cash Receipts Report by Salesman

Cash Receipts by Sales Category

The Cash Receipts Report and the Cash Receipts Report by Salesman can now selectively filter Receipts as follows:

By a specific Division or Division Group.

For All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Banks.

For All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Payment Type(s).

You may also now limit the Cash Receipts Report to Receipts paid using specific Payment Type(s).


The Cash Receipts by Sales Category Report may now be filtered  to include Receipts for All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Sales Category Codes.

Accounts Receivable System

Cash Receipts Report by Month

Cash Receipts Totals Report

The revised Cash Receipts Report by Month now may be filtered to include to include Receipts for All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Banks.

The revised Cash Receipts Totals Report now offers a new Graphics based Chart, and a Division/Division Group? option to include only those Subscribers who are a member of that selected Division or Division Group.

Accounts Receivable System

Sales Taxes Collected

The Sales Taxes Collected report has been improved as follows:

It now allows the User to limit the report to a set of (one or more) Payment Types (Check, Cash, Credit Card, E-Pay, etc.) using a Drop-Down Selection Check Boxes option.

The Sales Taxes Collected are reported with up to three decimal places.

Accounts Receivable System

Recurring Revenue

If an End Date is defined for an existing Recurring Revenue Item and there are additional Recurring Revenue Items defined for the same Subscriber, a new Select Recurring Revenues to End dialog is presented whereby the User may Select - from a list of the exisrting Recurring Revenue Item - those additional Recurring Revenue Item(s) which should also be ended.

There is a new Create a Pro-Rated Invoice? query (displayed when defining a new Recurring Revenue rule for a Subscriber) now offers two options:

1.Create Now? - Choose this option to create a Pro-Rated Invoice Invoice for the appropriate amount.

2.Suspend? - Choose this new option to create a Pro-Rated Invoice entry in the new Suspended Invoicing section of the Recurring Revenue Form, which will then be billed the next time Auto Billing is processed for the Billing Cycle assigned to that Recurring Revenue entry.

General Ledger System

Accounts Receivable System

Post Earned Revenue

General Ledger Account

MKMS will now calculate the Earned & Deferred Revenue as part of its Recurring Revenue Billing and subsequent Post Earned Revenue processes - with virtually no additional effort required.

The Earned/Deferred Revenue Report provides the Earned and Deferred Revenue Tracking results which may then be used  to manually post Earned and Deferred Revenue to an "external" General Ledger.  

For General Ledger System Users, the Post Earned Revenue procedure updates the appropriate Values in the Deferred Revenue General Ledger Account and associated Recurring Revenue Sale accounts automatically.

Accounts Receivable System

Revenue by Month & Year Report

The revised Revenue by Month & Year Report now offers:

A new  Graphic Line Chart, as well as a Pie and Bar Chart option

A By Division/Division Group? option to only include Revenue from those Subscribers who are a member of that selected Division or Division Group.

Accounts Receivable System

Inventory Tracking & Job Costing


Inventory Item

The Sales Form now has a Drop-Down Selection List that is used to filter the Prior Invoices List to just Paid Invoices Only, or to Open Invoices Only, and with the default being to list All Invoices.


The Sales Form now has a Payments tab which lists the Receipts and Credits that were Allocated to the currently selected Sales Invoice.

You may Double-Click any listed Payment item to open the associated Receipts and/or Credits Form


The Sales Form now has a Proposal Number field in the Header which is populated automatically when a Proposal is Converted to an Invoice.


When entering a Sale:

If an Inventory Item entry creates a Negative On Hand Quantity for the selected Inventory Item, a Negative Inventory Warning message will be displayed.

If the Invoice is being created in response to a previously submitted Purchase Order from that Subscriber, enter that Purchase Order # in the new Purchase Order field.

Accounts Receivable System

Accounting Information tab

The Accounting Information tab on the Subscriber Information Form has a new read-only field named Yrly RMR (Annualized Billing Amount of the Subscriber's currently defined Recurring Revenue)

Once this Tax Rate, Tax Rate ID and the associated Tax Rate information is saved on the Accounting Information tab, if Auto Bill records are defined, and if this information is subsequently modified, a Rate Change Detected message will be displayed with the option to Update those affected Auto Bill records with the correct Tax Code and Tax Rate information.

Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System

Post Earned Revenue

The new Post Earned Revenue Form is used to execute the Post Earned procedure which is used to periodically distribute Earned and Deferred Revenues to the appropriate General Ledger Accounts.

The Post Earned Revenue procedure is available as a Specific Event selection in the System Audit Report.

Accounts Receivable System

Auto Bill Recurring Revenue

Recurring Revenue Sale Purchase Item

If your Company, or the Subscriber cancels any recurring service, an End Date is inserted in the Automatic Recurring Revenue record at that time.

If using the General Ledger System and the last Automatically Billed Invoice that was generated has Unearned Revenue, the Amount of that Unearned Revenue will be removed by a system generated General Journal Entry.


The Auto Billing dialog has a revised Unearned Revenue - Sale Items Form (listing Unassigned Sale Item records)

This dialog which lists Unassigned Sale Item records will only be displayed when the General Ledger System is in use and one or more of the scheduled to be billed Recurring Revenue Items have not been assigned a Deferred Revenue General Ledger Liability Account

GL Number - In this revised Unearned Revenue - Sale Items Form, in the GL Number column of a selected Unassigned Sale Item record (using the Drop-Down Selection List provided) you may Choose the appropriate Deferred Revenue General Ledger Liability Account for that Sale Item ID, and  repeat this process, as needed.

Set All - If all of the listed Unassigned Sale Item records should be assigned the same Deferred Revenue General Ledger Liability Account:

i.Click the Set All Icon to open the Select Account dialog.

ii.Choose the appropriate General Ledger Liability Account using the Drop-Down Selection List provided.

iii.The Sale-Purchase Item records for All listed Sale Item IDs (and all of these Recurring Revenue transactions) will be assigned the selected Deferred Revenue General Ledger Liability Account.


Once a Recurring Revenue Sale Purchase Item is saved, if the Unearned Revenue GL# is subsequently changed, the system will make the appropriate General Journal Entry to move any existing Unearned Revenue to the newly assigned Account Number.

Accounts Receivable System

F2 Subscriber Search

Search Value - There are now two Search Value entry methods available when using the F2 Subscriber Search dialog:

1.Enter some or most of the Subscriber's Name (or whatever the appropriate entry should be based on the selected Search By method).

2.Using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, you may Choose one of the 10 most recently entered Search Values.

Accounts Receivable System

Earned/Deferred Revenue Report

Division - The revised Earned/Deferred Revenue Report may now be created for only One Division (or Alarm Dealer - if you are Billing an Alarm Dealer's Accounts), use the Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose that Alarm Dealer, Division or Division Group.

Accounts Receivable System

General Ledger System


For General Ledger System Users: The General Ledger Transactions (automatically posted in the background) for a Selected Detail Line Item of a Sale may be displayed whenever required.

To do so, Double-Click the appropriate Detail Line Item.

The GL Transactions Form will list each Debit and Credit required to post the Selected Detail Line Item.

Accounts Receivable System


Once a Receipt record is saved, if a User attempts to modify any of these fields, a new Edit this receipt? dialog will be displayed to ensure that this is what the User intended to do.

If the Receipt record has already been Allocated, a different Edit Receipt? dialog will now be presented warning of the potential consequences of altering a previously Allocated Receipt record.  

If the User choose to proceed anyway, an Authorize Transaction dialog will be displayed requesting that the User specify the reason for this modification.

Accounts Receivable System

Unallocating Receipts

The Unallocating Receipts Form now allows a Receipt, which has been Allocated using the Itemized Allocations by Line Item procedure, to be Unallocated using the new corresponding Unallocate by Line Item procedure.

Accounts Receivable System

Expiring Contracts Report

Billing Cycles Report


The revised Expiring Contracts Report now may be filtered to include to include Expiring Contracts for All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Contract Types.

The revised Billing Cycles Report may now be filtered to include to include Expiring Contracts for All, or a specified Set of (one or more) Recurring Billing Cycles.

Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System


Converting Proposals

A Proposal created for a Prospect and/or a Subscriber which is being Converted to an Installation Order or Converted to an Invoice will now convert the Comments entered on that Proposal, and also now provides (in the Proposal Conversion Information dialog) the options to:

Convert Rec Revenue? - Check this box to have any proposed Recurring Items identified as Recurring Revenue converted to Auto Billing entry(s).

Convert Rec Service? - Check this box to have any proposed Recurring Items identified as Recurring Service converted to Auto Service entry(s).

If this Inventory (Sale-Purchase) Item is included in a Proposal and subsequently converted to a Job, the Retail Price information on the Inventory (Sale-Purchase) Item is included in the Job Estimate tab.


To eliminate the request to convert these Recurring Items, set the DeferRecurringRevenue option in the Company Settings Form to True ("T").

Accounts Receivable System

Prospect Tracking System

Leads by Source

The new Leads by Source report provides a Summarized (or Detailed) listing of the Value of the Sales made to Subscribers based on each Account's identified Lead Source(s) (optionally by specified Lead Source(s), specified Company Division(s), and/or within a specified Date Range), and may include or exclude any associated Recurring Revenues Sales in that Value calculation.

Accounts Receivable System


When Entering a Subscriber's Monitoring Related Contract information there are four new fields available: Start Date, Date Expires, Duration (in Months) and an Invoice field into which the first Invoice Number created for this Contract may be posted.

Accounts Receivable System

Customer Ranking Report

The revised Customer Ranking Report has two new options:

1.States - The report may now be limited to only those Customers who are located within a specified set of (one or more) State(s).

2.Sales Person - By default, Customers assigned to any Salesperson will be included in the report but may now be limited to those Customers assigned to a specified set of (one or more) Salespersons.

Accounts Receivable System

Bill Recurring Revenue

An AutoBill.log Notepad file is created in the \MKS\MKMS folder  when you Bill Recurring Revenue and records the setup entries, number of Recurring Revenue items that were pre-processed, the number that were completed, and notes an errors including Service Address information and the RRID if an Invoice could not be generated.

Accounts Receivable System


Filter - Because certain Divisions may no longer be in use, an Account may now be marked as Inactive  

When viewing this Divisions Form the User may  now specify whether to see All Divisions, only Active Divisions, or only Inactive Divisions, as needed.