❑Subscriber Welcome to the Summary Page with the New Features in the MKMS Version Release to the Release.
•Literally hundreds of "bug fixes" have been completed during this series of updates and are too numerous (and complex) to be listed here.
•However, the major changes and enhancements are included in the Features List below.
❑Understanding the Features List:
•All of the Program Module(s) that are Affected are listed.
•The Chapter Links are provided for finding the instructions, illustrations, and details on the operation and usage of the new feature(s).
•A brief Description of the Enhancement is shown, sometimes with additional Chapter Links.
Program Module(s) Affected |
Chapter Links |
Description of the Enhancement |
A new Themes capability has been added which allows the User to set their preferred coloration, screen accents (and special occasion) Theme in MKMS and MKMSCS. |
▪Credit Card Balance - New Widget provides a summary list in the form of a Grid with all of the identified Credit Cards in use (and their associated Balances) ▪Service Tickets - New Widget provides a summary list in the form of a Grid with the status of various classification of Work Orders (e.g., Open, Scheduled by Type [i.e., today's Orders and Installs], recently Completed ▪Bank Balance - This updated Widget displays a Grid showing the Current Balance - of all Bank Accounts that have been defined - as listed in of the Bank's Transaction Register Form (this Balance may also be found in each Bank Account defined in Bank Maintenance). |
▪The new Add or Remove Buttons option - accessed by selecting the Down-Arrow at the top of the Subscribers, Prospect, and Vendor Forms - will allow the User to Customize the content of a Quick Access Tool Bars on all of current Form. |
This completely redesigned Subscribers Form has and among them is the History Options. ▪The new SaveSubscriberHistorySetting option - when set to True ("T") in the Company Settings dialog - will cause the system to save ("remember") each User's History Options History setting as they prefer it.. |
The substantially revised Refund option on the Receipts Form now allows the User to identify a Receipt that must be Refunded and process that Refund all the way through the Accounts Payable System.:
An Overview: Creating a Refund Check for a Receipt using the Refunds For dialog along with the Accounts Payable System: ▪The Refund option on the Receipts Form allows the User to Print the Check for a Refund within the Accounts Payable System. This process works as follows: 1.To Print a Refund Check, the Cut Check field on the Refunds For dialog is Checked - thus indicating that this Refund is to be processed through the Accounts Payable System. 2.All Refunds that have been identified for payment by inserting a Check in the Cut Check field [and have not yet been marked either as Ready To Print nor Printed by the system - see steps 3., a. and 4., a. below] will be listed in the Disbursement Form oThe Disbursement Form lists all of the outstanding Bills and any Refunds that are to be paid - the Invoice # of these Refunds will be "REFUND". oThe User must Check the Pay field for each item REFUND (and Bill) for which a Check should be created. oOnce all of the Bills and Refunds have been identified, the User must then Click the Pay Bills button. 3.When a Check is entered in the Pay field for a REFUND item on the Disbursement Form: a.On the associated Refunds For dialog each Refund selected for payment by Check will automatically have the Ready To Print field Checked by the system. b.The REFUND item may be paid from any Bank Account (it does not have to come from the Bank to which the original Receipt was Deposited). c.The Cash Requirements Report will include any Refund Payments that need to be Printed. d.These Refund Payments become available to Print during the next Print Checks process. 4.Once the Refund Payments are printed using the Print Checks process: a.On the associated Refunds For dialog the Printed field will be Checked, and Check # field will be populated with the Check Number assigned to the Printed Check. 5.On the Bank Reconciliation Form a.Those Refunds which have not been identified on the Refunds For dialog with a Check in the Cut Check field will be displayed on the Deposits (right) side of the of the Bank Reconciliation Form as a negative Amount with a Description of Refund . b.Those Refunds which are identified on the Refunds For dialog with a Check in the Cut Check field and a Check in the Printed field will appear under the Payment (left) side of the Bank Reconciliation Form as a positive Amount and the appropriate Check Number displayed. |
The Auto Draft Setup section in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form has been substantially modified. ▪There is now an Account Holder's Name field where the Card Holder's Name should be entered as two names only, with their Last Name entered first, and their First Name entered last - with no punctuation marks! ▪There are now individual Account Holder's Address fields for: Address (or PO Box) where no punctuation marks in that Street address field should be entered, and separate City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code fields. ▪When the E-Payment option is used on the Subscribers Form (or the E-Pay option on the Work Order Form, or the Invoice Form), that Name and Address information is inserted into the E-Payment Form automatically. ▪If no Name and Address information has been entered in the Auto Draft Setup section, then the Subscriber's Name and Address will be used (but may need to be modified at that time). |
A new RestrictRRModification option is available and by default is set to False ("F"). ▪When set to True ("T") in the Company Settings dialog - which is accessed from the Company tab of the User Options Form - and a previously entered and saved Recurring Revenue record is being modified: a)The User - determined by their specific Access Rights - will either be presented with an Authorize Transaction dialog requesting that User to specify the reason for this modification b)Or the User will need their Administrator to provide that information and also enter their Admin User Name and Admin Password. |
The new Accounts Receivable Collections Report (Grid) is a multi-purpose Report that assists in the management and Collection of Past Due Accounts, offers a one page Accounts Receivable Summary format and offers a snap-shot view of the Company's potential Cash Flow, or list a specific Dealer's (Division's) Accounts for whom your Company provides Monitoring Services and is also billing those Alarm Dealer's Monitoring Accounts |
The revised Sale-Purchase Items Form now has a WIP field which tracks those Inventory Items which have been assigned to a Job and/or Work Order and will be subject in future Invoicing. ▪There is a new COGS Value field which contains the Value of an Inventory Item that will be used in all General Ledger related Financial Transactions as documented in the Tracking Inventory Values & Quantities as Assets, Liabilities, Sales & Expenses chapter. ▪The new Inventory WIP Report lists all Inventory Items' Counts that were transferred to Work In Progress via a Job and/or Work Order entry, executed within the Date Range specified, and subject to certain filtering and selection options. ▪If an attempt to make an Inventory Item inactive when that Inventory Item has been used on a Proposal which is still active and has not yet been converted, an explanatory Conformation message will be displayed.
New Sales Tax fields: ▪A new AR Taxable? field has been added to the Sale-Purchase Item Form - replacing the original Taxable? field. ▪A new AP Taxable? field has been added to the Sale-Purchase Item Form - thus allowing Purchases and Sales to be identified as Taxable (by default) independently. ▪For Canada Sales Taxes - a)AP National Tax - When an HST or GST Tax must be assessed on Purchases, Check this box. b)AP Local Tax - When a PST Tax must be assessed on Purchases, Check this box. |
The revised Work Order Invoicing/Review Form with its new user interface now Excludes Work Orders which have been marked as Non Billable and are Completed and now has 2 filters plus the user interface has been substantially improved: 1.Using the new Date Options Drop-Down Selection List with six Date Range filtering options [i.e., Date Requested, Date, Date Serviced, Date Completed, Date Created, Last Date Modified, Schedule Date], 2.The Work Order Type Drop-Down Selection List with six filtering options [i.e., All, Standard Work Order, Fire Alarm Test, Fire Extinguisher Inspection, Installation Order, Jobs].
▪The old Completion Box has been eliminated: Editing is now done: a)within the Work Order Listing's data grid, and/or b)by using one or more of the 6 tabs at the bottom of the Work Order Invoicing / Review Form (see below), or c)by using the Go To Work Order function to open the actual Work Order and complete that Work Orders within the actual Work Order Form. ▪There are now 6 tabs at the bottom of the Work Order Invoicing/Review Form: Labor, Inventory/Materials (where a Department may now be assigned to each Inventory entry), Installed Equipment, Technician Activity, Appointments, and Parts List which are explained in the Recording Work Order Charges chapter. ▪Installed Equipment tab has a new Install box in the Install column's Header: oCheck the oOtherwise, you may Check the individual Install Check box of each Inventory Item that is to be added to this Subscriber's Installed Equipment Form. |
The new RMR Rate Changes fully functional data grid (populated based on a User Defined Date Range) lists When, by Whom, and by what Amount the Rates being charged for Recurring Revenue have been changed. ▪As with all fully functional data grids, the User selected columns of data may be filtered, sorted, formatted; and then Printed and/or Exported, as needed. |
This (new) New Account Approval dialog provides a list of those Proposals which have been entered by a Salesperson via MKSales or from within MKMS. ▪The Account Approval functions works as follows: a)A Salesperson has created a Proposal using MKSales or from within MKMS. b)That Salesperson has submitted the Proposal for approval via MKSales or it was created directly within MKMS. c)Regardless of where it was initially created, it is now a Proposal which is pending approval from both that Prospect or Subscriber, and from your Company's Sales Manager. d)Therefore, that Proposal is automatically inserted into this New Account Approval Form. ▪Convert - This option on the New Account Approval dialog offers two Conversion processes, depending on whether the selected Proposal was submitted to a Prospect or an existing Subscriber: 1.If the selected Proposal is associated with a Prospect, this option will allow the User to Convert a selected Prospect to a Subscriber (See the Convert a Prospect to a Subscriber chapter for the instructions covering how to Convert a selected Proposal to a Subscriber record and ultimately an Invoice, Installation Order, or Job Costing record). 2.If the selected Proposal is associated with a Subscriber, this option will allow the User to Convert a selected Subscriber's Proposal directly into an Invoice, Installation Order, or Job Costing record (See the Converting a Subscriber Proposal chapter for the instructions covering how to Convert a selected Proposal into an Invoice, Installation Order, or Job Costing record). |
Default Warranty Terms - By default, the Value of the new DefaultWarrantyTerms option in Company Settings will be set to 12. ▪This Value represents the number of Months after the Sale Date entered in the Service Info section of the Edit View of the Subscribers Form when the installation's Warranty Ends. ▪The Value entered here will automatically populate that Warranty Ends field (i.e., Sales Date + Value in months = Warranty Date). ▪This Value may be changed, based on your individual Company's Warranty Policy.
Default Warranty WO Settings - By default, the new DefaultWarrantyWOSettings option in Company Settings is set to False ("F") . ▪Setting the DefaultWarrantyWOSettings option to True ("T") will set the Non Billable and Exclude Invoice Labor Check boxes on a new Work Order Form to match the settings in the Service Contract record associated with (assigned to) the current Subscriber - if that Subscriber is still under Warranty (i.e., Warranty Ends Date > Today). |
The revised Service Contracts Form now has two additonal fields: 1.Exclude Invoice Labor - Check the box when Work Order Labor Charges should not be billed to a Subscriber with this type of Service Contract. 2.Non Billable - Check the box when Work Order Charges should never be billed to a Subscriber with this type of Service Contract. ▪Setting the DefaultWarrantyWOSettings option to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form will set the Non Billable and Exclude Invoice Labor Check boxes on a new Work Order Form to match the settings in the Service Contract record associated with (i.e., assigned to) the current Subscriber - if that Subscriber is still under Warranty (i.e., Warranty Ends Date is greater than Today). |
The Work Orders Form has been substantially changed and new features have been added. ▪When a new Work Order is created, the "Non Billable" and "Exclude Invoice Labor" fields will be set based on the Service Contract assigned to that Subscriber only if the DefaultWarrantyWOSettings option is set to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form and Subscriber is still under warranty (i.e., Warranty End Date >= Today).
▪Department - Use the new Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose the Department that should be charged for the Inventory/Materials expenses used to complete this Work Order. oUse the Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose the Department that should be charged for the Inventory/Materials expenses used to complete this Work Order. oIf a Department has been assigned when the Work Order was created, it will become the default Department, and will be inserted automatically when the Inventory/Materials expense record is added. oWhen a Work Order is Invoiced, the Department assigned on the Work Order will be Department assigned to each Detail Line Item on that Invoice.
▪The User may Select which Columns of data will be included in the List (Grid) by Clicking the Asterisk (*) at the top left of the List's Header to display a list of all available Columns (Header Names). The User may Check the desired Header (column) Names (all will be Checked initially), or hide columns by removing the Check.
▪Parts List tab: When the Use Inventory option is selected: a)The User may now identify How Many items are to be (were) used (when first opened, to this the How Many field will equal the Quantity field). b)When the Use function is executed, the Quantity in the new record created in the Inventory/Materials tab will equal the How Many Amount entered in the Parts List tab. c)If the Quantity of any item in the Parts List tab becomes less than or equal to zero, the item will be deleted from the Parts List. d)Use Parts - If the Used Parts option is selected for an inactive item or for an item that was not identified as one that can Show on a Work Order, a warning message will be displayed: "The following items could not be used because they are not set to show on work orders, or the part is inactive"
▪When Completing a Work Order, a new Completed On field has been added, and the Labor and Inventory/Materials entry method has been enhanced. ▪The new Itemized WO Invoicing dialog (see Automatic Invoice Generation in the Completing a Work Order chapter) allows the User to choose which (or all) items will be Invoiced, whether any items will be billed at a $0.00 value, and allows the User to choose which (or all) items are to be added to the Installed Equipment table for the Subscriber. |
The Pending Work Orders List on the Technician Scheduling Form has been substantially revised, and so will now function as a true Grid. ▪A new Print Pending Work Orders option on the Actions Menu on the Pending Work Orders List will display a Print Preview of the Pending Work Order List as currently filtered and displayed in the Pending Work Orders Grid. ▪The new Identifier column in the Pending Work Orders List (Grid) identifies each Work Order record as being either for a Subscriber or a Prospect so Grouping the Pending Work Orders List by Identifier enables the User to quickly identify which Work Orders are for a Subscriber versus a Prospect (See the Pending Work Orders List chapter and the "Grouping the Grid Data" discussion in the Grids & Lists chapter for more information about this Grouping capability). |
A new Work Order Profit dialog (which is actually presented as a fully functional data grid) is populated based on a user selected Date Type (i.e., Completed Date, Requested Date, Date of Service, Date Created, Last Modified Date, or Schedule Date) of the Work Orders and filtered based on a specified Date Range ▪Each selected Work Order is listed with: a)The (Retail) Charges and (Wholesale) Costs that were recorded b)The Totals for those Charges and Costs, and c)The calculated Profit (or Loss) resulting from them. ▪There are new Invoice Profit and Invoice Net columns available, and the Profit column has been recently renamed to Proposed Profit. ▪Grand Totals for those Charges and Costs are also provided. ▪The resulting data may be formatted, custom filtered, sorted and then Printed and/or Exported, as needed. |
Deleting an existing Division Code assigned to a Bill: ▪If a Division Code is assigned to the Bill Header (because the Vendor's default Division was inserted automatically) but you do not want any Division Code assigned: a)Click within the Division field and Press your keyboard's Delete key to remove the Division Code from the Bill Header. b)If one or more Detail Line Items have already been entered, the Division Code assigned to them (internally) will also be removed when the Bill Header Division Code is deleted. ▪However, once a Payment has been Allocated to a Bill, that Bill cannot be changed in any manner without first Unallocating the Payment.
The Purchase Date entered on the Bills Form determines the Transaction Date that will be used in the General Ledger System. ▪Therefore, if a Bill is post-dated (a "future" date is entered), the Accounts Payable Account balance reported in the General Ledger will not reflect that Billed Amount until on or after that (post-dated) date arrives.
The Bills Form will no longer separate and post the Sales Taxes that are charged to special Locale and National Sales Tax Expense Accounts in the General Ledger. ▪Instead, with the exception of Canada Sales Tax, these Sales Tax charges will be included in the Accounts Payable Liability Account, and the Expense Account associated with the Sale-Purchase Item (as well as posting that expense to the Current Earnings Equity Account and the special Earnings Posting Account). |
The revised Cash Requirements Report will now also report which (if any) Refund Checks will need to be printed. |
Voided Checks - The Check Register Report will now show any Voided Check with the original date of the Check and its Amount in the Credit column; that Voided Check Amount will also be listed as an additional entry in the Debit column. |
The substantially revised and enhanced Disbursements Form now lists of all outstanding Bills and allows the User to easily Choose: ▪It also offers four (4) Payment Options for how each Bill will be Paid (i.,e., Auto Check, E-Pay,Credit Card, and Hand Check). ▪A Default Check Type may be selected (Auto Check, Credit Card or E-Pay). It may be overwritten for individual Bills. ▪If Credit Card is chosen as the Default Check Type, a Default Credit Card field will be displayed with a Drop-Down Selection List from which to Choose the appropriate default Credit Card. These Credit Card transactions will appear on the associated Credit Card Register. ▪Which Bills will be Paid, ▪The Amount that will be Paid on each ▪The Date on which the Payment is to be recorded. All of these payment methods may be used during the same Disbursements process with Check # and Confirmation # fields which may be filled in when that information is available. |
Now when you Choose the Job Listing option to display a list of all Job Costing records previously created for the currently selected Subscriber, that Job Listing includes the Proposal's Title and thje Proposal's Number when that Job Costing record was converted from a Proposal. |
The new Inventory Transfer Report is a fully functional data grid which lists the transfer details for those Inventory Items which have been Transferred from one Warehouse to another, within a Date Range specified by the User, with this data presented as a Grid. ▪As with all fully functional data grids, the User selected columns of data may be filtered, sorted, formatted; and then Printed and/or Exported, as needed. |
Reason for Change: The note entered in the Edit Warehouse Inventory Form describing why an Inventory Adjustment was made, will now appear in the Reason column of the Inventory Adjustments Report. |
Exclude Zeros - This new Check box option has been added to allow the User to eliminate any Inventory Items that have no Available On Hand and no Committed On Hand quantities from the report. |
Alarms - Assuming that the User has the appropriate User Access Rights, the Alarm History dialog for the currently selected Subscriber may now be accessed from the Subscriber Options Menu and provides the same Alarm History dialog that is available when viewing the Monitoring tab on the Edit View of the Subscribers Form. |
The revised Dealer Breakdown Report which provides a listing of each Dealer, their Accounts, related reporting and signal data, and summary information about each Dealer, now has a new options to Include Offline Accounts. |