Schedule Reports

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/24/2023

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Schedule Reports

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/24/2023

The Reports Module is used to create custom Reports (see the Create Report discussion in the Reports Module chapter),

The Communications Module and/or the MKS Connect Service must be installed to use the Scheduled Reports feature.

a)The Scheduled Reports option (found in many places throughout MKMS) provides a list of those previously created custom Reports

b)One of which may then be selected as the Scheduled Report using the Scheduled Reports dialog explained below (and elsewhere in these Help Files)


The Scheduled Reports option is available

1.On the General Menu of the Subscribers Form where the selected Schedule Report will be for the currently selected Subscriber

2.On the Dealers Form where the selected Schedule Report will be for the currently selected Dealer

3.As an option in the View Reports dialog within the Reports Module where the selected Schedule Report may be set to any specified email address


On the Dealers Form:

Alarm Dealer Information relating to Scheduled Reports must be entered if your Company wants to have any of your Alarm Dealer(s) receive (daily or periodically scheduled) information about the alarm events that affect their Accounts.

The Scheduled Reports for a specific Dealer must be defined through the Dealers Form


To Access the Dealers Form:

a)From the Backstage Menu System Select Maintenance and Choose the General option, then select the General Maintenance option which displays the secondary Maintenance Menu, or

b)From the Quick Access Menu, Select Maintenance and Choose General Maintenance to display the secondary Maintenance Menu.

Once the Maintenance Menu is displayed, Choose the Monitoring sub-menu, then Click on the Dealers option.



General Maintenance Menu - Monitoring sub-menu - Dealers Form - Scheduled Reports Icon


Click the Schedule Reports Icon on the Dealers Form to see the Scheduled Reports dialog shown below.



Scheduled Reports Form - Available on the Dealers Form and also on the Sub Dealers tab and a Ribbon Menu option


Scheduled Reports entered here are "attached" to that Dealer.


See the Using the Create Report discussion in the Reports Module chapter for complete information on how to enter a New Report


Sub Dealers also have a Scheduled Reports option

Click on the Sub Dealers Icon to display the list of Sub Dealers




Select the Sub Dealer record that is to receive a Scheduled Report

Click the Scheduled Reports button on the Sub Dealers tab to open the Sub Dealer's Schedule Reports dialog shown below.





Scheduled Reports relating to Subscribers must be separately identified if you want to have specific Subscribers receive specific Reports about the alarm events that effect them.

To enter Scheduled Reports information for a specific Subscriber, from within MKMS, open the Subscribers Form.

Press F2 to Retrieve the Subscriber record representing the Account needing the Scheduled Reports

Open the Subscriber Options Menu on the Navigation section of the Subscribers Form, Select the General sub-menu, then Choose the Scheduled Reports option.


Scheduled Reports entered in this manner are "attached" to that currently selected Subscriber.



Subscribers Form - General Menu, Scheduled Reports option


To enter Scheduled Reports information within MKMS, open the Subscribers Form.

Press F2 to Retrieve the Subscriber record representing the Account needing the Scheduled Reports

Open the Options Menu on the Navigation section of the Subscribers Form, Select the General sub-menu, then Choose the Scheduled Reports option.

Scheduled Reports entered in this manner are "attached" to the currently selected Subscriber.



Scheduled Reports Form - Available on the Subscribers, Dealer Forms


The data entry process for defining Scheduled Reports is identical thereafter for both Dealers, Sub Dealers and Subscribers.

See the Using the Create Report discussion in the Reports Module chapter for complete information on how to enter a New Report