Audit Functions

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

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Audit Functions

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

The Audit Functions offered within MKMS STARK may be User Defined, based on your internal security needs.

Normally, Employees (Users) are assigned to an Employee Group thus granting them access to the specified set of Access Rights for a series of Form Names provided by that Employee Group.

These Access Rights (C R U D A) are Create, Read, Update, Delete, and Audit.

The appropriate Access Rights that are assigned are based on what needs to be accomplished by that Employee Group.


Sometimes an Employee needs additional (or fewer) Access Rights than those established in the Employee Group to which they've been assigned.

To accommodate this situation, the User Access Rights Form provides the means to individually grant Access Rights, and/or remove Access Rights, to specifically selected Form Names.


Any Form Name may be identified as one that needs "Audit Tracking" by Checking the Audit option when assigning a Form Name to a User or Employee Group - established in the User Access Rights Form and/or the Employee Groups Form  - and thereafter every change made to that Form, and by what User, is recorded in the system maintained Audit table.


UL® Requirements: As part of properly implementing the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard, specifically for compliance with section 6.2 Sign-on Security and 6.3 (1-7) Five Security Levels of the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard:

6.2.1 - The Employee's Password (i.e., Passcode) shall consist of the following:

a)A Username of at least six (6) characters

b)A Password which shall consist of a minimum of six alpha-numeric characters with at least one alpha and one numeric character

6.2.3  - Any modification made to the database shall be logged with a unique personal identification (Employee ID) belonging to the person performing the modification).

i.To comply with 6.2.3 of theThird Edition UL® 1981 Standard, the Audit box must always be Checked for All Form Names when User Access Rights are assigned to any Employee or Employee Group  

ii.Users cannot turn auditing off when the UL® Version is Registered (i.e., Active).

iii.In the User Access Rights and the Employee Groups Forms - when the UL® Version is Active -, the Audit option box will always be Checked on all Form Names.

iv.No User will be able to remove that Check Mark.

6.2.6 - The automation system shall prevent:

a)Repeated passwords, used within the last six changes;

b)Passwords that are a derivative of the user name(s); and

[e.g., Password cannot contain 50% of a Username so a User "Stacy" cannot have a Password of "STA3841"]

c)Passwords that are simply letters or numbers in order (e.g.: abcd, 1234, etc.).

[e.g., any type of sequence is prohibited such as 'ab', '34', '89', 'xy']

6.3 (1-7) - A minimum of Five Security Levels must be defined and the appropriate one assigned to each specific Employee based on that Employee's Need for Access.


The Audit Reports, two special Forms (the Review Audit and Review Deleted Entries Forms), plus a Purge Audit Data dialog provide the available Audit Functions:

A.The regular Audit Report allows you to specify the Date Range to be reported, the data entries, processes, and changes that occurred [e.g., the Form(s), Employee(s), Account(s), Tables, User(s), etc.], and the Type(s) of the Data Related Events to be included in the report.

B.The System Audit Report allows you to specify the Date Range of, and the Parameters for, listing the system processes and updates which were performed by User(s) and/or the Event(s) that are to be reported.

C.The Accounting Audit Report provides a selectable list of any (or All) changes made to Sales Invoices, Receipt Allocations, Vendor Bills and Payment Allocations, after the initial posting process was completed.

D.The Recurring Revenue Audit Report which provides a Grid containing the data recorded in the

E.The Review Audit Form provides a dialog where records - identified as Audit Form Activity eligible records - are available for viewing.

F.The Review Deleted Entries Form provides a dialog where previously deleted records may be selected, viewed, and restored, if necessary.

G.The Purge Audit Data dialog is used for purging audit records on a periodic basis so that the Audit Table does not become excessively large within MKMS, or by using the MKS Purge Utility.