❑Welcome to the Summary Page with the New Features in the MKMS Version to Release.
•Several "bug fixes" have been completed during this series of updates.
•The major changes and enhancements are included in the Features List below.
❑Understanding the Features List:
•All of the Program Module(s) that are Affected are listed.
•The Chapter Links are provided for finding the instructions, illustrations, and details on the operation and usage of the new feature(s).
•A brief Description of the Enhancement is shown, sometimes with additional Chapter Links.
Program Module(s) Affected |
Chapter Links |
Description of the Enhancement |
Wide Screen Displays |
When running the latest version(s) of MKMS and/or MKMSCS on one or more wide screen monitors, all sub-windows snap to the lower half of the screen when moved or re-sized. This anomaly has been corrected. |
Print Preview (from Grid style Reports) |
Any user defined Print Preview enhancements (e.g., Headers, Footers, Page Numbering, Date & Time location, User Name, Machine Name) are stored and retrieved automatically for each User and for each Report that is derived from a Grid. |
The slightly revised Accounts Receivable Collections Report has minor modifications: ▪The All Invoices (Excludes future Invoices) field will now list All Subscribers who have any Invoices with any Balance Due, but will Exclude Invoices dated after Today. ▪A specific description of what the report is to be used for has been added. |
A new Outstanding Invoices report provides an additional view (with lots of formatting and filtering options) of the Outstanding Invoice Amounts owed to your Company. a)This report is not intended to be used as a Collection Report. b)The Subscriber's Account Balance does not reflect Unallocated Receipts nor Unallocated Credit Memos. c)The report can include All Invoices, even those created with a Future Date. d)Customer Deposits are excluded from this report.
The Sales Taxes Invoiced may now be reported for a specific Division or Division Group |
If you erroneously selected a Division, or Division Group to be reported in the Sales Analysis Report, you may now place the Mouse within the Division field and press the Delete key to cancel that selection. |
When offered the option to Create a Pro-Rated Invoice? on the Recurring Revenue Form there are two choices offered: 1.Create (an Invoice Amount covering the time period that would pass prior to when the first Auto Billed Invoice will be generated), or 2.Suspend (instead, calculate and hold that Amount, then add it to the first Auto Billed Invoice when it is generated).
▪Previously, "Today" was used for this time period calculation. The time period calculation will now use the Acquired Date (entered in the Attrition Tracking section on the Recurring Revenue Form) - which defaults to Today - but may be reset to whatever the appropriate Date should be.
This is a full explanation of the new process used for this time period calculation: i.An Average Month is assumed to be 30 days. ii.The number of Days Remaining from today's date to the end of that Average Month is calculated and inserted in the Detail Line Item's Qty field of the Invoice iii.The Payment Amount (determined by Payment assigned to the Pay Group Code, or a Custom Pay Amount entry) is divided by 30 to establish a Daily Rate which is inserted as the Detail Line Item's Price. iv.That Daily Rate is multiplied by the number of Days Remaining between the Acquired Date (entered in the Attrition Tracking Section on the Recurring Revenue Form) and the Start Date (entered in the Billing Information Section on the Recurring Revenue Form) to establish the Detail Line Item's Net. v.The Item and Description as entered on the Recurring Revenue Form are inserted in those Detail Line Item fields. |
There are new Sum and Percentage fields in the Proposals (Grid) report: ▪The Proposals (Grid) now includes (based on the options chosen) the total Number of Converted Proposals and the Percentage of all listed Proposals that were converted to Sales. |
The Leads by Salesperson report has been improved as follows: ▪Report by All or a selected group of Salespersons ▪Report by All or a selected group of Lead Types ▪Report by All or a selected group of Lead Sources ▪Added Group Sub-totals by Salesperson and Grand Total ▪Choose the Date Type on which the Dates identified below will be based (i.e., Creation Date - Use the Creation Date entered for the Proposals., or Expiration Date - Use the Expiration Date entered for the Proposal.) ▪Date Range to be reported may be selected as 30, 60, 90, or Specific. |
There is a new Inactive Check box on the Bank (maintenance) Form ▪If a Bank Account will no longer be used, Check this box. ▪A Bank record cannot be identified as Inactive if: a)There are Receipts that have not yet been Allocated b)There are Receipts that have not yet been Deposited c)There are Payments that have not yet been Allocated d)It is the Default Bank Account as defined in the Company Options - General tab on the User Options Form. |
An Inactive Bank Account will not be included in a Drop-Down Selection List on any of these Forms: f)Payments h)Receipts m)Bank (widget) n)Company Options - General tab on the User Options Form Default Bank Account Drop-Down Selection List. |
The Work Order Profit report (Grid) has been enhanced with the addition of : a)A Date Sold, Invoice #, and Balance Due field in its Grid. b)An Invoice Date Sold option has been added to the Select Date field. c)A Go To Radial Right-Click Menu which includes these option: i.Work Order ii.Subscriber iii.Invoice |
Inventory/Materials Drop-Down Info Box
The initial focus on the Inventory/Materials Drop-Down Info Box on a Work Order Form has been set to the Item field to speed data entry. The Date Used field will default to Today and the User will not be allowed to re-set it to an invalid date (e.g., future, closed month, date prior to the Request Date). |
The revised Parts List tab on the Work Order Form has some new features and internal validations to ensure the proper tracking of Inventory Items: 1.A Warehouse column (populated with the name of the default Warehouse that previously identified in the Inventory Tracking section of the Inventory Options tab in the User Options Form) 2.A Transfer option - Because the system's default Warehouse (see #1 above) may not be the location from which a Part is to be withdrawn, you may use the new Transfer option to identify and Transfer a Part to the Warehouse from where it is to be withdrawn. a)Once the Transfer is executed, when that Part is Used, it will appear on the Inventory Materials Drop-Down Info Box with that corrected (transferred) Warehouse name. b)However, if the User forgot to use the Transfer option, that Warehouse assignment may still be changed to the correct one from within the Inventory Materials Drop-Down Info Box by using the Warehouse column's Drop-Down Selection List. |
On the Parts List tab of the Work Orders Form there are new data entry conditions established to accommodate the features outlined above: 1.Add new Part - You cannot use the Add ▪If you attempt to do so, a "This WO is coming from a job, you must enter the item in "Job Costing \ Inventory \ Item List" and reserve it and then use "Pick from Job" button on this screen." reminder message will be displayed
2.Pick From Job - When the Work Order was created from a Job, and as part of that Job Costing information, an Item List was created, this Pick From Job option becomes active. ▪However, prior to using the Pick From Job option, the Warehouse from which the Inventory is to be taken must have already been identified in the Inventory Reserved sub-tab of the Inventory tab on that Job Costing Form
3.The Transfer option is only available when Inventory Items have already been added to the Parts List tab.
4.Transfer a Part - You cannot use the "Transfer" option when the Work Order was created for a Job Task in the Job Costing record. ▪This must be done using the Reassign/Transfer option on the Inventory Reserved sub-tab of the Inventory tab on the Job Costing Form ▪If you attempt to do so, a "This WO is coming from a job, you must use "Reassign/Transfer Inventory" button in "Job Costing \ Inventory \ Inventory Reserved" reminder message will be displayed. |
The revised Warehouse maintenance Form has a new Transfer option which provides the ability to Transfer one or more (multiple) Inventory Items from the currently selected Warehouse, to another Warehouse of the Users choosing. |
▪The revised Inventory Listing report has a new sorting option: Sale Item Group - You may now sort the list of Inventory Items by their assigned Sale Item Group Name, then within each Sale Item Group, by the Inventory Item's Part Number (Item ID). ▪The "Used" column has been renamed "Used Value" and an explanation of how it's calculated has been added. |
When a Purchase Order Form is displayed by Clicking the Purchase Orders Tab on the Job Costing Form, it may be modified as may be needed (and those modifications will update any associated information within the Job Costing record). ▪However, a new Purchase Order may not be created there. |
To prevent an erroneous Bill from being created/modified, a Bill that originated from a Purchase Order may not have a minus Value in the Quantity field of any Detail Line Item. |
New Third Edition UL® 1981 Standards |
Added special legend to clarify the Password Rules required by the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard. |
Added Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard Certificate types column. |
The Alarm Stack Maintenance dialog has been updated to include: ▪Cannot purge Fire Alarms (ever)! ▪Purging from "Advanced" tab when choosing to ignore UL Accounts now works properly. |
▪Signal Processing - Expanded the Signal Priority level to 7 when evaluating the Investigator Arrival information.
UL Stale Alarm Priority Cutoff - By default, the ULStaleAlarmPriorityCutoff option in Company Settings is set to Zero ("0"). ▪For those Companies who are using the recommended Priority Levels for UL Certificated Alarm Systems documented in Section 11.1.5 (g) in the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard, this should be set to seven ("7"). ▪For those Companies who are using an optional set of Priority Levels allowed in Section 11.1.5 (g) in the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard, this should be set to five ("5") assuming the 2, 3, and 4 recommended Priority Levels have been combined (adjust accordingly).
Inactivity Disconnect - When the UL® 1981 Version is Registered (i.e., Active), this InactivityDisconnect option should be set to True ("T") to comply with Section 6.2.7 in the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard - "Once communication of a session has been idle for a maximum of 15 minutes the session shall be automatically terminated." ▪When the InactivityDisconnect option should be set to True ("T"): after 15 minutes of inactivity by the current User, a Warning Message is displayed and if not acknowledged, the system will disconnect (log out of the database) and the User must Log In again tro continue to use the system. ▪If the InactivityDisconnect option is set to False ("F"), this Inactivity Disconnect feature will be turned off.
Check UL Password Restrictions - When the UL® 1981 Version is Registered (i.e., Active), this new The CheckULPasswordRestrictions option in Company Settings must be set to True ("T") to comply with Section 6.2.6 relating to Password Restrictions in the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard. ▪If the CheckULPasswordRestrictions option is set to False ("F"), this Password Restrictions feature will be turned off. |
The new Docking Options Drop-Down Menu lists the choices the Operator has in managing which, and where the Special Info Grids will be displayed. 1.Pending Signals 2.Non Restored Signals 3.Two Way Voice 4.Close All (Information Grids) 5.Reopen Closed Windows 6.Restore to Dock Positions |
The new Email Modified Subscriber Now is only in MKMS. It opens the Email Modified Subscribers Now dialog which lists all Accounts that have been modified but not yet notified of that modification. The User may: i.Go to the Subscriber record ii.Print the list of all Accounts that have been modified but not yet notified iii.Export the list of all Accounts that have been modified but not yet notified iv.Choose the Accounts which are to be notified. v.Email |
In the Insurance Information Form, the UL Grade field name has been changed to UL Class and the associated Printed Alarm Certificate now includes the correct description of the Subscriber's UL Classification, and Drop-Down Selection List where appropriate. |
Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard Reports |
This is the new Employee Hired/Terminated report (documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard) provides a list of the Company's Employees is displayed in a functioning Grid dialog with an Employee Trace Form Title: ▪It provides a list of the Employees - retrieved based on their Hire, Termination, or original Entry Date - that is displayed in Grid format and so may then be viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported. |
There is a new Signals While On Test report which is designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard and will report those signals that were received from a Subscriber (Account), and/or a Subscriber Panel (CSID) that occurred while an Account or CSID was On Test. |
There is a new Accounts Without Email report which is designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard and will list those Subscribers (Accounts) without an Email address entered in the Subscribers tab of the Subscribers Form: Edit View ▪The Accounts Without Email Report may be produced for All Accounts, or for UL® Accounts Only. |
This is the new UL Statistics Report which was specifically designed and documented to comply with the System Wide Reports Section 10.2.1 and 10.22 (a) - (g) of theThird Edition UL® 1981 Standard. ▪Modify query to retrieve "Runner response elapsed time by Subscriber" and "Runner response elapsed time average by Subscriber" instead of by operator. ▪Added longest and shortest times for "Runner response elapsed time by Subscriber" and "Operator acknowledgment time" ▪Added Subscriber and UL Grade to "Operator acknowledgment time" and "Operator acknowledgment time (Average)" |
This is the new Users Login History Report (designed and documented to comply with the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard) which will list those Employees who have attempted to, or successfully Logged Into the MKMS database (mkmsdefault.db). |
These Reports were revised to display UL Classification (instead of UL Grade) information. |