Monitoring related Utilities

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

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Monitoring related Utilities

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

Periodically (see last Modified Date above), this list will be updated as Monitoring Related Utilities are developed further and new applications are added.

External applications:

1.Alarm Stack - Stand-alone application that provides a complete (or optionally, a filtered) list of Alarms Signals currently available for processing, or actually being processed in your Central Station.

2.All Events - Stand-alone application that provides a continuously updated list of the Alarm Signals and Events being processed in your Central Station.

3.Archive - Stand-alone application that provides

4.MKS Cluster - Stand-alone application which synchronizes real time database backup between multiple File Servers and monitors the database server.

a)Provides a live transactional backup of the log file for the active MKMSDefault.db file;

b)Supervises the Primary (owner) and Backup (secondary) Servers for a failure or either the Primary (e.g., Server 1), or Backup (e.g., Server 2);

c)Once the programmable failure notification time (in seconds) as expired,

i.MKS Cluster will start the Backup database server

ii.MKS Cluster will start SPA on that Backup database server


Internal features:

5.Back Up Database - Facilitates making backups, is the MKMS Backup Database File utility within the MKMS application.

6.Update Forms Table - Installs the Forms.txt file that includes the internal instructions for installing the additional Form Names that are included with a major new upgrade.

7.Validate Databases - Validate your database structure(s).

8.Validate Documents - This is the Validate Documents Form that allows the User to Confirm the existence (or lack of the same) of all - or selected type(s) of - Form(s), View the contents of these Form(s) and Remove them from thee List of previously identified and assigned Documents.

9.MKS Database Console - Provides several types of database related information, displayed on four (4) tabs, as well as the Adaptive Server Anywhere® Network Server log.


Uses SPA to implement:

10.Videofied Direct View - This chapter explains how this feature, using SPA,  is implemented in MKMSCS.