All Events

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

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All Events

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

What is happening in your Company's Central Station?

This MKS All Events application provides a "running commentary" of the Alarm Activity being received at the Central Station.

Unlike the All Events Report which requires that the reported data is within a specified Date Range, this All Events utility displays a list of Alarm Signals and Events that is continuously updated when each new Alarm Signal or Event is received - in real time.


The MKS All Events program is the directory in which the MKMS.exe and MKMSCS.exe are located (typically c:\Program Files\mks\mkms or if running in 64 bit mode, in c:\Program Files(x86)\mks\mkms).

Note: Although the application may be on your C: drive, it may instead have been installed on a File Server Drive.

If connected to a Network, ask your System Administrator for the proper drive location of the application.


As recommended in Getting Started, create a shortcut for this application and place it in your MKMS folder on your Desktop for quick access later.



MKS AllEvents


Running the MKS All Events application:

Double-Click the All Events Icon to open the MKS All Events dialog.

No login is required to access this application.

The Alarm Events dialog will be displayed immediately showing a continuously updated listing of the Alarm Activity being received in your Central Station.



Alarm Events display


Show Lines - Check this box to overlay data grid lines on the list to make it easier to read.



Alarm Events display - With lines