MKS Database Console

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

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MKS Database Console

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/30/2024

The MKS Database Console utility provides several types of database related information, displayed on four (4) tabs, as well as the Adaptive Server Anywhere® Network Server login.

The program is located at C:\Program Files\MKS\MKMS\ and is named MKSConsole.exe.

Note: Although the application will usually be on your C: drive, it may have been installed on a File Server Drive instead.

If connected to a Network, ask your System Administrator for the proper drive location of the application.


As recommended in Getting Started, create a shortcut for this application and place it in your MKMS folder on your Desktop for quick access later.

When first started, you will have to Login as you would when starting MKMS or MKMSCS.

Note: If you Login as a regular User, your access rights may be limited.

To ensure access to all of this applications features, Login as the ("Admin") Administrator.



MKS Database Console - Log In


Select Company - Click on the Company Name you want to manage and Press Tab.

Name - Enter your User Name and Press Tab.

Password - Enter your Password and Press Tab.

OK - Click the OK button.

The MKS Database Console application desktop will be displayed (see the illustration below).


Viewing and Using the MKS Database Console Management utility's four tabs:



MKS Database Console Management dialog


Connection List - The Connection List tab lists each Name and Userid (and related information) of the active connections to the MKMS databases.



Connection List tab on the MKS Database Console Management utility


Right-Click on a Connection List line item and Choose Disconnect to remove that connection to the Database.


Database Locks - The Database Locks tab lists the User and Table (and related information) for all the active Database Locks.



Database Locks tab on the MKS Database Console Management utility


Right-Click on a Database Locks line item and Choose Remove Alarm Lock to remove that lock on that Table.

Important Note: Because the listed Database Locks may in fact indicate that an Operator is actively editing that Alarm History record, great care should be taken before removing a Database Lock.


Subscriber/Vendor Locks - The Subscriber/Vendor Locks tab displays each active Lock on a Subscriber and/or Vendor record.



Subscriber/Vendor Locks tab on the MKS Database Console Management utility


Right-Click on a Subscriber/Vendor Locks line item and Choose Remove Sub/Ven Lock to remove the lock on that record.

Important Note: Because the listed Subscriber/Vendor Locks may in fact indicate that a User is actively editing that record, great care should be taken before removing a Subscriber or Vendor Lock.


Alarm Locks - The Alarm Locks tab lists the IDs all of the Alarm Signal History records that are Locked by Operators Processing Alarm Signals.



Alarm Locks tab on the MKS Database Console Management utility


Right-Click on a Alarm Locks line item and Choose Remove Alarm Lock to remove the lock on that record.

Important Note: Because the listed Alarm Locks may in fact indicate that an Operator is actively editing that Alarm History record, great care should be taken before removing an Alarm History Lock.

Close - Click the Close box x to exit the MKS Database Console Management application.