Automated Text Messages and Interactive Voice Notifications

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/11/2023

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Automated Text Messages and Interactive Voice Notifications

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/11/2023

As of MKMS v and MKMSCS v, Micro Key Solutions ("MKS") now uses the MKS Connect Service for Low Level Processing and Twilio  ( which provides cloud based SMS and IVR (Voice) communication and other automated response services

Note: MKS previously supported services using the Clickatell SMS Platform to manage your Company's Central Station Notifications but has determined that Twilio offers a more robust platform for those SMS and IVR (Voice) communications.


As of Millennium Series MKMS v and MKMSCS v or later, Micro Key uses the MKS Connect Service for these Automated System Processing (ASP), plus the Low Level Processing (LLP), and Automatic Action Procedures (AAP); and uses the Twilio ( service to remotely provide the associated cloud based SMS and IVR (Text and Voice) communication services.

MKSASP.exe and MKSLLP.exe programs are no longer used.  

The functionality of these two programs has been fully implemented using the MKS Connect Service

The Automated System Action Plans Service now uses the MKS Connect Service for the Action Plan Processing Engine to execute a specific set of predefined instructions (Action Steps) in the background - with no Operator action(s) required.


Automating the Notification process for low Priority level Alarm Signals with an SMS Text Message delivery service

In today’s digital age, everyone in business is constantly looking for easier ways of interacting with their Company's Subscribers (Customers).

SMS can reach your Company's Subscriber Contacts (Contacts (People To Call)) even when steady, reliable internet access is not available.


Operators are busy, sometimes extremely so.

Therefore, anything which reduces the tasks assigned to your Central Station Operators - while also increasing the accuracy of their Notification requirement - is a genuine benefit to your Company.

The MKS Connect Service provides the Low Level Processing service that enables an SMS Notification (contact a via cell phone text message) of low Priority level Alarm Signals to those Subscribers who have opted into this service.

This MKS Connect Service intercepts low Priority level Alarm Signals produced by SPA before a Central Station Operator would have a need to process them.


How?  The MKS Connect Service uses an alternate AlarmStackSpa table - versus the regular Alarm Stack - to store incoming alarms.

DO NOT activate this Low Level Processing Mode unless the Central Station has ordered a Twilio Account through Micro Key Solutions, and the SMS Notification Service (provided by the MKS Connect Service) has been properly installed

Otherwise, low Priority level Alarm Signals will not be Processed as expected.


The MKS Connect Service watches the alternate AlarmStackSpa table for low level Alarm Signals and transmits them as SMS messages to the Subscriber by describing the Alarm Signal (assuming they have opted-in for that service). 

Then, that Subscriber can send a text back to the MKS Connect Service indicating their desire to Cancel or execute a Dispatch for the Alarm Signal

The Subscriber can also send other commands to the MKS Connect Service (e.g., opt out, ask for help, etc.)


If the Subscriber does not respond in a timely manner, the MKS Connect Service will "time out" after a set number ( NN ) minutes.

If a "time out" condition occurs, that Alarm Signal will be moved to the regular Alarm Stack for a Central Station Operator to process in the normal manner.

The original Alarm Signal Priority level remains the same.


If the Subscriber messages back to Cancel an Alarm Signal, that Signal is deleted from the AlarmStackSpa table (previously that Alarm Signal was already placed into the Subscriber's Alarm History at the time it was received). 

The MKS Connect Service sends a Cancel confirmation Text message to the Subscriber


If the Subscriber opts to Dispatch, then that Alarm Signal is elevated by one Priority level (decremented numerically) and moved to the regular Alarm Stack for a Central Station Operator to process in the normal manner based on the adjusted Priority level.

The MKS Connect Service sends a Dispatch confirmation Text message to the Subscriber when that occurs.


Note:  The functionality of this Low Level Processing feature was formerly referred to as "Wedge" which was activated with a Check box field in the SPA -Setup - System tab

Micro Key Solutions™ now uses the MKS Connect Service for Low Level Processing and will set up your Company's connection with Twilio for these SMS and IVR (Text & Voice) communications