
This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

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This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

The Areas tab is located among the Tabs in the Subscriber Panels section below the Central Station Data Form

The Subscriber Panels section lists all of the CSIDs previously entered for this Subscriber in the Panel Info tab is selected  

Select the specific CSID for which an Area is to be defined.



Subscriber Panels section - Areas Form


Areas are defined when a Subscriber's Alarm System is divided into separate Areas - sometimes called Partitions - and each of these Areas may be Armed and Disarmed individually, and therefore Supervised individually, and/or would be protected and could be violated individually, as well.

For systems with multiple Areas (or Partitions), when separately Supervised Events are desired for a specific Area, that Area must be designated in the Area/Partition field on the Events Form.

These same systems with Areas are likewise protected separately, and so can have Alarm Signals reported by Area.


If separate Areas are defined for the Subscriber whose Alarm Signal is being displayed on the Signal Processing Form, the Areas tab will be available for selection.

Click the Areas tab, or Press Alt+A to display the Areas information for the current Subscriber on the Signal Processing Form



Signal Processing Form - Areas tab


The Areas tab on the Signal Processing Form displays four columns of data:

1.Area - This is the area number that will be transmitted with the Opening/Closing signal.

2.Description - A concise description of this system's area or partition.

3.Status - This field is automatically updated each time a supervised event is reported.

4.Last Update - The date and time are automatically updated each time a supervised event is reported.