Tech Pro II

This Help File Page was last Modified on 09/27/2021

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Tech Pro II

This Help File Page was last Modified on 09/27/2021

Your Company's Service Manager should always be looking for better ways to manage the Service Department.

That Service Manager's Wish List of the most important application features will usually look like this:

Track the Technicians' Hours more effectively

Minimize wasted travel time and missed Appointments

Prevent Service Tickets from getting lost

Eliminate - or greatly reduce - the need for direct access to a Central Station Operator (no waiting)

Put Accounts On Test, take them Off Test, and know the Zone Testing results immediately (no waiting)

Updates to Zone Descriptions and Contact information is easy to do and posts directly (no paperwork)

Instantly track of Inventory Usage and Labor Hours (no paperwork)

Have Service Tickets billed and paid immediately upon completion (no paperwork)


Tech Pro II to the rescue!  

Tech Pro II is a web based and App Store application that every Technician and Installer needs because it fully integrates with the MKMS Service Tracking System.  

Those items on the Service Manager's Wish List revolve around tracking Technicians, reducing paperwork and lost time, and making each Technician's job easier, and more automated, when appropriate.  

Plus, any wireless device (iPad, iPhone, laptop, PC, etc.) which has access to an Internet Browser will be all a Technician needs to use Tech Pro II or the Tech Pro II App.

With the Tech Pro II application, your Company's Technicians and Installers can manage every aspect of a Work Order from start to finish, providing features that improve service speed, accuracy and efficiency; while reducing paperwork and lost time.

Whether creating, dispatching, documenting, completing, invoicing and collecting (for) Work Orders - your Company can go virtually paperless by using Tech Pro II.

Work Orders may be added (or removed) from a Technicians's electronic Schedule on the fly (no call required)

The Status of each Technician can be accounted for in real time throughout the day (no paper entries)

Inventory Items that were used for a Work Order can be accounted for immediately  (no paper entries)

Labor Hours with explanatory Comments can be added as soon as work is done (no paper entries)

Updates may be made to existing Subscriber data

oZone Descriptions may be added or modified (no paper entries)

oPeople to Call contact information may be added or modified (no paper entries)

oInventory Items - previously identified on the Work Order Parts List tab - may be marked as Used, Quantities may be changed, and/or Items may be deleted as needed (no paper entries)

Once the Work Order is completed, the Work Order can be reviewed by the Subscriber, signed, Invoiced, and paid - all while still at the Subscriber's premises (no paper entries)


While using Tech Pro II, a substantial amount of your Central Station Operator's time will be saved because:

Technicians can place an Account On Test remotely, with no Operator assistance.

They can also review the Alarm History with the Result of those Tests without contacting an Operator.


Then, at the end of their day, if your Company's Technicians were using Tech Pro II, those Technicians are done!

There's No paper work to finalize and turn in, so there's no need to go back to the office!


As with all MKMS modules, to implement Tech Pro II into your daily operations requires some initial setup:

In MKMS, identify your Company's Technicians who will be using the Tech Pro II app.

Download the free Tech Pro II app on each iOS (and/or Android) based portable wireless device that your Technicians will be using.

Alternately, provide your Technicians with the correct URL so you can use Tech Pro II as a Web based application on any device with an internet connection and a Web Browser.

Use these Tech Pro II Help Files (also available as a Using Tech Pro II PDF file) to train those Technicians in how your Company actually wants this Tech Pro II app implemented.


Getting Started with Tech Pro II

If you are the Service Manager, read the Operational Overview for the Service Manager chapter.

It provides an discussion of how Technicians are Scheduled, Dispatched, Inventory is accounted for, and their Labor Hours are posted within the Service Tracking System of MKMS


Read the Using Tech Pro II chapter (and its sub-chapters) for that detailed information.

Explanations on how Work Orders are Listed, Processed, Completed, Signed for, Invoiced and Paid by using the Using Tech Pro II app.


The Tech Pro II App may be used on a smart phoned, tablet or pad: or by entering the correct URL and Login information into almost any Web Browser.



Default Tech Pro II page displayed when the application or Web Page is opened