Signal Processing Errors

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/28/2024


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Signal Processing Errors

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/28/2024


Failed Service Warning - The SPA Main Menu has a Connections status area at the bottom of the Form.  



SPA - Signal Processing Application - Main Menu


The Connections Status Icon (see the mouse pointer in the illustration immediately below) will display the Failed Service Grid



SPA - Signal Processing Application - Connection Status Icon


Click the Connections Status Icon to open the Failed Service dialog.



SPA Desktop - Failed Services dialog - accessed using the Failed Service Icon


See SPA System Menu - Options for more information.


The following CSID Zone information must be entered for the "SPA" Subscriber whose Subscriber Panel CSID is SPA.

Please read Special Subscriber, Subscriber Panel and CSID Zones for additional information.

These records define the special Signal Processing Error signals sent by the Signal Processing Application.  

The special CSID Zones that are required to be defined for the SPA Subscriber Panel are as follows:

Signal ID = A109        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Hard Lock not found

Signal ID = A110        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Hard Lock Disconnected (no response required)

Signal ID = A111        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Hard Lock Connected

Signal ID = A112        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Grace period exceeded (after hard lock not found)

Signal ID = A113        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Invalid date computer date time on the SPA computer (no response required)

Signal ID = A114        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Database Disconnected (no response required)

Signal ID = A115        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Emergency Mode Activated

Signal ID = A116        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Emergency Mode De-Activated

Signal ID = A117        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Login by user into MKMSCS

(Physical zone will show the Employee code)

Signal ID = A118        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Logout by user into MKMSCS

(Physical zone will show the Employee code)

Signal ID = A119        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Background Processor Error

This error may cause the software to not properly process the FC*, FO*, FT*,

nor to move the account out of the ‘On Test’ table,

nor to restore accounts out of the ‘On Hold’ state in the alarm-stack table,

nor to activate/deactivate relay cards.)

Signal ID = A120        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Invalid Package (in Receiver)

Signal ID = A121        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Customer Note with no response needed

Signal ID = A122        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Background Processing has been reset

Signal ID = A123        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Alarm Signal Thread has been reset

Signal ID = A124        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Shift Change timeout!

(A user has selected Shift Change, but waited more than 30 seconds to enter ID)

Signal ID = A125        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Unattended alarm pre-activation

(Physical zone is filled with employee code)

Signal ID = A126        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Unattended alarm activation

(Physical zone is filled with employee code)

Signal ID = A127        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Invalid SIA package or Unable to process SIA package

Signal ID = A128        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Temp Note Added/Modified/Deleted

Signal ID = A129        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Invalid Redirection or Self Redirected alarm.

(Alarm detail will contain the original account's CSID with Signal Identifier and Physical Zone)

Signal ID = A130        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Account canceled via Dealer Client or Millennium

Signal ID = A131        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Account set to offline

Signal ID = A132        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Account set to online

Signal ID = A133        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Immix/Sureview Connected

Signal ID = A134        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Immix/Sureview Disonnected

Signal ID = A135        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Operator Started Polling

Signal ID = A136        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Operator Stopped Polling

Signal ID = A137        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Operator Activated Manual Mode

Signal ID = A138        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Action Plan Switch to Manual Mode

Signal ID = A139        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Number of Unverified Zones

Signal ID = A140        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Stack Maintenance Performed

(Zone will be Operator's Code)

Signal ID = A141        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = System monitoring event (failed)A

Zone 1: CPU

Zone 2: Memory

Zone 3: Hard drive space

Signal ID = A142        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = System monitoring event (restored)

Zone 1: CPU

Zone 2: Memory

Zone 3: Hard drive space

Signal ID = A143        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Unresponsive process detected by SysStatus

Signal ID = A145        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Subscriber changed remotely by Dealer

Signal ID = A146        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Signal overdue 90+ seconds

Signal ID = A147        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Invalid records in Event table detected

Signal ID = A148        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = SMS/IVR subscribe

Signal ID = A149        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = SMS/IVR unsubscribe

Signal ID = A150        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Operator generated Duress

Signal ID = A151        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Signal Parsing Fails(Text2Alarm)

Signal ID = A152        Alarm Code = System Messages        OCTAR = Alarm        Description = Unacknowledged Signal Processing Notification


Note:  Alarm Code - An Alarm Condition Code must be predefined to ensure the proper processing of these SPA and Receiver CSID Zones.

MSG - System Messages