Alternate Events

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 04/04/2024

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Alternate Events

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 04/04/2024

Understanding the difference (within the Subscriber Panels Section) between the Event CSID field on the Panel Info tab and the Alt Events (Alternate Events) tab:

Event CSID - In a similar manner to the Alternate Call List CSID assignment (that identifies another Account whose Contacts (People To Call) information may be used by the current Account), another Subscriber's Events information may also be attached to this Account.  



Subscriber Panels section - Panel Info tab - Events CSID field


As illustrated above, the Event CSID is assigned to a specific Panel Info's CSID, in the Event CSID field, when appropriate.

The CSID assigned may be a "real" Account, or a fictitious Account established specifically to hold the supervised Events to be used by a group of Accounts (Restaurant Chain, affiliated Big Box Stores, Convenience Stores, etc.) all of whom are being monitored by your Company's Central Station.

The Event CSID field should identify a CSID which also has Open, Close and Other Events defined.

This Open, Close and Other Events information for the selected CSID will be associated with and used by the selected Panel Info's CSID.


Note: Holiday and Multiple Events defined for the selected Event CSID Account are not available for this Subscriber's Account.

Those type of Events must be specifically defined for each Account which requires them.


Alt Events - Click the Alt Events tab to Open the Events Form associated with the CSID selected in the Event CSID field illustrated above

This Alt Events tab will not appear unless an Event CSID has been assigned to this CSID in the Panel Info tab



Subscriber Panels section - Alt Events tab


Holiday and Multiple Events defined for the selected Event CSID Account are not available for this Subscriber's Account.  

Those type of Events must be specifically defined for each Account that requires them.


Also see the Events chapter for additional information.