❑These Recurring Revenue associated, and other special types of Revenue Related Reports will help you better understand, and therefore better manage your Company's best Asset, its Recurring Revenue.
➢Note: Many of these Recurring Revenue associated reports may be Reviewed, Saved, Exported, and/or Reprinted for any Date Range, selecting any of the available option(s), whenever needed.
Receivable Reports sub-menu - Recurring Revenue options
1.Average Recurring Revenue - A substantial portion of the value of an Alarm business is represented by its Average Monthly Recurring Revenues.
✓Tracking the Company's Recurring Revenues over time lets you see whether the Company's Recurring Revenue base is expanding or contracting.
✓We suggest this Average Recurring Revenue report be printed monthly.
2.Billing Cycles - This Billing Cycles Report will list who is billed within each of these Groups of Subscribers and for what type of Recurring Revenue(s) they are being billed.
3.Deferred Revenue - Recurring Revenue Invoices are almost never "earned", when they are "billed" because most Companies will generally bill in advance of when the next period of service begins (see the Bill In Advance option in the Billing Cycles chapter to change this setting if your Company does not want to do so).
✓Because your Company receives Payment for these Invoices - before the entire period of service that you are billing for is over - you are receiving, depositing, and spending Revenue for which you have not yet fully provided those services.
✓That Revenue would usually be considered unearned for income tax purposes.
✓Use this report to calculate the portion of this Revenue that may be deferred.
4.Earned Revenue by Month Report - Tells your Company how much of that previously Deferred Revenue has subsequently been Earned.
5.ePay Review - The ePay Review dialog's data grid provides a fully functional data grid listing with All (or a selected set) of the previously created Payment Gateway Payment Transactions, as needed, which may then be Printed as a report, and/or Exported (or Emailed) as an Excel® style Spreadsheet (or as a comma delimited file, or even a text file) which include Credit Card and Check Payments (which are stored as Receipts records), the Payment Status of each, and other related information
6.Expiring Contracts - It is up to you to contact the Subscriber to Renew their Contract, to assist in this effort, use the Expiring Contracts Report.
7.Fixed Term Recurring Revenue - The Fix Term Recurring Revenue dialog's data grid lists those Subscribers who have Fix Term Recurring Revenue record(s) defined - including those that are currently Inactive (or only still Active Fix Term Recurring Revenue records) - and shows the details of those Fix Term Recurring Revenue records - including any outstanding Balance - with this data presented as a Grid
8.Recurring Revenue Breakdown - Examines Company Recurring Revenues based on Departments and/or Billing Frequency to allow you to better manage each of these profit areas.
9.Recurring Revenue Preview - How much Recurring Revenue will be billed this month, or next month or the month after? This report provides that answer.
10.Revenue by Month & Year - Provides a long range view of your gross revenues - month over month and year over year.
11.Recurring Revenue by Type & Year - This report provides a clear, concise summary of selected Sales Category's Sales Totals for each year on record.
12.RMR Differential (Attrition Reports) - Based on the Acquisition and Attrition information explained in the Recurring Revenue: Defining Automatic Billing chapter, when an Account is acquired, and when it is lost, this report lists those Subscribers that were acquired or lost within a specified date range, and why it occurred.
13.RMR Rate Changes - The RMR Rate Changes data grid lists (based on a User Defined Date Range) When, by Whom, and by what Amount, the Rates being charged for Recurring Revenue have been changed.
14.Wholesale Collections Report - Reports what Recurring Revenue was Billed and what was Paid when your Company is billing the Alarm Dealer's Monitoring Accounts.
15.Wholesale Groups Report - sorted by Wholesale Groups - Reports the Wholesale Rate that was Paid (indicating your Company's share) from the Allocations of Receipts from Invoices that were generated for Recurring Revenues (based on the specified Date Range of those Allocated Receipts).
•On the Reports Menu:
16.Subscriber Listing - Used for many purposes but in relation to Recurring Revenues, it provides a list of Accounts that are being Monitored but do not have any Auto Bill information defined.