❑The Miscellaneous Icon on the Sub Info (F2) Form has three (3) Menu options that provide access to additional features:
Sub Info (F2) Form - Miscellaneous Icon - Menu options
1.Loss Prevention - The Loss Prevention option opens the Loss Prevention dialog where Loss Prevention Information may be Entered and/or Updated.
Loss Prevention dialog
2.Unverified Zones - The Unverified Zones dialog which is a maintenance Form that may be used to cancel all Test Status codes, or to selectively remove specific CSID Zones from a Waiting ("W") Test Status for the current CSID
✓The Unverified Zones feature and it's related Zone Test Verification Report will become available only when the VerifyZones option is set to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form.
Unverified Zones dialog
❖See the Unverified Zones and the Zone Test Verification Report chapters for complete information.