
Detail Data Grid Ribbon Menu

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Many MKMS data entry Forms have a Header, a subordinate Data Grid, and a Footer thus presenting what is essentially a three part structure:

1.A Header formatted with the purpose (e.g., Forms for an Invoice, Bill, Proposal, Purchase Order) and certain basic characteristics of that Form (e.g., Title Bar, Ribbon Menu, and fields for the creation date, control number, employee code)

2.A Data Grid with Detail Line Items containing the specific records associated with the Header part of the Form (e.g.,the actual items that were sold, items that were purchased, items being proposed, items being ordered)

3.The Footer formatted with general comments, totals for columns within the Data Grid, and the Form's Status Bar (e.g., providing creation date, created by, last update, updated by, printed, edit mode)


Often the Detail Data Grid (see #2 above) - (i.e.,  its Detail Line Items) - will also have its own dedicated Ribbon Menu, typical examples of which are shown below.


HelpFilesVendorForm-Account History Grid-RibbonMenu

Sample #1 of a Detail Data Grid's Ribbon Menu


Each Detail Data Grid's Ribbon Menu will contain its own set of Icons and none of the Detail Data Grid Ribbon Menu's will contain all of the options (Icons) listed below.



 Sample #2 of a Detail Data Grid's Ribbon Menu



Navigation Icons


Navigation Icons - These are the standard record movement options (i.e., first record, prior page of records, previous record, next record, next page of records, last record).


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardInsertClick the Insert Icon to add a new Detail Line Item record (if the Edit Mode is activated (see the Activate/Deactivate Edit Mode discussion below), this will open a Detail Line Item's Edit Form) within the Data Grid.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardDelete Click the Delete Icon to remove the currently selected Detail Line Item from the Data Grid.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSaveClick the Save Icon to record any modifications (or a new record entry) displayed in the Detail Line Item or the Edit Form within the Data Grid (Keyboard Command = Ctrl+S).


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardCancelClick the Cancel Icon to abandon any new or modified information in the Detail Line Item or the Edit Form within the Data Grid which has not yet been saved.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardReorderClick the Reorder Icon to rearrange the sequence of the Detail Line Items listed within the Data Grid.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSearchClick the Find Icon to toggle the Search, Find, Clear dialog On or Off - This option is used to locate a specific record within the Data Grid.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardRefreshClick the Refresh Icon to update the Selected record with the most recently entered data (this assures the current User - working on a Network - is editing the most up to date version available for this record).


HelpFilesEditIconClick the Edit Icon to update the Selected record


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-AdvancedItemSearchClick the Advanced Item Search Icon to display the Advanced Sale Item Look-up dialog.


HelpFilesCopyIconClick the Copy Icon to duplicate a selected record to another location (Subscriber, Panel, other record, etc.)


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-ViewItemHistoryClick the View Item History Icon to display the General Ledger Financial Transactions posted for the selected the Detail Line Item.


HelpFilesNavigationMenuPrintClick the Print Icon to display the current contents of the Grid in a Print Preview dialog


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-FilterIconClick the Filter Icon to display the Filter Builder dialog.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-PartsListIconClick the Parts List Icon to display the list of Parts (i.e., Inventory Items) identified on the Parts List tab of the associated Work Order