
Navigation Menu

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/27/2016

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Standard Navigation Menu Icons

In addition to the General Maintenance Form's Special Navigation Menu Icons (see "Special General Maintenance Form's Navigation Menu Icons" below), most other Forms will use a slightly different set of Navigation Menu Icons: which we refer to as the Standard Navigation Menu Icons




Note: Some Forms using these Standard Navigation Menus may also have additional Actions options, or have an abbreviated set of Navigation Menu Icons, each of these cases will be explained in those Form's specific chapters.




Use these options on the Standard Navigation Menu to Move from record to record or use the alternate Keyboard Commands, Add a new record, Delete a record, and display a List of the records.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardFirstClick the First Icon to move to the first record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+Home


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardPriorClick the Prior Icon to move to the record immediately before the currently displayed record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+PageUp


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardNextClick the Next Icon to move the to the record immediately after the currently displayed record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+PageDown


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardLastClick the Last Icon to move to the last record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+End


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardInsertClick the Insert Icon to clear the fields in the Record Editing section in preparation for adding information to a new record.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardDelete Click the Delete Icon to remove the current record (or identify it as a Deleted record if it has already been used in the system)


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardEditClick the Edit Icon to modify the information in the current record.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardCancelClick the Cancel Icon to abandon any new or modified information that is displayed in the Record Editing section but has not yet been saved.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSaveClick the Save Icon to record any modifications (or a new record entry) displayed in the Record Editing View.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+S


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardRefreshClick the Refresh Icon to update the Selected record with the most recently entered data (this assures the current User - working on a Network - is editing the most up to date version available for this record).


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardPrintClick the Print Icon to produce a printed copy of the information in the current record.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardSearchClick the Search Icon to open the associated Search dialog.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenu-StandardListClick the List Icon to View a tabular list (spreadsheet style) of all of the data entered in the Record Listing section of the currently displayed Form.


There is often an additional Navigation Menu located at the bottom of a Grid, a tab and/or a sub-tab which provides record movement Icons and may also have Insert, Delete, Save, Cancel, Refresh, Reorder, Search and Filter Icons.


Special General Maintenance Form's Navigation Menu Icons

The Special General Maintenance Forms and their Navigation Menu Icons provide: 1.) a Navigation Menu, 2.) a Record Editing section below it where new records may be added, and existing records edited and/or deleted.

Note: Some Forms using the General Maintenance Form's Navigation Menu may have additional options, each of which will be explained in those Form's specific chapters.



 General Maintenance Form - Navigation Menu                    


Use these options on the Navigation Menu to Move from record to record or use the alternate Keyboard Commands, Add a new record, Edit an existing record, Delete a record, and optionally to Print a record list and/or Search for a record.


HelpFilesNavigatorMenuFirstClick the First Icon to move to the first record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+Home


HelpFilesNavigationMenuPriorClick the Previous Icon to move to the record immediately before the currently displayed record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+PageUp


HelpFilesNavigationMenuNextClick the Next Icon to move the to the record immediately after the currently displayed record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+PageDown


HelpFilesNavigationMenuLastClick the Last Icon to move to the last record (alphabetically or numerically) based on the field (usually the first field) that is determining the Listing Order of the records.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+End


HelpFilesNavigationMenuNewClick the Insert Icon to clear the fields in the Record Editing section in preparation for adding information to a new record.


HelpFilesDeleteIcon Click the Delete Icon to remove the current record (or identify it as a Deleted record if it has already been used in the system)


HelpFilesNavigationMenuCancelClick the Cancel Icon to abandon any new or modified information that is displayed in the Record Editing section but has not yet been saved.


HelpFilesNavigationMenuSaveClick the Save Icon to record any modifications (or a new record entry) displayed in the Record Editing View.

Keyboard Command = Ctrl+S


HelpFilesNavigationMenuRefreshClick the Refresh Icon to populate this Form with the most current information.


HelpFilesNavigationMenuGrid-PrintIconClick the List Icon to View, and optionally Export and/or Print a report which by default, lists the data shown in this tabular (spreadsheet style) Record Listing section of the currently displayed Form.




HelpFilesNavigationMenuGrid-PrintIconList & Grid Options - When selected, the List Icon expands the Navigation Menu to include additional features including:


HelpFilesNavigationMenuExportExport - Displays a standard Windows® Save As dialog

The File Name may be specified (by default it is the Name of the Form from which the Export option was chosen).

The File Type will by default be "XLS", but "TXT - Fixed Length", and "TXT Comma Delimited (CSV)" options are available.

HelpFilesNavigationMenuPrintPrint - Displays the Print Preview dialog from which a custom Report Format of the Users Choosing may be defined.