Lock Operator

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/21/2024

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Lock Operator

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/21/2024

Lock Operator (Shift+Ctrl+D) - This option will

1)re-set all of the currently logged in Operator's Signals to Pending

2)Log that Operator out, then

3)Close the MKMSCS application.


This Lock Operator feature was implemented for those Operators monitoring remotely for a UL Central Station who might possibly be subject to a Home Invasion.

Clicking Shift+Ctrl+D will allow that (those) Operator(s) to quickly shut down the system to protect it from unauthorized access.


The Duress Lockout Form will list all Operators who have been locked out (and logged out) of MKMSCS and allow them to be Unlocked once their duress situation has been resolved.



When UL® Central Stations are using Remote Operators, and a remote Operator is subject to a Home Invasion or some other crisis that requires they abandon their station:

All signals assigned to this Operator must be placed back into the Pending Status in the Alarm Stack for other Operators to handle.


In the MKMSCS Shortcuts tab, Click the Lock Operator option (or press the key combination Shift + Ctrl + D if the option is not displayed) to show a confirmation message that asks if the system should Lock Out this Operator, set all of this Operator's signals as pending, log them out of the system, and close the MKMSCS application on this terminal.



Lock operator, set all operator's signals as pending and log out?


Even of the Lock Operator option is not displayed as it would not be in MKMS, the Ctrl+Shift+D functionality is still available and will lock out the currently Logged In User in MKMS to access to MKMSCS.


Disabling that Operator

When Yes is the response, the system will:

Set all of the Operator's signals as Pending

Terminate the application.

Enter this Operator's Name in the Duress Lockout Form



Duress Lockout Form contains the list of all Operators who have been locked out