❑The Signature page is used to identify the Name of the Subscriber's representative, and have that person acknowledge this Work Order has been completed by providing their Signature.
Tap the Signature button to access the Signature page
Tech Pro - Signature page
✓Signed By - Enter the Name of the person who is acknowledging that this Work Order (Service Ticket) has been completed.
✓Signature - Have this person sign in the Signature box.
▪Clear - If that person wants to re-do their Signature, Tap trhe Clear button and allows them to try again.
Tech Pro - Signature page - Name & Signature provided
When finished, Tap the Save button to record the name and signature.
✓This action will identify this Service Ticket as Completed.
Ticket Completed Successfully!
✓OK - Tap the OK button.
•The Home page will be displayed with the just completed Service Ticket marked as Completed.
Tech Pro - Home page - Completed message on Service Ticket entry
❑What's Next?
•For those Companies who authorize their Technicians to collect the Payment for a completed Service Ticket while on-site
✓Tap that Service Ticket Number shown on the Home page
✓Choose the Payment option
✓Collect the Payment for this Service Ticket as described in that chapter.
On the Home page, Review the List of remaining Work Orders (Service Tickets):
a)The Technician should examine the list of Scheduled Work Orders to determine their next stop for Today.
b)Tap that Service Ticket Number shown on the Home page
c)That Service Ticket - Detail page will be displayed
d)Follow the instructions in the Using Tech Pro chapter.