Search by Vendor Invoice

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/18/2024

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Search by Vendor Invoice

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/18/2024

Enter a Vendor's Invoice Number to automatically view that Bill.

The Search by Vendor Invoice option on the Payables Tab provides a Search function for locating and opening a Bill Form (and the associated Vendor Form) for a User Specified Purchase Order Number



Enter the Vendor Invoice # to be located and viewed

Click the OK button.



Vendor Invoice Search dialog


The Bill Form will be displayed for the selected Invoice Number along with the associated Vendors Form.



Search Invoice function displays the requested Bill and related Vendor Forms


Other Features of the Search by Vendor Invoice process:

More than one Vendor may have used the same Invoice Number and/or you may not remember (or have available) the specific Invoice Number you want to view.

This is particularly true if you enter a partial Invoice Number (because you can't remember the complete number or want to use this shortcut) for your Search by Vendor Invoice.




If the (partial) Invoice Number you entered occurs more than once - anywhere within an Invoice Number - a special Vendor Bill / Invoice Search Form will be displayed.



Vendor Bill / Invoice Search dialog


To make your final selection, Double-Click on the appropriate record.



  Double-Click to Select the desired Invoice Number


Only that Bills Form will be displayed for the selected Invoice Number.



Vendor Bill / Search Invoice function only displays the selected Bill