
This Help File Page was initially issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/30/2024

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This Help File Page was initially issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/30/2024

Welcome to the Micro Key Millennium Series 5.1.35.XXXX STARK!


We believe this comprehensive software suite is the finest, most comprehensive Alarm Company Management and Central Station Monitoring Software Solution available today.  

Whether you've purchased our whole suite of program modules, or are just starting with one or two modules, you'll find that these Help Files are comprehensive

They will provide the "Why" information - as well as the "How" information - that you'll need to be successful.  




Because of the application's modular design, you will be able to implement whatever features you need - as you need them - and then let the system grow by implementing additional modules (and features) as your Company's operational requirements grow.



STARK - About box - Version tab



    STARK - About box - Modules tab


What's My First Step

Read about Using the Help Files and then study the Getting Started Chapter Topics.  

This will create the foundation that you'll need to proceed further.  

There are decisions that must be made as you begin to implement the Micro Key Millennium Series applications ("MKMS") that will affect much of what you'll be doing later.

The need for, and purpose of these decisions will be explained in the Chapter Topics that follow.

Take your time.

Be thorough and accurate when doing your data entry.  


Build the base set of data carefully!  

Remember the "G.I.G.O." warning that you've heard so many times before: "Garbage In = Garbage Out".  

It's usually the cause of most every problem you may encounter later.  

To avoid those potential pitfalls, carefully review what you enter during this start-up phase, and perhaps have others do the same for you.  

It will pay big dividends later as you actually start using the Micro Key Millennium Series applications.


Implementation Tips

Stop - Read - Plan - Do it Once

This is a complex and comprehensive set of software applications which - once each is installed correctly - will provide you the functionality need, and an easy to use, reliable and efficient interface.

It was designed from the start with this type of step-by-step implementation process in mind.  

You will discover there are more features in each module than you thought, and that most - but perhaps not all - will be essential to the operation of your business.

Each set of features is explained with the goal of defining its purpose, what must be done to start using it, and what operational benefit it will provide.  

You may not choose to use, or even need, every feature in every module.  That's OK.  

Most functionality is "stand-alone" in character and as such allows you to selectively implement whatever you want initially, then come back and start using more of those features later.


One at a Time

We suggest that you (or the appropriate designee) implement only one module at a time.  

If you will have multiple users ultimately responsible for performing different functions, more than one person may be starting their module simultaneously.  

That is OK - as long as each module's start-up procedures are supervised by one individual who is "in charge" of its successful implementation, starting multiple modules at the same time will work.  

By doing so (e.g., always having one person "in charge" of implementing each module), you will avoid the "I thought you were doing that" issue that sometimes arises when venturing into any new multi-function software application.


Use The Help

We ask that you take your time as you start each module.

Use these Help Files as your guide.  

Read and complete the Getting Started tasks.

These general Start-Up tasks provide the basic set-up instructions for your system.

Specific Start-Up tasks are also outlined for each individual module you will be using.  

If you are reading this as part of implementing a major Upgrade, review (as appropriate):

Version 5.1.35.XXXX New Features

Version 5.1.34.X New Features if your upgrading from a version prior to 5.1.34.X

Version 5.1.33.X New Features if your upgrading from a version prior to 5.1.33.X

Finally, please keep in mind that it is easier to do it correctly once, rather then twice (once wrong and then once right).  


Note: The procedures within this Electronic Manual that reference the Third Edition UL® 1981 Standard are those dated on or before April 29, 2016.


Third Party Applications

MKMS and MKMSCS provides access to many third party software applications - particularly Microsoft® products like Outlook®, Word®, and Excel®; and many Printer or Scanner manufacturer's dedicated software.

Because Micro Key Solutions has no ability to control changes, anomalies and upgrades issued by those software providers, Micro Key cannot ultimately be responsible for the proper performance of those third party products and applications.

Micro Key will work with our Users to try to determine the cause of any failures or anomalies associated with those third party software products, but cannot guarantee they will continue to function in the same way as was initially implemented before those changes, anomalies and upgrades were issued by any of those third party software application providers.