
Closing the Sale in MKSales

This Help File Page was last Modified on 08/25/2017

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Closing the Sale: When a Proposal is accepted by a Prospect (or Subscriber), a copy of it may be emailed, signed by the Prospect, a payment received and all of these posted.

When a Proposal is accepted, locate that Proposal in the Proposals List page and:

Tap that Prospect line to display the Proposal Details page for that Proposal.



MKSales Application - Proposal Details page


Slide the page up to show the bottom of the Proposal Details page.



MKSales Application - Proposal Details page bottom


Options available for finalizing a Proposal:

E-Contract - If an E-Contract has been made available for the Salesperson in Settings, Tap the    E-Contact    button to display that document.

Save - To record any last minute changes, Tap the    Save    button at the bottom of the Proposal Details page.

Email - To Email a copy of this Proposal to the Prospect (Subscriber), Tap the    Email    button

An Email dialog will be displayed with the email address previously entered in the Edit View for the Prospect (Subscriber)


MKSales Application - ProspectEditView-EmailAddress

Prospect Form - Edit View - Email address


The Subject line will be filled in with the Proposal ID Number, Date  & Time is was sent.

The Proposal will be attached as a PDF file.


Additional comments may be added to the body of the Email, as desired,

Tap Send


MKSales Application - Proposal Details-Email

MKSales Application - Proposal Email page


PDF copy of the Emailed Proposal - An example of the Proposal attached to the Email as a PDF file is shown below


MKSales Application - Proposal Details-EmailedAsPDF

MKSales Application - Proposal PDF



On the Proposal Details page

Sign & Submit - Tap the   Sign & Submit   button to start the finalization process and the Check List For Print dialog will be displayed

Check List For Print - Tap the items that are to be included in the document representing the final Proposal.



MKSales Application - Proposal Details page - Check List For Print


Next - Tap the   Next   button to view this finalized Proposal.


Proposal Preview - The Proposal Preview page is displayed


MKSales Application - Proposal Details-Preview-WithSignature

MKSales Application - Proposal  Preview page - Signature box circled


Please Print Name Here - Tap this field and the keyboard will be presented.  

The Prospect should type the Name corresponding the the Digital Signal (see below) they will be entering.


Date Approved - This Date ("Today") is inserted by the system.


Digital Signature - Tap the Digital Signature box to open the Signature Acquisition page


MKSales Application - ProposalPreview-Signature

MKSales Application - Proposal Preview page - Signature Acquisition box



Done - Once the Prospect (or Subscriber) has signed (this is a finger tip process) the Signature Acquisition box, Tap Done.

Email - The Accepted Proposal will be automatically Emailed to the Prospect.

The Subject line will be filled in with the Proposal ID Number, Date  & Time is was sent.

The Proposal will be attached as a PDF file.

Additional information may be entered manually in the body of the Email.

Tap Send

The Proposal Preview page will be displayed.


Submit Proposal - Tap the    Submit Proposal    button at the top of the Proposal Preview page.


MKSales Application - ProposalPreview-SubmittedSuccessfully

MKSales Application - Proposal Preview page - Proposal Submitted Successfully


A confirmation message will be displayed if it was submitted successfully, or an Alert message will be displayed if was not.

Tap the OK button.

The Proposal Preview page is re-displayed


Left Arrow - Tap the left arrow on the Proposal Preview page to return to the Proposal Details page.


Payment Accepted - Record any Deposit that was collected:




Payment Accepted - Tap this option to confirm the receipt of the Deposit Amount.

Paid Amount - Enter the Amount that was accepted as a Deposit on the Proposal.

Mandatory Amount - In some cases, the system may display the required Mandatory Deposit Amount .


Return to the Proposal List page.

Once the Proposal has been accepted by the Prospect (or Subscriber), Tap the left arrow on the Proposal Details page to return to the Proposal List page.



MKSales Application - Proposal List page - Proposal Type = Pending


The Proposal will still be listed as Pending (Type = P) until the Sales Manager has accepted it using the New Account Approval Form in MKMS.



MKMS - New Account Approval Form - Set Status to Accepted


The Status of the Proposal must be reset to Accepted on the New Account Approval Form in MKMS.

When the Proposal was for a Prospect, the Prospect must be Converted to a Subscriber before Pending (Type = P) is changed to Sold  (Type = S). on the Proposal List page.



MKSales Application - Proposal List page - Proposal Type = Sold


Once successfully accepted (and converted, if necessary), the Proposal will be listed as Sold  (Type = S) on the Proposal List page.