
This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/27/2024

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This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/27/2024

This Window section and its associated Options is located within the Actions tab on the MKMSCS Desktop and provides:



Window Options


Organize - These three options allow you to reposition all of the open Forms on the MKMSCS Desktop.

Cascade - Select this option to rearrange all of the open Forms into an orderly "cascade" of windows.



Cascaded Forms on the MKMS Desktop


Close All - Select this option to Close all of the open Forms currently displayed on the MKMSCS Desktop.

To access any of these Forms again you must select them from one of the menus.

If a Signal Processing Form is on screen, that Form cannot be closed using this Close All function.


Minimize All - Select this option to just Minimize the Forms currently displayed on the MKMSCS Desktop.

To access any of these Forms again you will simply need to Click the Maximize (see mouse pointer) or the Restore Up box.

If a Signal Processing Form is on screen, that Form cannot be closed using this Minimize All function.


Tile - These two options allow you to reset the position of all of the open Forms on the MKMSCS Desktop.

Horizontally - Select this option to relocate and Align all of the open Forms to the left side of the MKMSCS Desktop.

If more than three Forms are open, the first two will be placed along the left side, the remainder aligned horizontally beside the first two.

Vertically - Select this option to relocate and Align all of the open Forms along the top of the MKMSCS Desktop.

If more than three Forms are open, the first two will be placed across the top, then stack them vertically beneath the first two.