Dealer Module General Tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 12/07/2012

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Dealer Module General Tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 12/07/2012

General information tab - This Dealer Module Client Connection General tab displays the basic Location and Contact information for the cSelected Subscriber along with the Technician's User Name, and the computer's Time and Date settings.

The Technicians - permitted to access the Dealer Module Client Connection application - must first be identified in the Dealer User Maintenance Form (see the Defining Dealer Access Module Users chapter for more information) which will also specify which specific forms may be viewed within the Dealer Module Client Connection application.


General Information tab on the Dealer Access module's Dealer User connection


Save - The Save < Icon allows the Technician to save changes made to the data on this screen.

Based on the Rights granted in the Dealer User Maintenance Form, the Technicians may edit this form, as needed.

Once information is edited, the Technician must Click the Save < Icon.

Search - The Search Icon HelpFilesSearchIcon lets the Technician Locate and then Select a different Subscriber.


Cancel Account - The Cancel Account Icon HelpFilesMKMSDLRCCancelAccountIcon permits the cancellation of an Account, after Confirmation.



Confirm this action


Call - Automatically Dial the Primary Telephone Number of the currently selected Subscriber.