Call List / Call List Entry Page

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/24/2017

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Call List / Call List Entry Page

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/24/2017

This Call List / Call List Entry (titled Contacts) page lists the People To Call which were defined for the Subscriber associated with this Service Ticket.

HelpFilesTechPro-DetailPage3BarMenuIcon On the Service Ticket page, Tap the 3 Bar Menu Icon (see hand pointer in illustration), then Tap the Call List / Call List Entry option to display the Contacts page.


The People To Call for the Subscriber associated with this Service Ticket are listed with the following information.



Tech Pro app - Service Ticket - Contacts page


Name - The Name of this Contact.

User# - The User # assigned to this Contact in the Central Station tab of the People To Call Form within MKMS.

Keys - "T" indicates True (this Contact does have keys to the Premises) and "F" indicates False (No keys).

Telephone Number(s) - Contact Telephone numbers listed in the order they were entered in the entered in the People To Call Form within MKMS.

Tap a Telephone Number to

a)Call this Contact if your device is a Cellular Phone, or

b)Text this Contact if your device only has the ability to Text.


Options on the Call List / Call List Entry (titled Contacts) page


HelpFilesTechPro-CallLIstEntryPage-AddContactButton To add a new Contact, Tap the Edit button to display the Add Contact page



Tech Pro app - Service Ticket - Call List / Cal;l List Entry - Add Contact page



CSID - CSID associated with this Service Ticket

Name - Enter the Name of the Contact

User Number - Enter the User # of the Contact

Passcode - Enter the Password for the Contact

Email - Enter the Email address of the Contact

Phone - There is space available to add up to three telephone numbers for this Contact



Tech Pro app - Service Ticket - Call List / Cal;l List Entry - Add Contact page - Phone Types


Tap the Down Arrow to see a list of the Phone Types.

Tap the appropriate one.

Then, enter the Telephone Number.

HelpFilesTechPro-CallLIstEntry-AddContactPageTrueFalseTap True if this Contact has Keys to the Premises, or False if they do not.


HelpFilesTechPro-SaveButton Tap the Save button and Tap the OK button to complete the entry.

The Add Contact page will close.

The new Contact will be added to the Contacts page


HelpFilesTechPro-ZonesPage-EditButton Tap the Edit button to display the Edit Contact page



Tech Pro app - Service Ticket - Call List / Cal;l List Entry - Edit Contact page


CSID - CSID associated with this Service Ticket

Name - The Name of the Contact (which may be modified, if appropriate).

User Number - The USER # of the Contact (which may be modified, if appropriate).

Passcode - The Password for the Contact (which may be modified, if appropriate).

Email - The Email address of the Contact (which may be modified, if appropriate).

Phone - There is space available to add or modify up to three telephone numbers for this Contact (each of which may be modified, if appropriate).



Tech Pro app - Service Ticket - Call List / Cal;l List Entry - Edit Contact page - Phone Types


Tap the Down Arrow to see a list of the Phone Types.

Tap the appropriate one.

Then, enter the Telephone Number.

HelpFilesTechPro-CallLIstEntry-AddContactPageTrueFalseTap True if this Contact has Keys to the Premises, or False if they do not.


HelpFilesTechPro-SaveButton Tap the Save button and Tap the OK button to complete the entry.

The Edit Contact page will close.

The revised Contact will be inserted into the Contacts page


Delete - To completely remove this Contact, Tap the   Delete   bar.


HelpFilesTechPro-DetailPage3BarMenuIcon Tap the 3 Bar Menu Icon and Tap the (next) required Menu option.