❑Automatic Formatting of Telephone Numbers:
•If you did not Check Remove Phone Formatting? in the Company Options tab on the User Options Form (to allow free-form telephone number entries), during the normal data entry process, the telephone numbers are automatically formatted.
•Telephone Number Formatting Concepts - parentheses and dashes - are applied automatically by the system - you do not have to type them:
✓If no area code is needed, you enter the telephone number (it cannot start with a 1) and the system will insert the dash at the appropriate place, automatically.
✓If you have 10 digit dialing where no "1"prefix is needed, but you do need to dial an area code as part of the telephone number:
▪Press the <Space Bar> first.
▪Then enter the three digit area code.
▪Finally enter the seven digit telephone number.
▪Correct formatting will occur automatically - including the parentheses and a dash - you just need to type the numbers.
✓Long distance numbers (with a "1" prefix) are entered as such with the parentheses and dash applied automatically in the appropriate places as you type in just the numbers (typing 18004510040 will result in 1(800)451-0040 being entered in the phone number field).
❑Entering Telephone Numbers Manually in the certain Forms:
•The specific Data Entry Form's instructions will indicate when you must manually format a telephone number.
•Filling in the Telephone Number information in a Form that requires manual formatting is different - No automatic formatting is applied
•Enter the Telephone Number. You must format the numbers correctly.
✓So, if there was no Area Code, you must enter "nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the designated Telephone Number field.
✓If there is an Area Code now, one of two cases exist:
1.A '1' prefix is not required: " (nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a space, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the designated Telephone Number field.
2.A '1' prefix is required: "1(nnn)nnn-nnnn" [Specifically that means to enter a 1, then a parenthesis, then the three numbers of the area code, and then the second parenthesis, then three numbers, a dash, and the final four numbers] in the designated Telephone Number field.