❑Select the CS Users option - available using the Actions Icon of the Actions Tab - to view the Signal Processing Users Form.
•Processing - Click the Processing tab on the Signal Processing Users Form to view a list of
✓The active Signal Processing Users, along with the Alarms Groups to which she/he is assigned, and
✓The Operator Skills they have acquired and the Active Group(s) to which this Operator is actually Logged Into and available to process.
Signal Processing Users who are currently in Processing
•Not Processing - Click the Not Processing tab on the Signal Processing Users Form to view the inactive Signal Processing Users, along with the Alarms Groups to which she/he is assigned and the Operator Skills that were acquired.
Signal Processing Users who are not Processing Alarm Signals
•Refresh - Click the Refresh button to get the most current listing of Active and Inactive Processing Operators.
•Close - Click Close box to return to the MKMSCS Desktop.