Verify Address

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/15/2022

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Verify Address

This Help File Page was last Modified on 05/15/2022

The Verify Address option will execute an Address Validation process - that will be performed by the United States Postal Service ("USPS") - for the currently selected Subscriber.

This process requires that your Company registers for this service from the USPS.

To access the Verify Address feature:

Open the Subscribers Form.

Retrieve (F2 Search) the appropriate Subscriber record.

Select the Edit View option on the Subscriber Form

Choose the Subscriber tab.


Using the Address Verification feature:

Enter the Subscriber's Name and Address within the Edit View of the Subscribers Form

Click the Save Icon on the Edit View Menu to record the information



Edit View - Subscriber Tab - Ribbon Menu - Verify Address Icon


Click the Verify Address option on the Ribbon Menu.of the Subscriber tab

After a short pause, a Confirm box will be displayed with the suggested (revised, as needed) Address information



USPS suggested address


Yes - Click Yes to update the Subscriber's Address as presented

Once updated, the Verified box within the Edit View of the Subscribers Form will by Checked

No - Click No to ignore this information


To implement this Verify Address feature your Company must register with the United States Postal Service ("USPS").

To do so, open a Web Browser and go to the site.




Register Now - Click on this option and enter the requested Registration for USPS Web Tools information for their APIs.



Registration for USPS Web Tools screen


Submit - When completed, Click the Submit option.

Once this information is submitted, you will receive am Email with your Company's unique Web Tools User ID.


Add/Update the Verify Address information in MKMS:

1.Sign up for this Service as described above.

2.In Company Setting:

a.Update these USPSUSERID setting with the appropriate information

b.Verify the USPSURL setting

c.USPS_Active must also be set to True ("T").



Company Settings - USPS options - USPSUSERID and USPSURL